Author Topic: East Continent vs. Far East  (Read 12013 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: East Continent vs. Far East
« Reply #30: April 27, 2015, 06:57:43 PM »
I am pretty sure getting destroyed is not fun. I haven't heard anyone say they enjoyed getting destroyed. That is probably where the problem lies. People don't want to lose and get their realm destroyed because their realm is their investment. They invested time and energy and suddenly you lose everything you worked on for years.

Time and energy only serve to create fun. For yourself and other players. While longterm plans are nice and give a lot of fulfillment when they come to completion, more often they do not. Perhaps we should think short-term more? Like, you know, I believe we are doing.

As to the actual point of this topic: I'm also in Arcaea, though as an (inactive) priestess I might be biased. It seems the war isn't highly entertaining for most of the island, though. I do believe however that those who actually join the Arcaean army are getting some fun. But as mentioned before, Arcaea is the biggest realm on the island, so evidently it will see most of the big battles.
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