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New Realms?

Started by Ser Dreslin, January 07, 2015, 02:17:02 AM

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Ser Dreslin

Hi everyone
Some people probably asked this before, i apologize for this.
what are the requirements to create a new realm, if that is possible?
to create cities or other titles  like duchies, counties, etc you need to be king, the limit is the population right?
can you rename a realm if you take over one?

thanks in advance


I think you just need a city.  As to modifications if you become ruler, you can change add-ons, for example your realm could be 'Sirion', but you could give it the longer title of 'The municipality of Sirion' or 'Sirion last home of the elves'

You can change government an title systems etc.  but I think the name is set, though someone with more knowledge will as like as not disagree!


to create cities - You can't create cities in this game

or other titles  - You can create titles to a certain degree although it is rather limited.
-You can rename government positions(there are 4 of them for every realm - ruler, judge, general, banker) as a ruler

lithe limit is the population right? - No. Population has nothing to do with titles except under one of the systems where you can have different titles according to your population. Not sure which one though. Even then it doesn't really do much. In this game, Baron = Count = Margrave pretty much.

can you rename a realm if you take over one? - Well if you took it over through a rebellion, yes. But pulling off a successful rebellion is pretty tough.


You can not create a city, they simply exist. Currently the only way to create a realm that I am aware of is like Chamberlain says, to be a Duke an secede from the realm, creating a new one.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.

Ser Dreslin


I'd say most new realms I'v seen have been planned colonies established by larger realms.


Quote from: Sir Dreslin on January 07, 2015, 02:17:02 AM
what are the requirements to create a new realm, if that is possible?
As others have said, the only way is to be a duke, and have a duchy that includes a city that is NOT the realm's only city. Then you can secede your entire duchy, thereby creating a new realm. (Note: Your duchy also cannot contain the realm's capital.)

You may find references on the wiki to a Colony Takeover, or CTO. These no longer exist, though may be added back into the game at some time in the future.

Quoteto create cities
Again, you cannot change region types. A region is what it is, and will never change. You can build new buildings, and tear down existing buildings, but the region itself won't change.

Quoteor other titles  like duchies, counties, etc you need to be king,
Kings (rulers in general, not just kings) can create duchies, with certain restrictions. They can also dissolve duchies that don't have any regions in them. Remember that duchies are political organizations, logical groupings of regions. Creating a duchy does not change the map or create regions, or have an really physical manifestation. It simply creates another logical grouping.

Quotethe limit is the population right?
Population really only affects how much a region can produce. In some title systems, it also affects the title a lord has. But that's just an RP/flavor thing. It has no real affect on anything.

Quotecan you rename a realm if you take over one?
No. Outside of extremely rare, RP-driven events, realm names never change. I can only remember it happening twice in the last 9 years. There is an option to set the "long name" of a realm, but I think it only gets used in one, inconsequential place. The name you give a realm when it is created is essential the name of the realm for as long as it lasts. for some realms, that can be many, many years. For others, it  may only be a few days.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.