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Luria Nova vs The Rest

Started by Fleugs, August 17, 2014, 10:56:15 PM

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With Luria Nova now being at war with D'Hara, Fissoa, Barca, Morek whilst Asylon and Astrum are suspected to join their side, I think it's about time a topic was opened.

I would like to thank all these realms, especially the League, for warring Luria Nova. It's been a long time since I was part of such an interesting war. It's beneficial that our enemies tend to bring their armies close to us, so we don't have to bother with all those travelling distances.

I suppose only one question remains: what will Swordfell do?
Ardet nec consumitur.


haha Luria is funny. I still can't get into Luria like I did with Astrum but it is still fun to be in the realm :)


Sit in the middle, wait for us to kill each other and giggle-stomp the rest? I dunno.

This whole thing is ridiculous on principle, the sheer levels of inane IC reasoning for some of the realms involved are asinine. Morek sits with 22 nobles and 35 regions, yet Luria is touted as "the largest and most dangerous realm to Dwilight" so Luria has to cough up land to support Barca - why can't Morek? Not like they're using 1/3 of their regions anyway.

Fissoa's nobles are getting bored

D'Hara is relagated to Bodyguard duty

Barca is dead in the water

Asylon and Astrum are in a religious pissing contest as usual

And despite the most vocal factor of Luria's last war declaration on Morek currently being the Pariah of basically -every- realm in Dwilight (Jonsu) not being here, Eviera refuses to entertain renegotiation of any deal, clings to events older than most of the playerbase as casus belli for their new wardec, and acts like they're any more innocent than any realm involved in this Island-wide war.

So, not to echo the old complaints of Chenier when the consolidation event started - But players have taken to only doing what is best for them, not the story of the game. However since we are playing a game called BATTLEmaster, the island-wide war is entertaining in its own right. I'm enjoying it because of the lulz. The infuriating amount of BS from the playerbase not withstanding of course...


Moved to the appropriate board :)
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


I agree with Cybergenesis that this war is rather bizarre, and normally I would be all against "gangbangs"... but this war is more than that. So far I dare to say Luria is actually winning, considering how bruised and battered we were when the invasions ended. Besides Luria Nova has a great character advantage.

It's true that, at least what I can read from my character in Luria Nova, our enemies make a mess of their justification of going to war. Nevertheless, I always say you don't need a good justification if you simply have the army to back it up. The only thing that puzzles me is why no one has attacked Morek yet (cough: Swordfell). With their ridiculously low character count and their ridiculously high number of regions, they sound like easy prey for either Astrum or Swordfell (or both!). But that would probably go against the entire spirit of those Star-worshippers. Neglecting that they are defending a realm that harbours Jonsu and some Blood Cultists, which they consider super-duper evil, of course.

Anyway, I predict a solid victory for Luria Nova in the long run, mostly because Fissoa and Morek will grow tired of going a long distance only to be forced to refit. With Askileon, Shinnen and Poryatown Luria Nova has a very solid core that is easy to defend and produces enough gold to maintain a sizeable army. It doesn't help that Barca clogged up their townsland-capital with tons of militia, effectively turning that realm into a complete dependency of D'Hara.
Ardet nec consumitur.


The war has been a lot of fun, coming from someone now in Luria.  It is quite bizarre that the largest realm on the island by a large margin is somehow the underdogs.  I'm not quite sure what the end game is for most of the realms jumping on this bandwagon considering that Luria looks like they will come out of this war as the winners and most of them have little reason to be in the war in the first place.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


There's already a thread about this.

And there's very little bizarre about this war, Luria has had it coming for ages. It's been bullying everyone else since forever. And the events Morek talks about are hardly from a long lost age, Luria's backstab of them really isn't all that long ago.

The only people who are puzzled are Lurians who have been blinded for years by relying on their leaders (and misreably continuing to do so) in order to try to get a grasp of what's going on. If you rely on stuff that passes through leadership filter, then obviously it's hard to see why people don't like you.

By the way, the Blood Cult only ever existed on Beluaterra.
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Everyone else? Pretty much only D'Hara since i've been playing. To be fair, before the event started a great deal of effort was made to piss away claims to the isles and declare a peace with D'Hara and Luria - then the event started and that peace turned into demands from the newly formed league and Barca, an ally of Luria's prior to the last war with D'Hara (and still considered to be an ally by many outside of that war) suddenly showed up in Luria's regions and declared war. During peace negotiations - yet Luria is the only one pointed at being guilty of using Peace Talks as a tactic to hide attacks? Funny

Morek's 'incident' of backstab was one event done in an effort to assist an ally, namely Asylon, during a war. One attack and wardec that lasted roughly a week and was brushed away faster than it started. Hardly the horrific accounts that they claim them to be. I was there, it took us longer to get there an leave than the fight and declaration lasted.

Funny how you refer to the 'leadership filter' when D'hara and the rest of the League are grossly guilty of employing that filter since the beginning of this war. Not to beat the dead horse of shared letters from within, but when confronted with the blatant lies - mysterious silence was the answer.


