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Suggestions for Items, Quests, etc.

Started by Tom, June 06, 2015, 10:06:33 AM

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Item ideas

Teleportation Crystal - Let's your party escape in dire situations. Consumable, expensive.

Magic Lamp - Requires 1 mana potion per quest to keep it lit. For exploring dark places.

Traps - Useful for many things, especially for capturing animals. Consumable, price varies.

Sacred Idol/Incense etc - Forces evil beings to be weakened, revealed, etc.

Enchanted Equipment (Weapon, Armor, Shield etc) - price varies but usually more expensive than their non-enchanted parts.



Dead Rising - Something sinister is going on. Deads are rising from their graves and lurk the town at night. Defeat these horrors! (Very good for parties with priests. Very bad for parties without priests)

Monster Hunt - Monsters are attacking travelers and merchants. Reduce their numbers before they breed out of control. (Requires a hunter, high strength and toughness)

Dragon Slayer - A dragon has settled in a nearby mountain. Slay the legendary beast before she eats everyone near the mountain. (Requires strength, wisdom, dexterity and very well equipped parties - maybe a multiple party involvement?)

Vampire Hunt - Rumors say a vampire is living among the people of the town. You must root this evil out before he grows too powerful. (High wisdom and a priest. Once you discover the vampire, you will need strength and dex with good equipment)

Ghoul Hunt - Same as the vampire hunt quest except easier to find the ghoul since it is not as intelligent as the vampire.


I have no use for items with special abilities right now. Everything in the game works by raising some attribute by some value.

Enchanted items already exist, it's the +1, +2 thing (old D&D or AD&D nomenclature, I might want to make it more clear).
I'm thinking about adding a "is magical" indicator to items.


I can't see a need for more regular items really. All character classes have weapons and armour options. Given that weapons only seem to affect damage and armour damage resistance, adding more items will simply result in similar effects with different names.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


I would think a chance for existing items to break when taking/causing damage, or for them to have some things stolen if/when they lose certain quests. Otherwise they will soon run out of things they need to buy. Just more +x stuff so that they can have items to deal with things at the higher levels.

Are weapons/armour going to function in different ways at all? Depending on what they hit/are hit with? If so, there are a lot more weapons that could be added.

Shields, dagger (in case main weapon breaks or such)
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shields I wanted to add already, but didn't.

Yes, there will be +3 and +4 and so on.

No, all weapons, armour, everything just adds to attributes. I think this is the level of complexity we need for parties.


Shop sections are nice, but they are currently just a speed bump. Given time all shops will have all sections. I would really like to see some mechanics that make specialisation viable like

  • Rent - More sections = larger shop = more rent due
  • Shop reputation - Shops garner reputation for their range/quality for the different sections. More sections slows down reputation accumulation and speeds up its loss
  • Stock Limits - Each section has a limit on how much stock it can hold. This makes buying multiple sections of the same type viable
  • Whole sale system - Our stock needs to come from somewhere. Make the shop keepers need to spend time finding suppliers and maintaining trade relationships with them. Add mechanics like discounts for volume trades and regular orders and this should allow specialised shops to spend more time getting better discounts on what they sell. If suppliers themselves have limited ranged/stock this also allows specialised shops to spend more time ensuring they have access to the full range of the item types they sell
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Tom have you plans to make the quests a bit more random? Right now each quest type is pretty linear, the only variation is from failing or succeeding at a section. Reading about quest is going to be one of the major points of entertainment I think, so anything that adds more variety is good.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Party History

Add the quest history of a group as a viewable record. Can characters die? Do parties recruit new members? Be interesting to see a group that constantly fails when using magic to hire a second wizard and the like.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on June 07, 2015, 01:14:52 AM
Shop sections are nice, but they are currently just a speed bump. Given time all shops will have all sections. I would really like to see some mechanics that make specialisation viable like

Check what I've already planned under maintenance:
It might not be entirely clear from that, but more sections == more maintenance costs.

I have some other plans as well, which are similar to your ideas, but they are not finished, yet.


Quote from: De-Legro on June 07, 2015, 01:16:51 AM
Tom have you plans to make the quests a bit more random? Right now each quest type is pretty linear, the only variation is from failing or succeeding at a section. Reading about quest is going to be one of the major points of entertainment I think, so anything that adds more variety is good.

There is actually some variety in the quests. The Labyrinth is a good example, it doesn't just say that there are four ways to take, there actually are and it will randomly select a different one every time. Some quests are very simple and linear (the daughter for example) some are fairly complex (graveyard, labyrinth). The system I've written for quests allows branches, different paths, even different endings (graveyard has two).

Quote from: De-Legro on June 07, 2015, 01:18:45 AM
Add the quest history of a group as a viewable record. Can characters die? Do parties recruit new members? Be interesting to see a group that constantly fails when using magic to hire a second wizard and the like.

All this is already on the TODO list:


Any chance the links to all the base info - groups, shops, items can be added somewhere? When accessing via mobile device it can be a bit fiddly trying to find the relevant links in the forum (or just put them all in one sticky thread?)


(Not a huge amount of free time today as I am a zombie for most of it...)
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Quote from: James on June 07, 2015, 11:30:06 AM
Any chance the links to all the base info - groups, shops, items can be added somewhere?




Any chance we can have the shop item list split in the view some how - so that items currently in stock are shown in a clear table, perhaps with a separate table/tab that show an account book or such that details all expenditure and income?

<edit> ...and... the table for items we can purchase with each heading as a sortable option, so it's easy to view similar items together, or view by price and such.
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