Author Topic: Change H/P Class Requirements to Bonus Providers  (Read 3817 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Change H/P Class Requirements to Bonus Providers

Get rid of H/P requirements for classes and instead have them boost class abilities as appropriate.

1. Do not restrict access to classes using H/P requirements
2. Remove days in realm requirement for classes
3. Make a Courtier's bureaucratic work more effective as they gain H/P
4. Make a Diplomats ability to sway opinions more effective as they gain H/P
5. Make a Cavalier's H/P influence how many cavalry they can recruit
    a. Characters, even if a Cavalier, still can not recruit Cavalry until they have 5 Prestige or Special Forces until they have 10 Prestige
6. Make a Heroes H/P influence how effective their tell tales and recruit peasants abilities work.
7. Make a Traders H/P influence how effective their special abilities function (whatever those may be).
8. Make it more difficult for NPC's to catch an infiltrator with higher H/P that one with lower H/P or some such.
9. Simply remove any H/P requirements there may be, if any.
    a. Nobels still need to be a member of a religion to become priests.

This would eliminate the (often overly long) waiting period characters have to go through to access other classes and the coolness included while maintaining a means of progressing. Everyone wants to have the highest chance of success or degree of impact possible.

This would also allow some level of progression in ability that is outside of skill training.

This would also allow the seamless actualization of character concepts that do not include warriors or the like. Say I want to create a Noble who happens to be a peace loving priest. Under the current system (or from what I could recall at least), the character must first wage enough war to meet the H/P requirements before switching. With the new system a new character can quickly switch to the diplomat/courtier/trader class until the character becomes a member of a religion then switch to the priest class and thus maintain the integrity of their character concept.

Possible Downsides or Exploits:
Rapid shifting between classes to gain a benefit for the moment. I think there might already be limits on this but I can not recall. It is also possible that lots of players in a realm chose the same class and there will be more of that lass that would have been possible under he current system and some may view this negatively.