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Messages "from today" should start at sunrise.

Started by Vaylon Kenadell, May 27, 2011, 03:06:27 AM

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Vaylon Kenadell

Currently, it's possible to select to read messages "from today" and have it come up completely blank. Apparently, this is because "from today" means from a certain server time rather than from the in-game perspective of time.

I propose that checking messages "from today" should check everything from sunrise on and start over at the next sunrise. Similarly, "from yesterday" should check everything from the previous sunrise on.


The current implementation is easier coding for a variety of reasons, but there's a new feature (only on testing but soon to be ported) that allows much finer message searching.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"


Don't know much about the coding difficulty, but I would like to see this idea implemented. Would make much more sense in game terms and be far more useful.


I, too, would like the day to start at dawn, rather than midnight.