Author Topic: Player of Atanamirs account lock.  (Read 39903 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: Player of Atanamirs account lock.
« Reply #90: June 26, 2014, 02:21:43 PM »
I remember more than a year ago, exactly on June 10, 2013, at 20:07, I had just started playing battlemaster and used to go on the irc regularly. By then I had convinced 5 people to start playing the game with me (although I had just been playing for a week or so). All of us joined Barca, and everyone just made second characters randomly (if they did at all).

Anyhow, I was a total noob and at the time still hung around on irc to ask questions about the game. Atanamir started talking to me in private and told me on irc (never talked to him before) warning me that he would file a report against all of the new Barca players because apparantly two of the  new players of Barca had joined Caligus ( a realm he was at war with ), first he told me they would only be losing time there (because Caligus would lose anyway) and I should tell them to leave, I told him I didn't control what they did, so then he told me this was clannish and bannable. He told me he'd played BM for nine years and  he would report us if more players joined because it would destabilize Caligus. I told him I would tell the other guys, but no assurances since for my part, they can do whatever they want, and I was asking other people on irc at the same time if it was bannable and they assured me it wasn't, after which he told me it would be ok for us all to join a realm in Atamara (Darka) since there are more players there and it would not destabilize the realm.

After that I stopped using irc quickly. As I kept playing and knew more about the game I was not very surprised to see Atanamir getting into one OOC argument after another, this only of the few that boiled over onto the forums.

I warned the other guys, that I had convinced to play, about this conversation, and they all reacted similarly, it was quite obvious he was trying to intimidate them in leaving by threatening to ban them because he was at war with that realm. Very low in my opinion considering he knew we were all new and didn't know the exact rules. I haven't brought it up since, but it's definitely one of the most messed up things I've encountered playing Battlemaster.