Author Topic: The Cruel Life of Arnick Renodin. Mostly of his own making.  (Read 4064 times)


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Mornin'! Today I'll post an Rp that I wrote after 2 battles. One big one and the other a clean up. Both not in the favor of Arnick. The first was a large battle, some 30k CS vs 22k CS. This isn't a battle Rp but an after battle Rp rather. Enjoy!

The Wounds of War

Yesterday, it was the Royal Guardians of that moose horned elf King. Today it were the horse-lovers. The only reason they love horses so much is because their women resemble them so much! ''Ahhh! Damned wound!'' Arnick pressed his hand against the crimson stained bandages. A healer fussed over him as he sat perched upon a tree stump. 2 carts stood nearby and pitiful groans emanated from them.  ''Do something useful you rat of a man!'' Arnick's fist hammered the smaller man to the ground with one blow to the face.

The healer collected himself and gingerly touched his face, he gasped. ''Good for nothin' Quack..'' Arnick rose and bared his teeth as jolts of pain shot up from mid torso. The blades of the Elf King's Elite had found him. They had cut up and into his partial plate mail when he was downed and on the ground. Fking elfs were fast and agile. Even in armour! Standing on his feet he ripped a wineskin from one of the servants attending him and left the boy startled. Half of the contents splashed down his chin and when it was drained Arnick thew it aside in frustration.

With his armour much removed and only the leg sections still donned onto his body he still looked daunting. The dried blood caking where it had entry points in between the plates of steel and iron. He was covered in bruises and more than a few stitched up wounds. His muscles worked but they all ached and it did little to improve his mood. All of his men were dead or at death's door. His nose was a mess, he had caught the haft of some weird spear, axe hybrid contraption on it. An Elf weapon! He snarled at the sky and ran a filthy hand through filthy hair.

''We're going! Push those carts!'' He indicated the carts with outstretched hand and his eyes detected the blooming swarm of flies that feasted there. His face worked through several expressions as his mind worked. ''Burn the.. Nahh, bring 'em along. See how many live.'' Arnick collected his black handled greatsword and cursed loudly as his body and wounds protested. ''Any man that falls behind is left behind!''

With those words Arnick retreated from the second battle in two days and he discovered new ways to hate elves. Those pointy eared abominations.