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the most detailed fantasy world ever created

Started by Tom, September 11, 2019, 09:23:32 PM

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There is a new project by me, Tom, creator of BattleMaster. And it is the by far most ambitious yet.
Read my vision here:
And if you want, support me here:


I saw you talking about importing that mapping data into GIS recently online. Was an interesting read and lead to me looking into several different methods of generating graphical maps (and figuring out how to load and configure QGIS to use a graphical map layer).

I was going to say I found it interesting that you're hosting this on a wiki, but I guess from a technical standpoint that saves you a lot of time, since SMW can grab whatever info you tell it how to process however often you tell it to check and the wiki will store historical changes to files beyond that.

Are you still using QGIS for map data or is that also one of the things you've advanced upon?

Having gotten to the point that I largely understand the M&F code, I'll admit I'm quite interested in how you're doing this on the technical side.
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I'm still using QGIS. It is a very powerful tool and I'm probably using only a few percents of what it can do.

And yes, using SMW gives me the same power it did on the BM wiki. Also, it can show maps inside the wiki, once I've figured out how to change the base map source that Leaflet is using, there doesn't seem to be a config option for that, I might have to fork it.
There's a page on the Wiki about the technology - - which I will be filling with more details over time.


The Patreon link worked for me, but the Wiki links lead me to a blank white page. Anyone else experience this?
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Quote from: Gildre on September 17, 2019, 03:33:34 PM
The Patreon link worked for me, but the Wiki links lead me to a blank white page. Anyone else experience this?
Works for me. You could try instead. Or even and get the main page.
Like my programming? Become my patron!


Seems to have been technical troubles which were magically solved with time. Good to go now, thanks!

So this is a world creation project, not tied to any specific game? So someone playing D&D could just pick a spot on the map and build a campaign around it?
Admit nothing, deny everything, make counter-accusations.


Yes. They could pick any random location and the logic is that even if the characters side-tracked down random alley #46 in the capital of Kepler, there would details on what was around them and what was nearby, and that detail would go all the way up to who is the King of Kepler, what their culture is, what religion they worshipped, etc.
Like my programming? Become my patron!


Quote from: Gildre on September 19, 2019, 02:27:34 PM
So this is a world creation project, not tied to any specific game? So someone playing D&D could just pick a spot on the map and build a campaign around it?

Yes, it's a world. There is also an RPG system alongside, but I'm still playtesting it so it's not public - yet.
But you could also play D&D or anything else fantasy in the world.