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The War.

Started by Lorgan, September 08, 2014, 02:51:12 PM

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Quote from: Lorgan on December 20, 2014, 10:05:27 AM
Not really. Dead peasants hurts.

They would, but these new peasant militias don't come from the population of the region, they just manifest from thin air.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Quote from: Marlboro on December 20, 2014, 06:33:22 PM
They would, but these new peasant militias don't come from the population of the region, they just manifest from thin air.

Care to prove it?

Because if you can, that's definitely a bug.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


Quote from: Anaris on December 20, 2014, 06:37:05 PM
Care to prove it?

Because if you can, that's definitely a bug.

Population of Pel Mark was just over 2000 last turn, did some looting and killed about a hundred peasants, bringing the total down to 1995. In response to the looting a unit of 1500 peasants spawned; population remained the same.

Edit: It's been pointed out to me that the maximum population of Pel Mark is 3200, and between peasant militia and the regional population there are right now about 3500, and that's discounting completely those we've killed in looting and battle thus far. At turn change that number was around 3900. Dunno if that helps, but they really are just coming out of nowhere.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Back to the war, just got an interesting message from Caellum...seems like we will be attacked from every side now.

Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


If Caelum does attack, your under belly should be safe. Unless IVF gets greedy.


Greedy like Caellum? No, this won't happen.

The war will be probably 3 fronts or 4 depending on how OG and Thalmarkin divide themselves.

So we will have Caellum from west, OG/Thal from the northwest and AA coming from northest.

Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


Surrender to OO and he will save you :)

~Violence is always an option!~



Will not surrender to any of them.
Stryfe Family: Tristan - Heorot/ Scherzer - Nothoi / Finan - Caelum / Arya - Farronite Republic


Quote from: Naidraug on December 15, 2014, 03:40:20 PM
Now the war is making some interesting turns, with Fronen surrendering to Thalmarkin and OG, and lords joining Nothoi.

With their lands.

And in half a day Fronen now belongs to Nothoi. Oh the fun!

I know this is rather late, but you can chalk this one up to Rania. She went to each of the nobles individually, blaming Vitus all the way, to bring their lands to Nothoi. Simple Protest wouldn't have worked because their just were not enough active players in Fronen who would vote against him. Plus Vitus pissed her off, therefore the entire realm had to die.

Quote from: jaune on December 22, 2014, 03:23:00 PM
Surrender to OO and he will save you :)


"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"


Moto will save you all from yourselves.


Quote from: JeVondair on December 25, 2014, 01:41:13 AM


Melhed has been saved :) Portions of Fronen has been saved... Most Melhedians and Fronen nobles have been welcomed warmly and they have hold their regions and titles. Few expections were there, but even those have been given chanche.

~Violence is always an option!~


Quote from: Lorgan on November 23, 2014, 12:08:01 AM
But then... Tandaros' quitting tells me somewhere along the road we've failed so - inside the lines of the IC possible - I'd be interested to hear what suggestions there are to increase the fun for all on this continent. We won't stop trying to win, that'd take all of the fun out of the game but I hope everyone knows that winning does not come by grace of devs or admins and had Tandaros played in the realms he accuses of such things, the idea would sound as ridiculous to him as it does to me.

Sorry to bring up old miseries, but i found it amusing that nobody complained when Spearhold join against the southerners with no valid reasons but nobody complained about it. But most thalmarkins were damn pissed when Rio had rather valid reasons to join against the northerners, despite allying them with liar Melites.

Regardless, i was actually thinking about coming back into the game slowly and remain as observers, but i guessed i quit for a reason, and reading all these made me think that nothing has changed.

And to clarify a few old qualms. Pavel was made as a big bad schemer. People close to him knows that very well especially Maya. It's just his character and the intention was there to make it interesting in BT. He also had big qualms with Thals over their histories with Melhed. Yes, it can be said that the Thals did not felt so, but that's just their POV, and i am not here to argue that. The Fact is, Melhed has not forgiven the Thals. Never actually did. They hanged on to the treaties etc to survive, as any would especially in the medieval age. And i ESPECIALLY would like to believe that Noldorin wanted Melhed to survive because he sees conflict it can create, so conflict it did create. So to turn back and say Melhed shouldn't this and that is just plain absurd. And i don't actually see any problem with playing out such character.

The sad thing i see with lots of players here were of those that are happy when they are on the winning gangbanging side, and whine when they are on the losing side. I will tell you this. I ENJOYED greatly even when Melhed was on the losing side. What makes the Thal so great about scheming to take over the continent and Melhed such a big fat liar for scheming to stop them? That is just you thinking that you are always right and not putting yourself on someone else's shoes. In fact, Melhed sort of tried to stop the Thals to gangbang one realm at a time, and tried to bring every single realm to join in the fun and was given the opportunity when Thalmarkin came up with that scheme.

Regardless, all games(note: not only battlemaster) are infested by such players that just wants to win. Understood, since who doesn't want to. But i have always make it a point to make a decision that keep most people enjoying it at the same time. Can you say the say, especially on the Thalmarkin side that it is fun for everyone around the continent, or only within thalmarkin itself only?

I do not intend to attack anyone and i apologize if i did. It might sound offensive, but i do hope that some of you can actually think about what i said. Some of us quit the game(and i am not self pitying) because this game has became so much of winning and losing - where battlemaster isn't supposed to be about that at all.


Just because you didn't understand Spearhold's motivations does not mean they lacked good reason to wage war on Melhed.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


Yes, they did have a reason.

One of the things about this game is that you may never know the reasons why some people do what they do. That doesn't mean that they don't have reasons. It just means you don't know them.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on January 04, 2015, 04:35:51 PM
Yes, they did have a reason.

One of the things about this game is that you may never know the reasons why some people do what they do. That doesn't mean that they don't have reasons. It just means you don't know them.

Of course they do. Everyone does. The thing i would like to point out was that the Thals didn't complained about it. That was it. :)