Author Topic: Change H/P Class Requirements to Bonus Providers  (Read 3814 times)


  • Noble Lord
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You most certainly must be going blind and you most certainly did not just see me tuck a ninja mask into my pocket...

I think that unlocking options sounds pretty cool. I am open to just about everything - I just like throwing ideas out. I can even think of a few more options:

Preserve the entry requirements for advanced classes and just just make the "base classes" insta-accessable. I do believe that a courtier is capable of gaining H/P with his bureaucratic work no? I also think that this would also still allow for some unique character concepts to be actualized. Join, switch to Courtier, and then continue along your silly pacifist path wherever it may take you. I think that the biggest lack regarding character concept actualization is a lack of path that does not include a warrior stage.

It might not simpler to just allow all classes to train all skills (though they can still only use the skills allowed by their class) and have skill level determine what classes you have access to. This would make skills a bit more prominent and characters an still work towards unlocking a class even when their is no war going on via the academy.