Author Topic: Having your character be a member of your family is IC, and inevitable.  (Read 12890 times)


  • Noble Lord
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I myself am not that new anymore and I recieved some titles, and all is ok for me. I just pointed out the fact that it is a bit discouraging when someone who made no effort to campaign wins against a person who actually worked on it. And maybe a new player would decide not emigrate, but leave the game. I don't think any strict rules should be made about this, but if pleyers would support political discussions who knows - maybe we would have more interesting power struggles. Sometimes it looks like people are too afraid to elect unreliable character - but come one, this is a game.
That's fair enough.
I just meant to say that being a new face is rarely an asset. I've worked for RL months to receive my first title and I enjoyed every moment of it. But even if I was passed on that appointment, I still wouldn't feel like everything was in vain because I've made quite a few friends and even ill-wishers in the process. And that's the most exciting part.
In BM you rely heavily on interpersonal relations for promotions. Just like in real life feudal societies. And even if you've got them, it is a slow game and it can take a while before opportunity appears (or you make it appear ;)).
In short, I wouldn't worry if my characters are promoted too slowly or not promoted at all as long as there is ample interaction and roleplay. If someone's being plainly ignored - that's actually problematic and should be brought to attention.