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Independent Regions

Started by cjnodell, May 31, 2011, 07:47:12 PM

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I wanted to present this idea I have been entertaining for a little while. The idea would be to make rouge regions a bit more interesting and add flavor to the game.

Basically, I would call what are currently known as "rouge regions" Independent Regions. An Independent Region has a government and military. The military takes the form of a militia named after the region. This militia is stationary and is meant to protect the region from intruders. In order to take over a region a realm must either defeat the current government by defeating the militia or use diplomacy/religion to convince the region to align itself to the realm.

As an example, Nark, and Independent Region in south-west Dwilight would be lead and protected by the NPCs of that region. As such, Nark would have a militia present called "Militia of Nark." The strength of the militia should allow it to be competitive against roaming rouge forces but not too strong. This militia is hostile to all Rouge units (Monsters and Undead). Nark would also be hostile to all PC realms unless the population of Nark REALLY likes a realm then it would be passive towards that realm's military force.

If Barca wanted to capture Nark it could be done in a few ways. Barca could send in their army and battle the "Militia of Nark" at which point a takeover could begin. The type of takeover would still depend on how Nark's populace feels about Barca. Barca could also send in a Priest or Diplomat and attempt to sway the local government to align itself with Barca without conflict. Another possible option would be to influence Nark's population to like Barca so much that Barca could move in soldiers without provoking a battle and then perform a friendly takeover.

While Independent, Nark mostly sits tight and tries to keep itself safe. Nark will try to maintain it's militia and protects it's population. Nark may even build fortifications if the region type allows it and they are productive enough. Additionally, Nark may send out raiding parties ("Raiding Party of Nark") to neighboring regions to, well, raid. This would be just like monster/undead incursions except the raiding parties would be after gold, food and such.

Just something I thought would be cool. I would enjoy hearing what you all think!


If every region were like this, what would happen to all the monsters and undead? We'd hardly ever have to deal with them, though I suppose if we were on bad terms with our neighbors we might have to put up with raids...


Sounds cool :) Perhaps only regions bordering to realm would be 'independant'? The population of Nark, for instance, might have seen Barca's way of doing things across the border, and decided to form their own government. Regions further away don't have this example, and won't form any government...


I wouldn't mind rogue regions acting more like the independents they are told to be, rather than depraved anarchists they act like.
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Please set autocorrect for all instances of "rouge" to "rogue". At least you were consistent there though.

Now in regards to that, BM:WI has some sort of system like that, but then we'd probably want the rogue regions to have a means to increase their strength to remain competitive. That does, in fact, mean they can increase to a certain cap, say, 10k CS, after half a year or something. This means you have ample opportunity to take it, but if you take your sweet time you probably won't get anything good out of it. Kind of like the early BM:WI, I remember those southern regions for Sandalak were never taken.

Alright, but we would still want monsters and undead to spawn like they do. The only difference might be the rogue militia doesn't move, much like leaderless NPC faction units, whereas the monsters and undead continue on with their current code. Oh, and they fight on the same side. Makes things a lot tougher, huh?


Quote from: Artemesia on June 01, 2011, 12:37:18 AM
Please set autocorrect for all instances of "rouge" to "rogue". At least you were consistent there though.

Now in regards to that, BM:WI has some sort of system like that, but then we'd probably want the rogue regions to have a means to increase their strength to remain competitive. That does, in fact, mean they can increase to a certain cap, say, 10k CS, after half a year or something. This means you have ample opportunity to take it, but if you take your sweet time you probably won't get anything good out of it. Kind of like the early BM:WI, I remember those southern regions for Sandalak were never taken.

Alright, but we would still want monsters and undead to spawn like they do. The only difference might be the rogue militia doesn't move, much like leaderless NPC faction units, whereas the monsters and undead continue on with their current code. Oh, and they fight on the same side. Makes things a lot tougher, huh?

I'd have a hard time justifying how a badlands with 250 population can handle having 10 000 CS worth of militia...
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Quote from: Chénier on June 01, 2011, 02:12:00 AM
I'd have a hard time justifying how a badlands with 250 population can handle having 10 000 CS worth of militia...

Even a rogue city would struggle, unless we plan to allow adjacent rogue regions to act together, in which case we now have a computer controlled realm. Super
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown. with the roaming monsters and undead we have now and accept that all "rogue" humans are scared out of their minds to go out. Except for some occasionally crazy peasants.


Quote from: Artemesia on June 01, 2011, 12:37:18 AM
Oh, and they fight on the same side. Makes things a lot tougher, huh?

That doesn't make any sense


I really can not spell and sometimes spell check does more harm than good!

I was thinking that the militia of each region would be enough to put a dent into a monster/undead force, but not always enough to destroy it single handedly. If balanced right there could be an ebb and flow to things. A region, while enjoying a period of relative peace would see solid population growth and an equivalent growth of the militia and infrastructure.

Now if a horde of undead/monsters spawned in a region, they would immediately battle that regions militia and probably win with losses. However, like usual, the horde would eventually move on and then end up facing the next regions militia. A Eventually the horde would be whittled down to nothing but a path of devastation would be left behind.

Particularly fortunate regions may, through pure chance, be able to grow to a degree that it can single handedly defeat most hordes. This, however, would be unlikely and would leave them with a greatly suffered militia at the end of it. Two or more successive hordes could easily do them in.

In the end, I kind of envisioned undead/monstrous hordes being slowed down and weakened by the regional militia but not really stopped. At the same time the addition of NPC human militias and raiding parties would potentially make up for it.

In the end I would hope to see some variance between one region and another. A few fortunate would have higher populations and larger militias and others would have lower populations and smaller militias. Which regions fell into which camp would constantly change based on where the undead/monsters roamed. Currently it seems that most rogue regions are uniformly trashed!

Personally, I would rather not see multiple Independent regions joining forces. That is what player realms are for! Of course, this is just an idea that has been rolling around my head. Not sure if any of it would be fun/practical/balanced.


Quote from: Shizzle on June 01, 2011, 12:40:42 PM
That doesn't make any sense

It actually makes perfect sense, according to game mechanics. Afaik, for game mechanic purposes, "rogue" is a realm. And the peasants and monsters (and undead) would all be part of rogue. This is why undead do not fight monsters. And why if you go rogue, your men won't fight monsters or undead.

I'm not sure how this relates to rogues ravaging rogue regions...I think they just ravage wherever they are.


If this were to be implemented then the militia should be determined on a number of men basis. You could put a cap on the numbers by saying the number of men in the militia can be no higher than ten percent of the region's population. Or something similar. Then maybe the individual CS of each man in the militia could be determined by region type. E.g. rural regions would have a militia with a strength equivalent to farmers with pitchforks, forested regions could have militia equivalent to hunters, mountains could have militia equivalent to bandits and townslands and cities could have militia equivalent of low quality infantry.


Quote from: Bael on June 01, 2011, 09:09:56 PMAnd why if you go rogue, your men won't fight monsters or undead.

(At least, I hope so. I'm pretty sure that change went live many moons ago...)
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on June 06, 2011, 07:36:01 PM

(At least, I hope so. I'm pretty sure that change went live many moons ago...)

Yep, if you're rogue, you will still fight monsters and undead.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on June 06, 2011, 07:40:47 PM
Yep, if you're rogue, you will still fight monsters and undead.

Since when?
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