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Noble captured in battle can not be reappointed to his lordship after 5 days?

Started by PaulV, September 18, 2014, 06:58:27 AM

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Just as the title says.

This happened to one of my characters, Lady Rhiannon Starck from Sirion, East Island.

When Rhiannon became Countess of Montijo, it was because the former Lady was appointed as Duchess in another duchy. There were elections, my character Rhiannon won, and since then was Countess of Montijo.

Several years passed in the game, and this noble participated in many battles. She has fought for Sirion in the battles many times, and also administered her region effectively fulfilling its role as food producing region at all times in the Republic.

One day, in a battle of Bescanon between the forces of Perdan and Sirion, my character Rhiannon was captured. The High Magistrate of Perdan descended into dungeons and stole her gold, preventing she can pay her ransom. After 5 days she was released, but due to gameplay she had to wait for a half day more to return to activities. That half day was fatal, for when she was captured, the game mechanic decided to take away her title, and started an election to the lordship of Montijo. This election has a deadline 5 days, and as you may have noticed, Rhiannon took 5 days and a half to be active again, so when she returned it already was elected in her place another noble.

Then she upheld in customs in Sirion, where a noble can be reappointed to her titles when brought back after being captured, but in this case, the election time was shorter than her return from the dungeons.

It is true that in Sirion there is no specific law that prohibits or permits requesting a nobleman resign his title to give it back to the previous Lord. But anyway Rhiannon asked to Duke Erik Eyolf than he reappointed her to the Lordship of Montijo, he admitted it would be difficult, but he understood my situation and that he would support my request.

If we analyze the situation carefully, we can see that the logic currently used is wrong. How it is possible a nobleman who has been captured in battle lose his title? and an election starts imediatly?. This noble is not dead, he simply been captured, so it knows that one day will return to his activities. There is no coherent reason for doing this. In my view, this is an extra punishment of being caught. Under the current logic, then a nobleman should avoid going to fight battles to avoid capture, if he wants to keep his title. Something very illogical for a game called Battle Masters.

I think this game mechanics should be removed, or at least, increase the wait time to start an election for the lordship, and when this starts, this lasts more than a week, to ensure that the noble released can return to his activities.

Honestly all this put me in an awkward situation, because I was the one who made ​​the request for reappointment of the lordship. And now another nobleman was punished because of me. I wanted Rhiannon renounce her title in protest, but to do so would be to admit that the decision of the Titans is correct, and honestly for me it is not. Because I am doing what is right and logical from every point of view.

Many players IG (OOC) have spoken concerning this subject, and almost everyone agrees that my request was fair, they think like me, that game mechanics have to be corrected on this point.

Jens Namtrah

One of the problems in games like this is that people tend to forget that the game requires balance.

Unfortunately, it's not much of a problem now, but it used to be that Lordships were squatted on like Duchies, and there was no movement in the game and no chance for new players to ever climb the ranks.

The other issue here is, people tend to look at how "realistic" a certain feature is without considering how unrealistic other things are that benefit them.

In other words - your character can never die. So, there has to be a way to bump him from his positions once in a while.

Would you trade mortality for the benefit of not losing a lordship in battle?


Quote from: PaulV on September 18, 2014, 06:58:27 AM
Just as the title says.

This happened to one of my characters, Lady Rhiannon Starck from Sirion, East Island.

When Rhiannon became Countess of Montijo, it was because the former Lady was appointed as Duchess in another duchy. There were elections, my character Rhiannon won, and since then was Countess of Montijo.

Several years passed in the game, and this noble participated in many battles. She has fought for Sirion in the battles many times, and also administered her region effectively fulfilling its role as food producing region at all times in the Republic.

One day, in a battle of Bescanon between the forces of Perdan and Sirion, my character Rhiannon was captured. The High Magistrate of Perdan descended into dungeons and stole her gold, preventing she can pay her ransom. After 5 days she was released, but due to gameplay she had to wait for a half day more to return to activities. That half day was fatal, for when she was captured, the game mechanic decided to take away her title, and started an election to the lordship of Montijo. This election has a deadline 5 days, and as you may have noticed, Rhiannon took 5 days and a half to be active again, so when she returned it already was elected in her place another noble.

Then she upheld in customs in Sirion, where a noble can be reappointed to her titles when brought back after being captured, but in this case, the election time was shorter than her return from the dungeons.

It is true that in Sirion there is no specific law that prohibits or permits requesting a nobleman resign his title to give it back to the previous Lord. But anyway Rhiannon asked to Duke Erik Eyolf than he reappointed her to the Lordship of Montijo, he admitted it would be difficult, but he understood my situation and that he would support my request.

