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Recovery Bug on Stable

Started by Jinsyn, May 28, 2011, 09:31:13 PM

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Bug 0005940: losing hours while recovering was supposed to have been fixed in revision 5410. However, the fix seems to not have been carried over into stable, as it has happened again to one of my characters on the Far East.


Are you sure it was the exact same problem in all the circumstances?  You are supposed to lose hours while recovering, just not as extreme as that bug suggests.
The above is accurate 25% of the time, truthful 50% of the time, and facetious 100% of the time.


My character was in Region A with 6 hours after being lightly wounded. I moved to Region B, which had a travel time of 7 hours. I saved 2 hours, which means that I should have 1 hour plus (6 usual - 2 normal loss) hours in my pool upon arrival, for a total of 5 hours. I only had the 1 hour that I saved remaining in my pool, which means that I gained 0 hours over turn change.

Also, status messages did not match, as previously stated in the bug notes:

  • Status on userdata.php said lightly wounded
  • Status bar at bottom next to character name said (lightly wounded)
  • Status on character page said (recovering)
  • Status on global character list said light
  • I forget what status on realm character list said

The following turn, I gained the expected 4 hours for a total of 5 hours in pool. Now, all status locations except for army page show recovering.