BattleMaster > Newbie Board

Adventures Using Unique Items to distribute gold among Guildmates/Nobles


So there's:
A) a mechanic that prevents Nobles from passing gold to each other (only bonds).
b) a mechanic that permits them to purchase unique items from each other or adventurers.
c) a mechanic that permits any member of a Guild/Religion to deposit money into a local guildhouse as a donation/loan, and any other member that meets loan/etc. requirements to withdraw same.

My question is whether the fact of A means that I can't use B, despite C existing as a tacitly approved workaround to A.

EDIT:  Do me a favour and Email me please if you're in a position to give an "Official" answer.  It's a bit time sensitive.

If you are using B to circumvent A on the front lines of a battle, or somewhere similar, that will, at the least, be deserving of much greater scrutiny. Please don't do it, and if you know of it happening, contact the Titans.

The guildhouse loophole is allowed for three main reasons (at least in my mind): First, because it relies on being in a specific location that has been prepared ahead of time, second, because it requires those exchanging money to be full members in a specific guild (which can be dealt with relatively quickly, but still provides some barrier), and finally, because the guildhouse's treasury is, in fact, primarily intended for the guild's full members to use to store and exchange funds.

The ability of adventurers to buy and sell unique items is very clearly not primarily intended as a means of transferring gold between nobles in the same region.

Alrighty, will do as advised.


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