If we analyze the situation carefully, we can see that the logic currently used is wrong. How it is possible a nobleman who has been captured in battle lose his title? and an election starts imediatly?. This noble is not dead, he simply been captured, so it knows that one day will return to his activities. There is no coherent reason for doing this. In my view, this is an extra punishment of being caught. Under the current logic, then a nobleman should avoid going to fight battles to avoid capture, if he wants to keep his title. Something very illogical for a game called Battle Masters.

I think this game mechanics should be removed, or at least, increase the wait time to start an election for the lordship, and when this starts, this lasts more than a week, to ensure that the noble released can return to his activities.

Honestly all this put me in an awkward situation, because I was the one who made ​​the request for reappointment of the lordship. And now another nobleman was punished because of me. I wanted Rhiannon renounce her title in protest, but to do so would be to admit that the decision of the Titans is correct, and honestly for me it is not. Because I am doing what is right and logical from every point of view.

Many players IG (OOC) have spoken concerning this subject, and almost everyone agrees that my request was fair, they think like me, that game mechanics have to be corrected on this point.

There is nothing that FORCES a realm to use elections to decided upon the Lord/Lady of a region. It is entirely desired that at times people will not able to heal/escape in time for elections in those realms where elections are held, as this provides the chance for incumbents to be toppled simply because they are not present to contest.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: Miskel Hemmings on September 18, 2014, 07:35:41 AM
One of the problems in games like this is that people tend to forget that the game requires balance.

Unfortunately, it's not much of a problem now, but it used to be that Lordships were squatted on like Duchies, and there was no movement in the game and no chance for new players to ever climb the ranks.

The other issue here is, people tend to look at how "realistic" a certain feature is without considering how unrealistic other things are that benefit them.

In other words - your character can never die. So, there has to be a way to bump him from his positions once in a while.

Would you trade mortality for the benefit of not losing a lordship in battle?

I was a new player, and I had to wait a chance to climb for a lordship. I understood very well my place.

Regarding if my character can die, eventually can if she becomes a hero. Even I am thinking in choose the hero path for Rhiannon, I am just waiting an epic momentum to do it.

For all this, there is no reason to rush things. It should fall under its own weight, not by external pushes.

Jens Namtrah

You were a new player who got a lordship one day in part because mechanics were in place to help finally free up a lordship, and because you were lucky enough to be in a realm where they vote on them rather than appoint people who disappear for years, only logging in once per week to keep the spot.


*waves his cane around*

Back in my day it took at least a year to get a Lordship, and we didn't have any fancy smancy elections! We had appointments and we liked it! If you were active and lucky, just maybe you'd get a battle group to command!
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


You are all missing the point, which is that it is random whether you get back in time, and it is not clear whether it is intended to be that way. If it was approached from either extreme, it would be more palatable and predictable. That is, if everyone who is imprisoned lost their titles, it can be motivated by the simple fact that imprisonment should be viewed to last long enough that the position is considered vacant. This can be augmented by the imprisonment time dilation effect. The opposite, which is everyone keeping their titles, is easy to play with for obvious reasons. Finally, if whether or not you lose a position is intended to depend on time in jail, then perhaps adding a line to "buy your freedom" stating "and allows you to contest elections for positions" or something like that, would probably solve everything.


Maybe the lord shouldn't be removed until when they are released, giving them time to respond to election? And if being captured removes lordship for the above reason, perhaps wounding (at least seriously wounding) should do the same?


I don't see a problem with the mechanic the way it is. It functions as it is supposed to, and as we have seen, is achieving its desired effect.
Life is a dance, it is only fitting that death sing the tune.


I think Dukes should be allowed to manually trigger elections for lordships.


If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


If you do it like that you still need to deal with having lords step down and knights having to leave estates. Having a referendum automatically do that is far less of a hassle and saves hours/honor and prestige.


Quote from: trying on September 22, 2014, 10:26:23 PM
If you do it like that you still need to deal with having lords step down and knights having to leave estates. Having a referendum automatically do that is far less of a hassle and saves hours/honor and prestige.

Ah you mean to an election while a Lord is still present. That is as unlikely as allowing Rulers to force and election for Dukes. These are not rental agreements, not tentant landholders. Once the land is granted it is rightfully the property of The Lord or Lady. If it was not they would not have the option to change Duchy.

Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


No no no.
If I'm not mistaken you can only appoint unlanded knights. That means if a lord wants to switch regions they would have to step down first before they can be appointed. Knights would also have to give up their estate so they can be appointed.


We have both an elected and appointed systems, each with their own benefits and disadvantages. Pick which one fits you best, then deal with the disadvantages that it has.

And if you try to sidestep or emulate one system using the other, then you have to deal with the potential problems and inefficiencies.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.