Quote from: CyberGenesis on August 18, 2014, 12:35:36 AM
Everyone else? Pretty much only D'Hara since i've been playing. To be fair, before the event started a great deal of effort was made to piss away claims to the isles and declare a peace with D'Hara and Luria - then the event started and that peace turned into demands from the newly formed league and Barca, an ally of Luria's prior to the last war with D'Hara (and still considered to be an ally by many outside of that war) suddenly showed up in Luria's regions and declared war. During peace negotiations - yet Luria is the only one pointed at being guilty of using Peace Talks as a tactic to hide attacks? Funny

Morek's 'incident' of backstab was one event done in an effort to assist an ally, namely Asylon, during a war. One attack and wardec that lasted roughly a week and was brushed away faster than it started. Hardly the horrific accounts that they claim them to be. I was there, it took us longer to get there an leave than the fight and declaration lasted.

Funny how you refer to the 'leadership filter' when D'hara and the rest of the League are grossly guilty of employing that filter since the beginning of this war. Not to beat the dead horse of shared letters from within, but when confronted with the blatant lies - mysterious silence was the answer.

Why do something as foolish as require consistent logic as a basis for war? Its not like such things are common in real life at all. You've had an event that has caused massive loss of land and life for many realms. As in real life the leaders need to unite a people that are reeling from loss, and needing land. Decisions made in such times are not truly based on anything beyond what your own people are ready to believe and what your own people need to avoid complete collapse of morale. This is a time where you did up old grievances, make up new ones or just whip the nobility into a crazed mob with half truths and fear.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I respect the "nuke the world" mentality from a player's perspective, however IC it is the sheer level of hypocrisy that is mind boggling and that's where this war is most infuriating - because it certainly isn't the war itself.

As a player, I don't really care how this war turns out, because lulz and fun are being had. Besides, unlike many of the realms who have sat with stagnant regions for the EXACT REASON THIS EVENT HAPPENED, Luria has never had a shortage of nobles for their regions so this has given people more reason to interact and not be a lazy and useless sod in order to GET a lordship - not simply get one because empty regions exist in the realm. RP has been plentiful and fun.

While some people might be content to bring everyone under the thumb of SA - nuts to that on principle of boredom. While there may be a great deal of whining about Luria's attitude in the past, someone has to play the "bad guy" on this Island. No one else was starting wars in the East, especially since Luria HELPED kill off Aurvandil and since Corsanctum bowed to Morek. Without war, this game is boring.


Quote from: CyberGenesis on August 18, 2014, 01:52:47 AM
I respect the "nuke the world" mentality from a player's perspective, however IC it is the sheer level of hypocrisy that is mind boggling and that's where this war is most infuriating - because it certainly isn't the war itself.

As a player, I don't really care how this war turns out, because lulz and fun are being had. Besides, unlike many of the realms who have sat with stagnant regions for the EXACT REASON THIS EVENT HAPPENED, Luria has never had a shortage of nobles for their regions so this has given people more reason to interact and not be a lazy and useless sod in order to GET a lordship - not simply get one because empty regions exist in the realm. RP has been plentiful and fun.

While some people might be content to bring everyone under the thumb of SA - nuts to that on principle of boredom. While there may be a great deal of whining about Luria's attitude in the past, someone has to play the "bad guy" on this Island. No one else was starting wars in the East, especially since Luria HELPED kill off Aurvandil and since Corsanctum bowed to Morek. Without war, this game is boring.

What is wrong with IC hypocrisy? Humans in general are hypocritical, why would properly role played characters not reflect this?
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: CyberGenesis on August 18, 2014, 12:35:36 AM
Everyone else? Pretty much only D'Hara since i've been playing. To be fair, before the event started a great deal of effort was made to piss away claims to the isles and declare a peace with D'Hara and Luria - then the event started and that peace turned into demands from the newly formed league and Barca, an ally of Luria's prior to the last war with D'Hara (and still considered to be an ally by many outside of that war) suddenly showed up in Luria's regions and declared war. During peace negotiations - yet Luria is the only one pointed at being guilty of using Peace Talks as a tactic to hide attacks? Funny

Morek's 'incident' of backstab was one event done in an effort to assist an ally, namely Asylon, during a war. One attack and wardec that lasted roughly a week and was brushed away faster than it started. Hardly the horrific accounts that they claim them to be. I was there, it took us longer to get there an leave than the fight and declaration lasted.

Funny how you refer to the 'leadership filter' when D'hara and the rest of the League are grossly guilty of employing that filter since the beginning of this war. Not to beat the dead horse of shared letters from within, but when confronted with the blatant lies - mysterious silence was the answer.

You are in Luria. You are not Luria's ruler. Your failure to grasp events surrounding Luria's fate are not because of how inexplicable they are, but because of the rose glasses you are viewing the events from. Everything you know is the result of information passing by a filter that suits Lurian leadership. "Barca was always great friends of ours, then suddenly, for no reason whatsoever, they turned on us!" Really? And you know this to be true because...? It was written "alliance" on the diplomacy page? Your ruler said so?

