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a strange series of events in Caelum

Started by Indirik, November 29, 2014, 08:32:40 PM

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Our ruler got ejected from a lordship and duchy by a Titan decision.

Since he was barred from holding duchy and lordship for 30 days, he decided to leave it open for the duration, and then re-appoint himself. This leaves an open duchy, and three empty lordships for an entire month, including the capital itself.

This touched off a series of objections, and then a silent protest campaign.

After losing 4 or 5 points of prestige, the ruler and judge's family's pull some swaps, create a third duchy, and appoint the empty duchies and a lordship between themselves.

This touches off more objections of cronyism and position hoarding.

The silent protests continue, and more prestige is lost.

The judge bans four nobles on *suspicion* of leading and taking part in the protest campaign. He refuses to show proof to anyone who he doesn't trust, because the proof is sensitive information.

The ruler publicly supports the judge's actions.

Protests start publicly against the ruler and judge.

Rebellion is planned. Members flood the underground. People rush to the capital.

The turn before the ban takes effect, the ruler and judge are protested out of office.

Two ruler candidates are announced.

Minutes before the bans take effect, xolotl flees to nothoi with his region. The other three are banned. Xolotl was a ruler  candidate, and is automatically removed.

The banker, one of the original Nobles of Caelum, announces herself as a ruler candidate.

The realm is left in a weird state:
Three duchies, two of which are lead by the deposed ruler (who is still royal) and his crony the deposed judge. One of these duchies holds the capital, a stronghold. The other has only two rural regions.

The third duchy holds a true city, and is led by duke moonglum, who has been neutral in the ruler debate.

The banker has pulled food from all regions and stockpiled it in the city, away from the former ruler and judge's duchies, to "safeguard it in these difficult times". The former ruler and judge accuse her of starving regions deliberately, despite the fact that no regions are out of food, let alone starving, and some lords are still feeding double rations. She has promised to keep everyone fed, so long as the lords dont revoke her access. Three have revoked access anyway, and will have to feed their region on their own.

A ruler will be elected in three days, and then a judge can be appointed. The direction the realm takes will greatly change, no matter how this works out.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Yes. Self-realizing prophecies. :P

It's screwed up though that banned nobles can't rebel and that protesting judges out don't remove the bans that are pending.

So many minute details could have made the outcome different by enabling a proper rebellion to take place.
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This is really the one way it could work r that the realm doesn't lose nobles. It could have easily resulted in the loss of half the nobles in the realm. Any other way, it would have lost at least four.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on November 29, 2014, 09:00:13 PM
This is really the one way it could work r that the realm doesn't lose nobles. It could have easily resulted in the loss of half the nobles in the realm. Any other way, it would have lost at least four.

Are those four nobles worth having around? Especially if they keep hogging all these titles?

If things are to improve, they must be chased away from all of those dukeships, unless the titans strip 'em for going against the titan judgement.
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Some of them can't be gotten rid of.

Also, can we avoid trashing people on the forum? Regardless of the ig circumstances, we don't need to go after them oog. 
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Lets not worry about them for now. We have more important things to get ready for, The Princess is coming!!!!!!


Meanwhile, the most despised man in the north (TM) has written to the banker of Caelum to ask him to pass on a message to the realm for him.

Interesting times :p


Quote from: Antonine on November 29, 2014, 10:58:26 PM
Meanwhile, the most despised man in the north (TM) has written to the banker of Caelum to ask him to pass on a message to the realm for him.

Interesting times :p

No one can ever grow more despised than Chéniers.
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Seems to me that goofy offbeat bureaucratic plays like this were the bread and butter of the medieval world really.
When Thalmarkans walked through the Sint land, castles went up for sale.


Greed, cronyism, conceit, treachery and paranoia. Sounds fun!
My only disappointment is that it didn't end in a proper bloodbath.


I was already writing the rebellion speech when the protest tossed out the ruler.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on November 30, 2014, 03:59:53 PM
I was already writing the rebellion speech when the protest tossed out the ruler.

Yea, damned protest screwed everything up.

A rebellion would have allowed to interrupt the bans and to rid Ravenice of his royal status and all titles.
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Caelum is now the second most populous realm of Beluaterra. Currently tied with Riombara for 20 nobles, but in a few days that will rise again.

Old nobles of established royal families, young nobles of infamous royal families, deposed government members still wielding great power, readmitted exiled nobles, young families seeking opportunities, foreign preachers dreaming of mass conversions, warlords dreaming of military conquest, adepts dreaming of magical omnipotence... Caelum's got it all. With all of the unlikely alliances that ensue.
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The big question is which side will Caelum pick in the continental war?