Author Topic: The Ivory Court of Fheuvenem  (Read 6707 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: The Ivory Court of Fheuvenem
« Reply #15: June 12, 2015, 04:53:13 PM »
Roleplay from Syl Marlboro   

The plush carpet was a surprise, but the Empress herself was even moreso. It seemed that of the three the Khatun was the most formally-dressed of them, which rather than making her feel disdain made her mildly jealous of their relatively carefree attire. Her eyes lingered on Selenia's painted toes, lamenting finally the heat from her own fur-lined boots, but she hadn't worn them all this way to remove them now. "It is rare a pleasure in any venue, Lady Sovereign," she said carefully, sweeping into a careful bow.

She took a seat as requested, figuring that Selenia had used a figure of speech but further amazed when the Empress served them herself rather than summoning someone else to do it. She looked up at her Sovereign with a grateful expression, meeting her blue eyes with much darker brown ones. The muscular ruler of the Ivory Vale was far different from how she'd imagined from the letters; she had been expecting a stuffed shirt, a starched collar.

This was... something of a relief.

The young Khatun glanced at her Duchess, realizing now why she'd chosen such eclectic dress. As the letter was passed to her, she cast her eyes down upon it, working her way through the letters. "I-I've only got myself that I can vouch for, and my Duchess..." Once more, a look at Raziella.
"Behavior that's admired is the path to power among people everywhere"