Author Topic: Having your character be a member of your family is IC, and inevitable.  (Read 12516 times)


  • Honourable King
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It wouldn't be a problem at all if all positions were relatively even in effort:$$$/glory/power ratio. For example, I don't care at all if someone uses their family name to become a General or Marshal, because it's a difficult role. But someone who gets parachuted into the Duke seat has more power than the King, thousands of gold per week, is practically unimpeachable, and doesn't have to do anything.

Which oddly enough is why people often elect those of renown families, since you can have some level of expectation that they may perform their duties well instead. If there is a family running around that is well known for dedication to the realm, for able management and generously to the realm in times of need, then if a scion of the family is around there are reasonable arguments for their appointment in some situations.

Remember too that not everyone engages in realm level conversations, that doesn't mean they are doing nothing, they may simply prefer private conversations with those that they think can help their ambitions.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.