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Started by Eldargard, February 16, 2015, 11:56:59 AM

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I am playing a Diplomat/Ambassador for the first time and have a few questions regarding treaties. Though i looked, I was unable to find this info on the wiki

1. How long can a treaty be in characters?

2. Is it possible to delete or hide old treaties that are no longer signed by anyone?

3. How do revisions work?
3a. Is it possible to see past revisions of a revised treaty?
3b. Is there a way to see some kind of diff between a proposed treaty revision and the treaty before it?
3c. Are there common standards used when revising treaties?

I am sure I will have more questions later on but these are the first things that pop into mind...


Let's see...
I dont know.


I think it says something like "signed old revision" until people sign the new one.



If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Thanks for the quick answers!