Author Topic: Luria Nova vs the rest (bis)  (Read 26499 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: Luria Nova vs the rest (bis)
« Reply #15: November 27, 2014, 05:23:34 AM »
No one *knew* what would happen. It's quite possible that had we shut down the east, that we'd be in the same situation as we ended up in. It's possible that everyone who played in the east would quit/leave. And then the west could have easily flopped. Or could have failed to defend themselves against an eastern invasion, which would alter whatever atmosphere you thought you had there, and everyone could have quit anyway. Or the geography could have been wrong to sustain active warfare.

So no,you didn't *know* what would have happened. You had a theory about what might happen, just like everyone else. You may have been right.

But that's all irrelevant. That's the past.

What matters is how we/you handle it going forward. And, honestly, almost all you've done is bitch about how horrible a decision it was, and crow about how you were right. 7 of the last 10 posts you've made on the Dwilight board have been nothing more than "I was right", "your idea was horrible", "You're methods sucked", "I made this thread to prove that you suck", "sink Dwilight". I stopped at 10, because the rest was more of the same. I really don't understand how you think your recent posts to this thread have been anything other than outright trolling.

Just stop. Stop bitching about what decisions were made. Stop bitching about how how no one listened to you. Stop bitching about how your personal situation was made so much worse.

Start providing positive, helpful solutions moving forward. Start making suggestions on where to go from here. Start giving ideas.

Just give me a few minutes, I was already writing just such a post in the population density thread. Jeesh. Also, I don't believe I said that we should sink Dwilight in any context other than supporting your own contention that we should start over if we were going to go through the effort of merging the islands. So specifically in that scenario. I also never said I made the thread to prove that you suck, or insinuated such. I made the thread in question to show the devs that they were killing off a very dynamic part of the island that was seeing growth where everywhere else was seeing stagnation.

Now if you will give me some time, I am busy actually getting some information so I can make my suggestions in at least some kind of informed manner.