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Sharing lords gold, whats up with that?

Started by m2rt, June 06, 2011, 07:50:41 PM

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there is a harvest report every harvest.. so they could sort of work things out a bit from that. admittedly the report doesn't tell you how much was eaten since harvest and the day's food consumption.. but bankers know consumption per day.


Quote from: Indirik on June 09, 2011, 01:30:11 PM
I agree with Peri on this one. If you want to advertise and arrange food sales, and put feelers out for more business, do it in game, and not on the forums. If your network of IG contacts isn't big enough to reach everyone, then expend the effort /IG/ to expand it and reach the people you want. Posting the info on the forum, and expecting people to take that OOC knowledge IG and take IG action on it is a clear, if minor, breach of IC/OOC separation.

Quote from: Peri on June 09, 2011, 04:03:39 PM
A Lord in one of Summerdale's northernmost regions, who never joined any guild is SUPPOSED not to know that D'Hara is such a trade haven, especially because you purposely not advertise your trade between council members to avoid intrusions. And if he, reading on the forum what we wrote, decides that is the moment to take a walk to Morek and join a couple of trading guild, you served a perfect ooc intrusion in the game without any effort. I don't like it.

There's two points I'd put forward: the first is that anyone with half a brain that bothers to look at the map can assume that D'Hara runs a pretty huge deficit. Indeed, stat pages on food supply should confirm this, asD'Hara shows as having the world's lowest supply. Don't ask me how the number 114% is calculated, though. One can then reasonnably assume that this realm would take up particular efforts to compensate for this. Anyone interested in trade should naturally be lured to D'Hara, with its low food supply, safe trading routes, and central location.

Secondly, I believe I've already reached everyone in range that matters, or mostly. Summerdale's so far away, we don't have any traders that pass by there and automatic caravans don't make the trip. We were told when I asked that you don't make a significant food surplus, so there's no plans on sending anyone that way for a while either, as the distance reduces the desirability of small transactions.

My intent was mostly just to engage in OOC conversation about how different realms handle food differently.
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Maybe, but the effect, even if unintended, might not be in the best interests of all parties involved. For example, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if I said how much I can pay for food per 100 bushels.


I just think the banker's few (and mostly ineffective) remaining powers should be handed down to others and the position scrapped altogether. They just aren't worthwhile as they are anymore.
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Huh, ineffective? If anything, they're effective alright. Maybe not exactly for the realm's best interests, but they do work quite well.


Quote from: Artemesia on June 10, 2011, 01:04:09 AM
Huh, ineffective? If anything, they're effective alright. Maybe not exactly for the realm's best interests, but they do work quite well.

You mean embezzlement, right? Are you *seriously* arguing for the existence of a council position just because it can steal gold? That's pretty friggin' lame. Just pass a watered-down version to ambassadors, if you think someone really ought to have such a power, as it alone is not in any way justification for the position to exist imo.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Ha, you're getting into some pretty strong language lately. Anyway, the Banker position has always been an autopilot after the establishing acts. For a new realm, they are very important because the macroeconomics is visible only to the Banker. That very information is vital. It doesn't need to be physical ability. Sometimes the very knowledge of something is useful beyond measure. Same with scout reports.


Quote from: Ramiel on June 09, 2011, 01:12:41 PM
Your memory is still as bad as ever then. I look forward to the day when you are in your Colony in the Lighthouse.

Really, could have sworn you can up with some nonsense about how Dukes already hand out grants to the armies, so why should they also pay for food.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.

ó Broin

I thought that as well. I thought I recalled Juan taunting him that only Lords that can't mange their lands and troops required hand outs from the Dukes. A little bit insensitive since Juan had a townsland to call upon. But then since Juan only raised the issue because he was trying to work out who was sending the Ox carts so he could make sure they were paid from the profits he made sending the food on to the city, I guess he didn't have the inclination to write a nice reply.

Also don't get too eager for the colony to go Ramiel, we have been in PeL so long now it is getting harder and harder to want to leave.


Quote from: Chénier on June 10, 2011, 01:18:13 AM
You mean embezzlement, right? Are you *seriously* arguing for the existence of a council position just because it can steal gold? That's pretty friggin' lame. Just pass a watered-down version to ambassadors, if you think someone really ought to have such a power, as it alone is not in any way justification for the position to exist imo.

bugger embezzlement... they take a chunk of the realm cut as it is without having to do much.


Quote from: Artemesia on June 10, 2011, 01:22:09 AM
Ha, you're getting into some pretty strong language lately. Anyway, the Banker position has always been an autopilot after the establishing acts. For a new realm, they are very important because the macroeconomics is visible only to the Banker. That very information is vital. It doesn't need to be physical ability. Sometimes the very knowledge of something is useful beyond measure. Same with scout reports.

Whatever is useful of the banker could just as easily be passed on to others. New realms don't need a banker, they just need the macroeconomic information (though honestly, I'd say they really don't need that information at all, as one-duchy realms already have all the info focused into one character, the duke, and the banker's data just becomes a clone of the duke's).

Personally, I'd rather have that position as optional. Some realms might like to focus some administrative/fiscal/economic tasks in one person, but they really don't need to and shouldn't be forced to have a hollow council position if they don't want to.
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Quote from: Artemesia on June 10, 2011, 01:00:18 AM
Maybe, but the effect, even if unintended, might not be in the best interests of all parties involved. For example, I'm pretty sure you wouldn't like it if I said how much I can pay for food per 100 bushels.

I'm a member of the Dwilight trade guilds, and I already know that Garret is the one that set the food price for the island at 50, by offering to buy at that price. You single-handedly increased the price Gornak can buy food at, from 25 to 50. D'Hara can probably afford that price--assuming that the supply is there--but I should probably think about starting some rumors about the army that Garrett is trying to feed.



Quote from: egamma on June 11, 2011, 09:40:35 PM
I'm a member of the Dwilight trade guilds, and I already know that Garret is the one that set the food price for the island at 50, by offering to buy at that price. You single-handedly increased the price Gornak can buy food at, from 25 to 50. D'Hara can probably afford that price--assuming that the supply is there--but I should probably think about starting some rumors about the army that Garrett is trying to feed.

Garret Atermesia offered more than that. Indeed, the letter resurfaced just now in realm. However, they lack the traders to import food at that price, and most realms lack the traders to export it as well. Furthermore, the trade route to Nightmarch is perilous, most caravans never make it, and the realms within range don't have a really huge surplus. As such, the Zuma's trade offer wasn't totally discarded, just put on the backburner for now. Paisly's increase in its offer was because markets were becoming more limited and Paisly's own stores were starting to run out for the first time in a while. It was therefore to encourage purchases from a greater number of sources, to make it more affordable to buy from those who don't sell their food for cheap. It had nothing to do with the Zuma.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


For those curious, the Zuma pay 80 gold per 100 bushels, last I heard.
"A neutral humanism is either a pedantic artifice or a prologue to the inhuman." - George Steiner