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The War.

Started by Lorgan, September 08, 2014, 02:51:12 PM

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Quote from: Lorgan on November 13, 2014, 01:31:11 PM
Aha! The hero's curse strikes again! Don't you know you can't want your hero to die if you want him to die?

Hero's curse: heroes always die at the most inopportune time, and never when you want them to.

My very first rulership was with my hero, through a rebellion. He got killed in a random battle with rogues a month later. I haven't played a hero since. :/
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


The last words (actually last letter to the realm :P) contained "Good luck to all of us!". Probably she (not me) knew that she was going to die.

Quote from: Miriam Ics on November 12, 2014, 10:21:32 PM
Congrats on that Cren :)

Thanks Miriam!
Just stay alive and kicking, raise your voice when its needed. Through reason you can show the mistakes of others, something violence can't do.

I don't break rules, I bend them- a lot.


And there goes number 3!

Foreign Leave   (2 hours, 30 minutes ago)
Sir Kalte Lanze, Diadochi of Nothoi, Royal of Nothoi was killed during a battle in Kell.

If the north doesnt win in any other way, we may manage by depopulating the south! :p
Everything in my own immediate experience supports my deep belief that I am the absolute center of the universe, the realest, most vivid and important person in existence.


If i would be southern ruler i would be scared :P
~Violence is always an option!~


Following on in this way, the player of Queen Maya of Melhed just left the game. Melhed is now also looking for a new ruler :p


Oh boy...
Did he say anything before leaving?
~Violence is always an option!~


When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Ugh. That sucks. There was a lot of IC hatred there but the player sure didn't allow for a dull moment.


Here was his goodbye message which was OOC so I assume it's okay to post to the forums:

Dear Melites,

After much thought I've decided the time has come for me to step away from Battlemaster. Battlemaster no longer has the draw for me it once did. Lately my arthritis pain has worsened considerably. I've switched careers from customer service to freelance writing. I'll be writing a memoir about having been a part of a Buddhist cult until 2012 (true story). These changes require a lot more mental energy to handle, so I must now close the chapters of House Tandaros.

For the past two years I've had a blast taking part in the high politics of Beluaterra and Dwilight. I fell in love with the roleplaying life in D'Hara. I liked being the underdog and basically thinking out loud with other characters to make something interesting.  Somehow my alt Maya stole the show away from Ismail and became my lead character and the on-again-off-again Queen of Melhed. When it comes to underdogs, Melhed is the epitome, so I loved it at first.. but eventually I learned how the hot dogs are made.

Lately its been our job to get beaten up on and insulted around Beluaterra. The latest war of the north has disillusioned me greatly to the state of the game community. Many people on the forums just seems intent on slagging on Melhed, or D'Hara, or whatever realm the "winners" deign to sneeze at. The atmosphere has grown more toxic and reminds me of high school - which should be an evident warning sign to the Titans. These same forum names were in the superior realms I found myself opposing in Luria and Thalmarkin, many of which also had devs as dukes, ambassadors, rulers, etc. This is poor balance and is obviously a conflict of interest.

A very Lannister-esque "F&*% you, title me" attitude has taken over the game and it seems that respect for the player behind the character has evaporated - unless the player is your friend, familiar, and collaborator. I admit I've played this way too just to stay alive, or better put, relevant. If people have to do this, the game is broken. I liked Battlemaster for being able to play casually from a storytelling angle. The powergaming contingent seems to be taking over across the board and simply running roughshod over the opposition. The stagnant Far East after Arcaea's total victory is a prime example of what happens when people focus more on "winning Battlemaster" than fostering community spirit and a fun atmosphere.

I'd like to thank all the people who have made Battlemaster a fun, vivid experience; JeVondair, Mormont, Octavius, Graves, Ulthuan, Blakeshadow, Bar-le-duc, Lanze, Windblack, Forbes, von Genf, de Coivos, Dragul, Levine, Mersault, Jeffrey, Serpentis, and Meneldur who championed in-game storytelling, and I pour one out for Vellos, Nosferatus, d'Espana and Hossenfeffer. Also anyone in Melhed I forgot to mention. Whatever my humble new writing career might evolve into is largely due to your inspiration, so I offer you all-due praise and much-gratitude.

To anyone who would like to keep in contact: please feel free to email me at seriously, I love pen pals. Or if you're a PC gamer add me on Steam (Tandaros). I've been known to play M&B Warband and Crusader Kings II and would appreciate new comrades-in-arms..

In Blood & Glory,

I'm out.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻)
Geoffrey Bonn


I can't help but feel targeted by that. I've had my characters wish all kinds of murderous and vile things on Maya, often in public after a battle. Honestly, it's just an expression of how he'd feel, feeling personally betrayed and threatened, with all bridges burned, while at the same time arguing politics before a continental audience. I don't think I've let that attitude spill over OOCly, but if I did, I apologize.

Either way, I'm sorry that the player of the Tandaros family saw this sort of attitude as a reason to quit, especially since I feel we had a pretty decent and civil relationship before the last betrayal, which did merit an extreme reaction from my perspective. Aside from that, a culture of superiority has developed in Thalmarkin, which may not come across very friendly but it's certainly not meant to be taken as that OOC. It's years of victories that has led to it, and we've chosen to cultivate it and to make it policy. In stead of the current war we could be "winners" and continue a diplomatic policy that saw us allied with all the great powers and just pommel the weaker realms but we've chosen ultimate arrogance in an effort to firstly, not sit still ourselves, and secondly arouse a huge coalition against us. This from a meta-perspective, IC it is the continuation of the same story we've been building for years. One of militarism, unyielding principles, strong-willed characters and, these last years, adoration for our king. Through that we've created what I believe to be a fun atmosphere in our realm and it was our intention to spread it outside our borders as well by bringing war, conflict and a new "imperial" dynamic.

But then... Tandaros' quitting tells me somewhere along the road we've failed so - inside the lines of the IC possible - I'd be interested to hear what suggestions there are to increase the fun for all on this continent. We won't stop trying to win, that'd take all of the fun out of the game but I hope everyone knows that winning does not come by grace of devs or admins and had Tandaros played in the realms he accuses of such things, the idea would sound as ridiculous to him as it does to me.

Anyway, maybe this is not the right place to reply to that message, maybe it shouldn't be answered at all but I felt that a reaction was in order. If only to share different perspectives, and hopefully learn from them to make our continent more fun for all.


Oh she quit?

Well it does suck to play on the losing side. It is never fun. Guess someone pushed her off the edge.


Oh, sure OO hated Maya from bottom of his steel heart and would have loved to see her rot on our prison and tortured to death...

As a player i hate to see another one bite to dust... another one who made action to the game.

~Violence is always an option!~


I just realized every ruler in the Southern "bloc" has had a ruler change except for Rio. Funny how the one that lasts the longest is in a democracy.


We are getting unusually large hordes recently... >1000CS of undead, twice in a row, while we used to only get 400CS of monsters.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Ah !@#$, I only read Tandaros' message now. Yusklin will nevar forget :P

On topic, though, there's also initiatives going against the current. The Order of the White Rose on Dwi, for instance, fosters relationships across realm boundaries.