Author Topic: Attack on Sasrhas!  (Read 64781 times)


  • Freeman
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Re: Attack on Sasrhas!
« Reply #120: February 24, 2015, 06:39:57 PM »
Ok im going to stop you right there.  I have tried to keep this as ooc as possible but seeing as how multiple rulers are using this forum to openly mislead (and in some cases out right lie) just to promote or justify there IC actions im going to lay down whats actually been happening IC.

They have, but I don't think Coralynth can really take much credit. Dawn mishandled both her allies and her Duke pretty abominably, and now, from the sounds of it, the internal strife is pretty much over Sartanism.

In an effort to prevent the ganging up mentality culture that has infested BM like a plague i tried to limit the number of enemies Sorraine would be fighting at any one time as frankly i didn't believe that the first realm that actually tried war after the political reset should get punished by a four on one gangbang just because they attacked first.  Especially as the reasons for the two mentioned realms that joined the war after arcaea kept changing there answers every time i asked why they had joined the war.... (first stating it was outrage against coralynth.... then stating it was in responce to two reams ganging up on a smaller realm.....then stating it was a war against sartan)  As such when Cathay and Zonasa joined the war i attempted to settle a treaty between Ohnar west and Sorraine.  I then sent a further message ooc to explain my reasons for this.  A few days later a treaty was semi finalized amongst the "allied" realms, no complaint was made by Zonasa or Cathay during this process.  A final draft was written up and a full day after that it was sent to the ruler of Sorraine.  IT WAS ONLY AFTER THEN THAT SUDDENLY YOU HAD ISSUES WITH IT, Baranion then wrote several passive aggressive and generically demeaning letters about how Arcaea had stepped on his sovereignty (stating that his character was ill so im guessing  he has missed a few turns so had not seen the drafts).

Im sorry but to put it bluntly if your going to say that i "mishandled my allies"  just because you were afk thats on you.  If you had lost a region due to missing a few turns you cant just say "can you give me back that region i didn't log in yesterday because i was ill"  Could i have waited longer?   Probably, but thats largely down to inexperience.  Honestly the jist of the draft had been the same for over a week i felt sure everything had been covered.  This has been my first time as a ruler of a realm; and as im sure you have gathered i had plenty of inside drama inside the realm to deal with as well as outside, i didn't really give additional timing much thought...

As for my mishandling the situation with Claudio.....  he had sabotaged the main army during a time of war, caused vast amounts of strife even before the current crisis including but not limited to threatening to punish players for not moving out of his duchy when they didn't log on, citing promises that know one in the council new anything about and when dialogue and communication was attempted left ultimatums saying he was going to Secede anyway regardless of what anyone thought going as far as to bring a foreign powers military to hold his hand while doing so (not to mention this was after he ran a failed election campaign stating that he had no intention of seceding).