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The War of Thalmarkin... Supremacy?

Started by Lorgan, June 06, 2014, 07:19:47 PM

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Personal OOC attacks aren't okay.

Sometimes someone just wants to roleplay a mean !@#$%^& though (That's me):

Roleplay from Red Marlboro   (just in)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (40 recipients)
"Surely no one has more love for Sartanists than I," Margrave Red shouted, kicking a child into a bonfire.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: Noldorin on August 31, 2014, 08:15:18 PM

There's a difference in breaking treaties and signing treaties for the sole prupose of breaking them weeks later. I think.

Most of the alliances and diploacies was made during theth alliance. What happened then sticked on. Enweil died because they lied at the begining of the th invasion and pretended it didnt know where the assault would occur. You personally is at guilt for Enweils death (If you were the ruler, dont remember).

Melhed forced us piece by piece. The aggressed US, every single time. What would we do? Let them go on? We see where that leads. Now there is only total destruction left to choose from, or possibly let them live in someone elses lands (and Israel is a great example of how great that works out!).

Im not sure what you are meaning, and its not really ooc-meant, but would you disagree that Maya is a liar and has been acting bitchy? I mean seriously, she has really lied in every single letter to Outo, Marzo and Fingolfin for the last  1-2 months.

If you are gonna go down that road you must accept reprecussions.

1) The post-invasion and pre-invasion politics were the same. The alliances of before the invasion returned to pretty much the same when the invasion ended, with Enweil/Fronen vs neighbors, as always.

2) I didn't lie, I actually didn't have eyes beyond my tiny realm's borders (which was IVF, by the way, not Enweil). I did not know where the daimons went. That was also not at the beginning of the invasion. I also wasn't consulted on this move, and repeatedly told everyone not to send troops there. What happened to Fwuvoghor wasn't my fault, it was everyone else's. I wasn't asked if I needed help and I was ignored when I said I didn't. I did not even know any armies were coming until they arrived, because when I had said the daimons were attacking me, everyone called me a liar. Why on earth should I have expected foreigners to come fight the very menace they denied existed? And how could you seriously expect me to know where the daimons were going?

3) I was the first one to call for humanity to band up against the daimons. I was calling for it weeks before it happened. Riombara's last strike against Enweil happened when it was clear the daimons were coming in full force. Enweil then accepted a very humiliating treaty to get peace with Riombara, and I had to go live there. A treaty which they decided to break when they found out I was leaking information (which I wasn't forbidden to do so by the treaty... I mean, really, did they expect me to stop acting as a consultant for Enweil's new ruler?).

4) It's a nice claim, but it's not true. Nothoi is among the last places I'd have expected for support. Enweil and Nothoi never got along, often fought each other. I had declared war on them and looted them not long before the invasion, too. When IVF died, one of my characters went there to start anew, and they executed him. They both also fought together against Enweil in the past, and Nothoi was perhaps the ones with the most animosities towards Enweil for most of their history. Yet, when Rio came to destroy Enweil, they changed their mind. If Nothoi could do this, why couldn't Thalmarkin? Riombara broke a treaty for the umpteenth time with no provocation at all from Enweil, who had just been continuously asking for peace for ages.

Again, no one says Thalmarkin should have done differently. But they could have. If either realm deaths or treaty breaking was so bothersome for you, either would have been reason enough to act. But it wasn't convenient for you, so you didn't. Others, who had just as little reason as you to support Enweil, decided to fight its destruction. These were choices. Nothoi wasn't forced to oppose Riombara, just as Thalmarkin wasn't forced to ignore it.

As for Melhed, people have repeatedly stated that they did not expect to break it so soon, not believing Rio's armies would come to help them. And so what if they betray you again? The point is not to have permanent allies, these don't exist. The point is to benefit from the peace while it lasts. Are you really so unimaginative that I need to spell out alternatives to further land grabs for a new treaty?

Stop OOC complaining about their behavior, and others' reactions to it. The way they play is no less legitimate than yours.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Hey Cheney, maybe writing several giant effortposts every single page about a war you're not in any way involved in is not helping the atmosphere of the thread.

Something to consider.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


As I've explained already, Melhed signed the treaty because they had to. We had no alternative.

Then we started planning for expansion in the rogue regions in the south as a way to find new land - we even negotiated with Thalmarkin to try and work out a joint scheme for the expansion.

Then Riombara, after having betrayed Melhed to Thalmarkin when Pavel was trying to build a coalition against Fingolfin, suddenly decided to go to war in the name of "sovereignty" after discovering that, amazingly, Melhed had only agreed to recognise the King of Kings because they had no other choice.

That stirred things up in Melhed, especially when Thalmarkin demanded that Melhed get ready for war against the south at the same time. So naturally you then had arguments over which side we should join while Maya tried to play for time as much as possible, partly because of pro-southern plots against her.

Eventually it got to the point where the leaders of the south were ignoring Maya's letters and Riombara seemed to be doing nothing. We were just about to throw our lot in with the north when Riombara's general replied to an ultimatum Immanuel had sent him and announced that his army was two days away from Melhed and that the realm itself was just about to finish voting to go to war.

So suddenly Melhed had the option of joining the north and maybe picking up a few more regions from Fronen (which would almost certainly have meant killing a former ally) or joining forces with a massive Riombaran army to try and retake their old capital, their independence and their pride.

It was a no brainer, obviously.

But I don't think any of us could have predicted it until it happened.


Moderator note: This thread isn't going anywhere that could be vaguely construed as "good". Locking it. I suggest having a long think before starting another one on this war.