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Being Able To Play So Many Characters Ruins The Game

Started by Indirik, March 30, 2015, 11:14:57 PM

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Quote from: Lapallanch on April 08, 2015, 06:11:37 PM
Wouldn't a slight modification be doable? Like adding some regions to make EC more round?

Or at least balance resources over the map?

Rebalance is possible, but we have experience in just how long that takes, even if we are talking a single map. I can't speak as to how much work is involved in adding regions to a map, but then we still run into the problem that it would be a modification to BM's first continent.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.



Quote from: De-Legro on April 08, 2015, 11:34:21 PM
but then we still run into the problem that it would be a modification to BM's first continent.
Is it some sort of a sacred cow?


Quote from: Constantine on April 09, 2015, 01:13:49 AM
Is it some sort of a sacred cow?

Yeah... Tom's sacred cow... He'd rather see the game die than lose EC.


I don't post on the forums much, but I just want to say that I'm fully behind the idea of a complete re-boot. Sink all the continents, and create one to accomodate the current player base. Maybe we can keep EC, although radical changes would have to be made to keep it interesting.
Corvian Family


Quote from: retipuj on April 09, 2015, 05:41:48 AM
Maybe we can keep EC, although radical changes would have to be made to keep it interesting.

Why? Frankly while I accept that no map was purposely designed with conflicts in mind, the fact remains that the continents have all had periods of interesting wars, often rather large periods. They may not be "optimal" but then optimal is going to constantly change as realm composition changes anyway. Map redesign might help with interest, but I can guarantee it will fix nothing by itself.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


QuoteMaybe we can keep EC, although radical changes would have to be made to keep it interesting.
If you don't like EC, then don't play on it. Believe me, there are penty of people that love EC. In the few surveys we have done, it has ranked near the top of the pack in both character density and player rating. The people that play there, love it. Any radical changes to it, especially anything that radically restructured the geography, would probably be a big mistake.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


It wouldn't be too bad to add a small island to its right to connect southern portion to the northern portion of the map to balance things out. And maybe make Obsidian islands bigger and more useful than have some meaningless regions on the side.

I think most regions should be somewhat viable instead of having one side completely worthless. Why even put that in the map if they serve no purpose?


Quote from: Lapallanch on April 09, 2015, 08:45:01 PM
It wouldn't be too bad to add a small island to its right to connect southern portion to the northern portion of the map to balance things out. And maybe make Obsidian islands bigger and more useful than have some meaningless regions on the side.

I think most regions should be somewhat viable instead of having one side completely worthless. Why even put that in the map if they serve no purpose?

There is at least precedent for expanding the Obsidian Islands.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


It wouldbe nice if they weren't totally useless.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


When I started playing I was thinking that it's cool and interesting to have several characters on several different continents. I have to admit I was wrong. Most interesting moments were when I would concentrate on only one character. Then it's lots of interactions, decisions to make etc. Meanwhile other characters are just zombies. Even when I have a lot of free time I cannot play few characters to full extent. Maybe it is just me... However, I see a lot of zombie-characters around, who wouldn't even respond of you write them. Maybe their players also are too distracted playing 6 chars in one time?

Sadly, for two my unpaused characters (I have some paused too) it's like nothing happens for months. I suppose, if everyone would concentrate on only one character, we would have more struggle, more interactions and more fun.

I currently have two active characters, Vladamire (my very first character in BM) in his home realm of Outer Tilog, and Aramon, lately of Lukon. Aramon I had created to try out the War Islands, on what happened to be their last hurrah  in that format, and moved him to the Colonies afterward (where is misadventures saw him kill the judge of Alebad in a duel during that realms dying days, become Shadow Tyrant of the Assassins, court another noble, die/reappear in Lukon, and eventually become General of Lukon). I've tried the various islands with various characters over my time in BM back in 07, but it always comes back to these two: 1)Because I don't have the time anymore to handle two turns a day, and 2)Because the history of the characters, 8 years or so RT leads to a lot of character building. That doesn't mean I'll never play Mastraacht over in Fissoa again, or my advy in Arcaea, but if I'm forced to pick one of my characters on the Colonies to move or become inactive or something happens to make the years worth of character building I've been trying to do with them vanish, well, I might just stop playing all together. Which would be a shame, because I'd miss playing with the guys over in the Colonies (even Jeremy Stephens, whose character Innocent Noble has been a thorn in my characters sides for years *shakes fist!*)


I mostly agree with everything Indirik and/or De-Legro has said thus far, minor quibbles aside. But here, have some recent statistics!

Continent - Players - Controlled Regions
Atamara              - 181                  - 164
Beluaterra           - 128                  - 156
Colonies              - 56                    - 55
Dwilight               - 164                  - 127
East Continent    - 146                  - 103
Far East               - 83                    - 67
South Island       - 153                   - 42


Quote from: Lapallanch on April 09, 2015, 08:45:01 PM
It wouldn't be too bad to add a small island to its right to connect southern portion to the northern portion of the map to balance things out. And maybe make Obsidian islands bigger and more useful than have some meaningless regions on the side.

