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Cohesion from Civil Work

Started by Andre, January 01, 2015, 02:57:04 AM

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Title: Unit Cohesion from Civil Work

Summary: Your unit will gain some cohesion if they perform civil work.

Details: When you perform civil work then your unit can gain 1 or 2 points of cohesion, as they are after all working together to do something, so they talk with eachother some more and get to know eachother better, maybe even make cohesion affect how much effect civil work will have on them and the region.

Benefits: It could make the gain of cohesion a bit easier and civil work more beneficial for the unit and for the region aswell if it affects how well they do civil work.

Downsides/Exploits: Cohesion is not that hard to gain already, you usualy get atleast 1 point from training 6 or 8 hours anyways and the battles also increase it, so this could cause training to be useless if your unit has enough experience to not gain much from training, currently the gain would be cohesion, but if this gets added you can just perform civil work instead.
Though i cant come up with any possible exploits as you couldnt perform both civil and training effectivly in the same turn, usualy it is one or the other.


Iirc, civil work can already cause unit changes that can result in increased cohesion.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.




One could argue that cohesion comes in various forms and that cohesion in BM is about being able to perform battle maneuvers together without tripping over each other. I would imagine that doing civil work and other non-combat or combat-training activities should boost cohesion very little if at all. I would even argue that a unit can gain too much cohesion from these kinds of actions!


Well cohesion in working on rebuilding something is also about not tripping over eachother and such.


Cohesion is "getting along together" -ness. So pretty much anything done with the full unit should increase it.


My only concern is that it will really make training redundant.


I don't agree with the feature request. There already is a very rare chance that one of the things that will increase your unit's cohesion is civil work, I don't think it should be something that is across the board with every unit.


Well what about higher cohesion making civil work slightly better then?