Author Topic: Character Classes  (Read 10591 times)


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Re: Character Classes
« Topic Start: January 07, 2015, 05:28:12 AM »
I think main classes are pretty clear cut. Warriors can lead troops, courtiers can work on regions, and priests are useless mechanic wise - but can be annoying - but good for people who like RPing about religions.

Trader: I think Trader is not that useful anymore. Not many people are traders and it might as well be removed for being too unpopular.

Diplomat: I think instead of having a diplomat class, there should just be ambassador only with all the current diplomat options moved to it. And maybe only allow it to be accessible by those who are appointed by their ruler? Or just delete it all together and add all of its function to courtier?

Hero: Only way for people to die in BM. It is rather underwhelming for a class that allows you to die though. Hero's special abilities only randomly appear so it isn't even worth being this class unless you want your character to die. And this class's ability to recruit more troops gets shadowed by Cavalier. To make this class work better, I think its abilities should be more consistent. And maybe give the class a boost by adding maybe ability to not panic on the field or maintain morale throughout a battle or something.

Cavalier: Probably the best class if you are only thinking purely of battle. Being not able to loot doesn't hurt as much anymore I think with the new peasant militia. Might as well just take the region you are in over. Being able to command elite units is often good in realms that can support you. Leading 100 cavalries to deliver over 4k hits is no joke. Also, being able to earn at least one honour per battle (except against peasants) is a great way to increase your unit limit.

Hero/Cavalier: These classes should just be combined or be more distinct. I honestly think there is little reason to choose hero over cavalier if you don't want to die.

Infiltrator: Too risky and too underwhelming at the moment. Losing too much honour leads to your character becoming an outlaw meaning you need to opt out every now and then to regain enough points to become an infiltrator again. Also, takes too long to train one. Just an annoyance at best.