I think most regions should be somewhat viable instead of having one side completely worthless. Why even put that in the map if they serve no purpose?
The lands around that volcano look very bad condition. With so few gold and food around volcano lands, I think its Economy probably need redress first before change to the lands.

Quote from: De-Legro on April 10, 2015, 01:03:42 AM
There is at least precedent for expanding the Obsidian Islands.
There is indeed a precedent. I have looked back at EC history, there is a Great Eruption, which changed EC island and added some regions back then.

Quote from: Indirik on April 10, 2015, 01:38:13 AM
It wouldbe nice if they weren't totally useless.
Exactly my thought. Excuse my long thought.

My 1st character Ash and 2nd character May
I have 5 active characters including one at War Island. Started my first character noble Ash at Oritolon realm on Colonies island, I liked what I saw back then, thus started my second character noble May at Sirion realm on EC island. Back then I had less interest to play adventurer, but finally after seeing some nobles holding Unique Items in battle, I created my third character as adventurer(Brock at Fontan realm) who got promoted to become noble later on. In fact, my EC playing at that time was centered around my second and third character in 2 different realms fighting against each other, with both their realms at war. It was not easy to start an adventurer at a realm at war(Fontan), knowing your second character is at the opposite side(Sirion). Holding hope that both my 2 characters can fight against each other one day, my hope was dashed when my second character May got deported to Colonies before Brock rose up through adventurer ranks :) I learnt a great deal about "characters separation" back then, with my third character first introduction letter when he first arrived, with Fontan players being nice to my character. That was the beginning of my long EC playing life till today. I have been thinking that perhaps we the older players should have some "places" to share our experience with the younger players nowadays; that would help with players retention problem a bit.

After my second character May got deported from EC to Colonies, my Colonies island experience had grow, somehow with lot of rebellions happening at Oritolon realm on Colonies at that time. My first rebellion participation, counter rebellion, fishing rebels underground and much more. As my first character grows and knowing more characters from other realms, interacting with them along the way, down the road I learnt a great deal about Steward, Judge, General. I have been feeling that Steward role, however small the role is, has been under promoted, most Region Lords tend to their regions on their own. Steward was the first place I learnt about region management, food management in particular when your city was starving and region lord was not around.

My 3rd character Brock
My third character Brock as adventurer, had its fair share of fun too. I learnt how to break Fontan nobles Unique Items by not able to repair their items in time, causing Brock to get beaten up and imprisoned many times in his own realm prison. Yes, it was fun interacting with Fontan nobles, they blamed my adventurer, aye, it was my fault not having items to repair, I still blamed the old Sages, they being devious and demanding :P
My third character Brock has exceeded my expectation, becoming a very own story in itself, growing away from my earlier planned "my second character May fighting battles against my third character Brock". He was the first Banker in my characters family line, the first Vice Marshal as well as Marshal and General later on. That long lines of responsibilities proved he has come a long way.

My 4th character Oak
Learning a great deal about adventurer during my third character Brock time, I started my fourth character as adventurer albeit with much failure on Atamara island. I did repair some items but that was it, I felt the fun I had during my third character Brock time, may have caused me to have higher expectation on what I to expect during my playing experience. Finally after growing tired of changing realms many times for my fourth character, I paused him.

My 5th character Misty
Last but not least, learning about South Island being reopen as War Island for one more time, for which I have never experienced War Island in my whole BM playing time, I created my fifth character Misty on this island. To date, the playing experience is unlike any experience previously experienced before, I have grown to analyze things, even small details.
Werewolf Games: Villager (6) Wolf (4) Seer (3); Lynched as Villager(1). Lost as Villager(1), Lost as Wolf(1) due to Parity. Hunted as Villager(1). Lynched as Seer(2).
Won as Villager(3). Won as Seer(1). Won as Wolf(3).
BM Characters: East Continent(Brock), Colonies(Ash), Dwilight(Gary)


Keep South Island and the Colonies because of their unique nature. Keep EC because of its importance to Tom but maybe consider rebalancing it in some way, possibly with new islands, if the opportunity arises.

If a testing island is needed maybe just sink southern BT to make it a much smaller continent with players and realms competing for space - I know that's unfair on Rio but that's just the way the geography works.

Import SMA to one of the above continents, preferably BT.

Otherwise, freeze everything else. Keep the realm boundaries as they are in case the player base picks up at some point in the future but put them in lockdown and introduce the one character per island cap while giving people a period in which to emigrate their characters to one of the remaining islands with their gold and h/p or have that character deleted.

It'd be electric shock therapy but that's what BM needs right now and at least an influx of refugees to the remaining continents would liven up politics a lot. If nothing else imagine the fun of SA and CoS waging a war of mutual destruction on EC until both are dead :p