Author Topic: Phoenix Talk, with Jenred Kindon-Bedwyr or Matthew, as you choose  (Read 29409 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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  • Posts: 1762
  • House Bedwyr
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Well, Cathay is crumbling, with people leaving on a semi-regular basis, and I keep thinking James is going to auto-remove out.

Aenilia is willing to fight so long as there's no possible risk for them to do so...But Xarnelf's latest trip to Enlod is going to make things very interesting, and I might be able to spin a war out of that.

Zonasa and C'thonia are fighting with Kindara getting more annoyed that the two aren't listening, and Kindara is worried about Zonasa getting more powerful, so you may see the southern war get bigger shortly.

And if all else fails, we wait and do internal wars until the peaceniks collapse or start a war in desperation...But I really doubt it'll get that far.
"You know what the chain of command is? It's the chain I go get and beat you with 'til ya understand who's in ruttin' command here!"