Author Topic: Limiting unjustified diplomatic actions  (Read 11663 times)


  • Honourable King
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Re: Limiting unjustified diplomatic actions
« Reply #15: June 09, 2011, 12:45:43 AM »
even if i would make particular effort, i would hardly reach ideal situation to be wrong on any point.

in these threads, it seems subject easily slips into something else. my desire was not to discuss in details about diplomatic situation in any continent, i tried just to finish some argument.

shortly: all if not everything could be gained through lowering relations from peace to neutral and all those talks about diplomatic background were not relevent for the main subject. of this thread, which is - to not allow subsequent changes of diplomatic stance in too short time

shortly: peace was being negotiated for weeks and weeks, than relations were dropped from peace to neutral and from neutral to war in extremely short time, than takeover of second largest city has began about one hour after (incredibly hasted) war declaration. war declaration: 17,45 p.m  takeover attempt: 18'45 p.m.

shortly: that is very unrealistic and put more focus on game mechanics than on any storyline.

i don't call it use-abuse-cheat, just bad taste mechanics tweak could prevent... :-\

Problem is, so far only you are claiming there is anything truly wrong with it. When your personal opinion fails to gather support, at what stage do you think that perhaps the bulk of the player prefer it the way things are?

You hit the nail on the head, its purely game mechanics. In 99% of cases both realms know what is coming and have time to prepare LONG before the official declaration. The fact that your character is not privy to a large amount of letters and RP's around this certainty doesn't mean they didn't happen

Also please stop calling FEI the RP island, that experiment failed. FEI is now a normal island that just happens to have a strong RP culture.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.