Author Topic: Having your character be a member of your family is IC, and inevitable.  (Read 12887 times)

Jens Namtrah

  • Guest
Sometimes it looks like people are too afraid to elect unreliable character - but come one, this is a game.

This. Seriously.

First of all, "unreliable" and "new" are hardly the same. There's not much a single character can to completely disrupt a realm. Those things you CAN do take players who are experienced in the intricacies of the game, and have built up relationships. Not new players.

New players might be tempted to click on some of those shiny buttons, but they'll soon find out that the realm has ways to retaliate and protect itself.

In the meantime, "disruption" means something interesting is actually going on. So new players are seeing some "history" made first hand, instead of sitting in a dead realm & leaving out of boredom.