Quote from: CyberGenesis on August 18, 2014, 01:52:47 AM
While some people might be content to bring everyone under the thumb of SA - nuts to that on principle of boredom. While there may be a great deal of whining about Luria's attitude in the past, someone has to play the "bad guy" on this Island. No one else was starting wars in the East, especially since Luria HELPED kill off Aurvandil and since Corsanctum bowed to Morek. Without war, this game is boring.

Don't you get me started on Aurvandil. When Luria came in to help against Aurvandil, you instead decided you'd rather launch a surprise war on D'Hara and KO'ed us. For almost all of the war, D'Hara couldn't fight because it was fending you off and struggling for survival, and you didn't participate because you were too busy trying to make a land grab. The little you did afterwards was inconsequential and in no way compensated for your siding with Aurvandil to begin with.
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I never claimed great friends - I simply claimed allies. In all honesty an alliance across the sea is quite meaningless due to mechanics anyway - one of the reasons we wanted part of the Isles. Morale is a bitch at that distance. Something your new toy ruler in Asylon, Willhelm, seems to fail to understand yet continues to blather on about non-existent requests for support when they were fighting in the north. A) there were never requests made from Grimrog, at least not since Seoras stepped down as ruler B) morale alone by the time Lurian forces reached them would have caused massive desertion.

Despite a lack of a 'rosy relationship' between the realms, there was little (ie none) effort made to simply ask for land. Only demands, and not even from Barca - only on their behalf. If we really want to talk about "ruler filtered" information, perhaps your puppet Mathias could shed some light in that department. From the quoted inter-league letters he was quite adept at omitting or paraphrasing correspondence between Luria and the league. I lol'd more than once at his paraphrased, or selective quotes to take things out of context, that he sent to D'Hara as a whole. Funnily enough, many of the letter he did that to, were not sent only to him.

The IC hypocrisy is fine IC - It does, however, go a long way to explains a fair bit of irritation, rage, and head-desking from those involved IC. There are a few people that are taking it a bit personally though, and I'm not sure if that's making this more entertaining or not.


Quote from: CyberGenesis on August 18, 2014, 02:22:27 AM
I never claimed great friends - I simply claimed allies. In all honesty an alliance across the sea is quite meaningless due to mechanics anyway - one of the reasons we wanted part of the Isles. Morale is a bitch at that distance. Something your new toy ruler in Asylon, Willhelm, seems to fail to understand yet continues to blather on about non-existent requests for support when they were fighting in the north. A) there were never requests made from Grimrog, at least not since Seoras stepped down as ruler B) morale alone by the time Lurian forces reached them would have caused massive desertion.

Despite a lack of a 'rosy relationship' between the realms, there was little (ie none) effort made to simply ask for land. Only demands, and not even from Barca - only on their behalf. If we really want to talk about "ruler filtered" information, perhaps your puppet Mathias could shed some light in that department. From the quoted inter-league letters he was quite adept at omitting or paraphrasing correspondence between Luria and the league. I lol'd more than once at his paraphrased, or selective quotes to take things out of context, that he sent to D'Hara as a whole. Funnily enough, many of the letter he did that to, were not sent only to him.

The IC hypocrisy is fine IC - It does, however, go a long way to explains a fair bit of irritation, rage, and head-desking from those involved IC. There are a few people that are taking it a bit personally though, and I'm not sure if that's making this more entertaining or not.

An alliance that was signed purely for Aurvandil. You can't rely on diplomatic relations to know where things are going.

Did Mathias paraphrase? Sure, but so what? Even you fail to bring a point about that, as it changes nothing to what was being said. Besides, inter-realm communications among pretty much all non-Luria realms are vast and greatly surpass ruler-to-ruler communications. There are a large number of nobles acting as relays, and a number of guilds for discussions. Was there more being said than what Mathias shared? Sure. But unlike those in Luria, we pretty much all knew what he wasn't "sharing", and simply generally agreed with his emphasis.

D'Hara-Barca relations's have roots that are strong and go way back to Barca's founding. Barca-Luria relations were superficial, recent, and rested mainly on a common objective to destroy Aurvandil, backed up superficially with honeyed words on the ruler-level. The greatest thing Luria did for Barca was wait for their hour of greatest need to break their promise of help to turn on a common ally.

As for Asylon, distance is a poor excuse for inaction. D'Hara always found a way to help those it cared for, when it wasn't fighting for its own survival, regardless of the context and distances. There are more ways to help than merely sending soldiers.
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QuoteThe IC hypocrisy is fine IC - It does, however, go a long way to explains a fair bit of irritation, rage, and head-desking from those involved IC. There are a few people that are taking it a bit personally though, and I'm not sure if that's making this more entertaining or not.
One thing i have learned in this game is that in a war, every side always declares the other side as being at fault, stubborn, hypocritical, guilty, land-grabbing, empire building, etc. Invariably, it's always the other guys fault. Makes sense, because if people didn't feel that way, they wouldn't go to war.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.