Author Topic: Region Productivity Boost for Tournament Participants  (Read 3365 times)


  • Noble Lord
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The world cup is what made me think of the productivity boost actually. I live in a small town (Dorf) in Germany right now and the local "Stüble" (little tavern), which is usually close to dead, is packed on every game night. Germans are all buying flags and hub caps and jerseys and the like to show their support for Germany.

I imagine that a region who cares for it's nobility would likely also show such camaraderie and support.  Buying little pennants in their knights or lords colors, spending some of the coins they have been hiding from tax collectors at the local inn as they chat about the odds, the competitors, any new news and the like. I honestly bet that most countries (outside of the US) see a bit of an economic boost whenever the Would Cup comes arround and tournaments are the closest things BM has to this.