Author Topic: Player of Atanamirs account lock.  (Read 38659 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Player of Atanamirs account lock.
« Reply #90: June 26, 2014, 09:31:12 AM »
Uhm. He did what a good King does. These OOC cheaters were ruining the game! I myself would have banned them so others have a good experience. Note that later the titans did lock some of them. Seriously, these guys were ruining our fun. And now Anaris says we should let cheaters play and shut up? If the titans cant handle the workload, then get more titans. Seriously man?

Loot at BM description: "we dislike cheaters and abusers, and players and GameMasters cooperate on removing them."

If the Titans, at the time, decide that they have insufficient evidence to act on, it isn't a ruler's place to take matters into his own hands.

So no, he didn't do what a good King does. The Titans are not his personal enforcement branch, and his word alone isn't sufficient evidence to prove multi cheating.

As for the Dobromic incident, don't even go there. Seriously, don't. I don't even know what you people mean by "suspicious", particularly when the characters aren't in your own realm. You can't possibly know login times, you can't possibly know players' motivations, and failing that I'm lost as to what "suspicious behavior" could possibly entail. If you think something if fishy, you report them and the Titans will find the evidence if there is any to be found.