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Reclaiming a name

Started by Haerthorne, July 01, 2014, 06:07:33 PM

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Some small backstory. I'm linking the Haerthorne and Ademar family as Marche and his brothers being descended from Aerywyn Haerthorne (first character) via his son Caim, who died in disgrace and whose wife remarried, taking her new husbands name and passing it onto her young children.

Roleplay from Marche Ademar   (just sent)
Message sent to everyone in the region Ipsosez (61 recipients)
Atop the head of the column of soldiers the enormous banner of the Arcaean Empire flew, larger than any banner Marche had ever seen before. It had been kept largely furled for the duration of the march until the army was sure that the enemy would soon see it, and upon a command from either the Emperor or one of his cohorts it was let loose, a myriad of crests trailing in the wind above the soldiers, emblazoned at the base of the six-man tall symbol of the empire herself, the blue and blazing gold of the Pheonix Crown. For a while he walked in awe, trying to guess at all the different houses and lands which were signified as loyal by their presence on that banner, almost failing to notice the ancient fortress of Ipsosez itself baring the remains of its legendary glory forth from the shattered basalt walls of the mountains.

Neither did it fail to impress him, but he drew up a stern face to not seem boyish or naive. Though he was young all of this did not bow him low but bore up even stronger the knowledge that he would have that this was a world which he would only deserve if he could match these sights with his own spiritual fortitude.

The fortress of Ipsosez blazed in the evening sun like mottled, burnished clay, seeming to appear on fire. Though many of its walls were crumbling and the defences were a far cry from what they must of been in the days of Svunnetland, they still endured with some majesty and demanded respect. The whole experience was doing something to him, ever since he had passed through Topenah and seen the situation there, read the records of his grandfather...

When the lines of Arcaea, Coralynth, Sorraine and Zonasa arranged themselves before the walls the army sounded like they were being sucked into a void in trepidation of the clash which was to erupt soon, even if they sound of so many thousands would have had to be deafening. Marche and his unit were preparing for their part in the assault with Coralynth's men of the Dark Isle. Captains barked orders to their soldiers and the noble knights of the Arcaean Empire stood ready with their units to plunge up that rise to the citadel which had been taken by their foe. He did not know if Kindara or Cathay were as bad as he had been taught to believe. What he knew was that this was his chance to prove himself better than his peers. Strong enough to fulfil the gaping hole in the legacy of his family, left behind by the deaths of her noblest and greatest.

Lucky that his eyes were fixed ahead lest any see what dangerous and youthful flames they held.

And oh how he wished to be amongst the ranks of his true-born family. He was an Arcaean, no matter where he was, no matter who he served. He was a Haerthorne, no matter what the name he held was.

Thus Marche felt as he fought in the first battle of his young life.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.


"The tea is steeped, Lord Marche".

A set of elderly hands placed a fine Cathayan tea pot upon the unbroken end of the little table next to the high-backed chair Marche sat in. With methodical grace they placed the saucer and cup down next to it, then picked up the pot again and poured out a thin stream of dull brownish liquid, specked with wrung out red-brown leaves. When the tea reached halfway up the floral design of the cup, cresting a small lily on the outside, Marche raised his hand and motioned for the pourer to stop. His job done, the elderly man set the pot down again and stood back whilst his lord continued staring ahead through the open window.

Silence fell on the room again, though outside the work of taking over the fortress was in full swing. It was a place of peace, a room high in the formerly restricted portion of Ipsosez's heart away. Sunlight from the morning came in through the large stone window at an angle, warming the parts of the room its rays fell upon. By now the light was warming Marche's feet and had begun its retreat back towards the other side of the mountain range. Looking out across the plains he could even see the ocean here, a resplendent sight glimmering promise in the distance, though he knew not what to call this seaboard now there was no Greater Aenilia.

Marche furrowed his brow, taking the tea to his lips. Greater Aenilia, Ethiala, Lasanar, Arcachon, Papania, all gone to make room for Arcaea and her empire. Not a realm has been unchanged or destroyed by her expansion. And the glory belongs to my family and countless others.

He left the cup there for a short while until he could not manage the train of thought any longer. It was a painful thing to think so he made sure he drank before it went cold. He'd grown up hearing about the strength of Arcaea and the foundations it had been built upon, but he was finding it difficult to reconcile with what he saw now. The war with the South was still going on. Topenah was still the barren husk he was told it was in the wake of Ethiala 40 years ago. His voyage through there had been truly unpleasant, with gangs marauding the streets. The only thing the city produced now was what it could cannibalise from itself, a city of hundreds where once over thirty thousand had lived.

In a satchel by the desk was the only thing he'd found of worth there. The journals of Sir Aerywyn Haerthorne, Duke of Topenah and Lord Protector of Arcaea. That held more to his interest and inspiration than anything he'd found from here to the far north of Coralynth's dark isle. At points the book had read like the readings of a madman... that fear was always in the Haerthorne line, but there was more to it than that.

But it wasn't a secret that he was at all prepared to have ever known.

"The tea is too bitter, Daniel. But thank you nonetheless." Marche rose to his feet and put on his attire. "Let us go for a walk round the battlements." It was time to learn what he could from the knights who had fought here with him. Out the window he saw again that mighty banner of the Arcaean Empire, which had been erected over the fallen fortress when the siege had been won.
Returning player, player of the Haerthorne family, marketing team member, and prospective fixer-upper-er of the wiki.