Author Topic: An Open Letter to the BM Community  (Read 12641 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: An Open Letter to the BM Community
« Topic Start: June 26, 2014, 11:32:16 AM »
Apologize if my post too long. I feel I need to contribute to this topic.

1) My Introduction
First, let me introduce myself. I played as Ketchum family on a few islands like East Continent(EC), Colonies, Atamara, Far East Island. Due to my playfulness, I avoid Dwilight due to what they called SMA(Serious Medieval Atmosphere) and the description kind of scaring me away. I guess that SMA label is a bit intimidating for me for now still. As I am more of the light and funnier side players and not so heavily into Roleplays which SMA seems to be about, some players do encourage me to go and experience Dwilight island.

2) My part as member of the BM community
Probably due to my playfulness, I tend to create Roleplays and include other into them as well if they like to. Also partly due to my job of training people in my work line, I took up Mentor class regularly in almost all my characters. One of my most memorable experiences is having mentoring many new players, which give me a lot of pleasure of watching them growing up their characters. One such new player did not want to embrace the realm sanctioned religion, he instead devoted himself to pray to the tree and hug the tree. I have been suggesting on forum for quite sometime about having more perks and benefits for Mentor so that the older players can give back something to the BM community; The older players understand the game mechanic much better than the rest, and if we give them some ways to teach, train, guide and nurture the newer players besides the newbie tutorials, it gives some incentive and encouragement to older players. Most older players went through growing up period, some of us become parents in our own right and teaching our kids along the way. I also try my best to include as many players into my schemes as well, lot of conflicts, sharing of information that not regularly share out by Rulers, Military Leaders to normal Knights and Region Lords. As Rulers and Region Lords, I try to promote my knights and my nobles to become Region Lords, and taking more responsibilities as long as they can. I willing to guide them and teach all I know about Battlemaster knowledge, mechanic to them. There have been instances where I even take a step back to become normal Knight when I feel my busy Real Life catching up with me or when I feel there are more worthy candidates for the leaderships than me. I not sure why but somehow I end up climbing the leadership ladders, probably due to my knowledge and my letters.

3) My characters and whether they reflect my player in any way
And if I wish to share more, there are some evil sides to my character, as not all characters can be perfect. Jaron is probably the only one player who can guess my actions correctly as I talked with him about Battlemaster outside the game. Both of us are from same country, Malaysia, which is most likely why we both able to talk easily due to same culture. Though we do our own ways of course, he has his own style, as do I. If truth be known, one of my characters somehow shaped an island landscape to what it is today. I cannot share much here what evil my character has done, as some of them are still ongoing. Jaron, I am still not evil enough  :P
I do enjoy playing with the rest of you. Who can forget Hendrix family and Jaron family just to name a few.

4) My first day, week, month, year in Battlemaster
Ah, the new player experience that we all should remember and recall, thus sharing and helping the new players on their first journeys to a lifetime of playing the game. I recalled starting my first character Ash in Oritolon realm on Colonies island. At that time it was war between Oritolon realm and Alowca realm, which almost settled down. As the war completed with demise of Alowca realm, I became the Region Maintenance Master, Courtier class, then Mentor, then slowly rose up from a normal Knight to Region Steward, then Region Lord when the lord went missing. In fact, I would stress that Region Steward and the amount of Region Maintenance Master made me understand few unknown game mechanic, especially to a new player like myself back then. I learn and appreciate Civil Work, Policework, Survey Admin. Then I moved to learn to manage food in a region warehouse as a Region Steward, which later influenced me greatly to give every new players characters Region Steward role and taught them everything I know about food and trade management stuff. Some new players are keen to get involve straight away in region affairs, especially in time of peace and no war. This gives them something to do, as they ask questions and we give answers to them, providing that much missing interaction between players/characters. I think our game should emphasize on this part if we wish to improve further. You will be surprise to know that Region Steward can be enjoyable experience for some players, as much as Mentor does(Although in game there is no title as Region Steward when you send out your message as Steward).
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)