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The Wedding

Started by Chamberlain, August 01, 2015, 12:09:04 AM

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The following is a run down of role plays from various players at the wedding of Catherine the Queen of Nivemus and Garas the usurper of a new realm based around Oligarch on East Continent.

It's quite a politically charged situation with huge potential for diplomatic fall out.

I tried to find a way to make the role plays which have begun to evolve side threads in a logical fashion and failed miserably so I will instead report them as they were and are being written, hope you enjoy.


 Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain 

Ewald and Dekmar had stood guard at the door to the chambers provided her by Garas despite the fact that she was surrounded by friends.

Much was troubling her as she regarded the woman staring back at her from the glass.  She was nearing 40, the once lithe body was softened by Wulfric and she now looked more the matron than the warrior queen she had been on the battlefields in recent years. Kristina had twined the blossoms in her hair from the white arbor at Bruck.  She wore the white shift as Ora'n tradition was held, but she was hardly a maiden.  She was a woman grown with a child by a man she had not seen in over a year now.

The diadem had been replaced by a garland of the white blossoms.  Her sister told her she looked lovely, but to her own eye she could find only the flaws and the creases of care that meandered from the corner of her eyes.  The old doubts nagged at her.  Her father had refused to attend regarding her as spoiled since the birth of his grandson, Catherine herself wondered again what a younger vital prince of the battlefield such as Garas was, could truly want with her.  His acceptance of her and the young prince with unconditional regard had seen her abandon her usual caution and here she stood in the white gown she had never imagined she would wear. In a city she had fought for but visited only rarely.

Even now with her wedding fast approaching she pulled back the scrolls and missives of the last few days.  Her eyes lingered repeatedly on the words of Ecthelion and those of the Duke of Krimml. Her scarred hands fidgeted at her hair teasing curls from the braids behind her ear marked both silver and gold now as she reflected the ages.

Her eyes alighted once more on the single pearl in the ring Garas had presented her at their engagement.  Beautiful in its simplicity she found herself remembering her mother's words "Pearls are for tears" It was an odd saying but one she had heard on occasion as a child.

There were many hours to go, this was her time for reflection, but this was not something she ever liked to do alone.  Crossing to the door she lifted her grey riding cape onto her shoulders pulling the hood close.

"Ewald, walk with me... I need to see Duke Ketchum"


Roleplay from Brock Ketchum 

Brock looks at his Captain and his men standing guard outside the door. "Send two of our best men to guard Kronagos Catherine silently. Though the place maybe tightly guarded, we need protect our Kronagos. Remember, silently. Do not appear to Kronagos unless the need arises."

One scribe boy running towards Brock but his Captain halts the scribe. The scribe gives the message parchment to Brock.

"Tell Earl Nicholas not to worry, I wish him safe journey." Brock smiles tells the boy to deliver the message reply.

As the scribe boy moves away, Brock speaks with his Captain. "From what I have seen, most of our nobles are already present here. Some of my old friends are here too. Can't be too careful. Have our men divided into two shifts. Also we need to move the wine barrels we brought on our travel here, into Garas wine cellar. Hold on, I need write a message to him, otherwise the wine barrels all stuck outside waiting for permission or something like that. Can't have the wine keep the guests waiting. Keep one of the wine barrels, we will meet an old friend later."

Brock looks at his men as his Captain divides them into two groups shifts. He thinks for awhile before his Captain interrupts him "Two shifts have been done." He nods at his Captain approvingly.

"Inform all our nobles to get ready to form the line of guard honors. Be on their official clothes for the line of guard, but prepare to change to best clothes later for the feast. I think that's all for now." Brock nods to his scribes as they all move to deliver his messages.


Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain

It always struck Catherine that whenever she was in the company of Lord Ketchum there was always a hubbub of activity. It was not a lack of organisation, but more a hive of organisations that coordinated around his central base. Her own men operated in discrete quiet rarely seeking her assent or direction. Her camp whether it be in rooms or tents was always what she wanted it to be. The Dukes camps were always a buzz of business.

Her approach saw that buzz raise briefly to clamor and then to silence. Men in various states of armour abd their squires and servants all stopped and formed a brief line to either side of the corridor. She took back her hood and allowed both herself and the men in the corridor the briefest of smiles. In a room to the right she could see a young scribe trying to urgently insinuate himself through the door. She could hear Brock's accented tones drifting from within. With the briefest hand gesture the way to the door was cleared. The scribe opened his mouth as if to protest but said nothing dipping his head and stepping back.

"Please wait here Ewald."

She opened the door receiving a somewhat puzzled look from her old friend. Looking in her eyes he motioned for the room to be cleared. In the informality of two friends who could only be themselves in private, he took her hand and led her to a seat.

"What's bothering you Kate?" He asked, his tanned ceased face showing warmth and concern.

"By Ora, Brock, I don't know where to start. .. Am I allowing my vanity to bring Nivemus into affairs she should be avoiding?"

He blew out his cheeks and poured two goblets of wine


Roleplay from Brock Ketchum 

Brock looks puzzled at Kronagos Catherine sudden arrival before smiling a little as he pours two goblets of wine. He shows some concern on his face as he asks his old friend about what bothering her.

"Do drink a little, my friend. On the subject, many of our nobles are ready to follow you no matter which direction you take Nivemus to. Of course recent events could have weigh heavily in your mind. Especially Oligarch city battle and the hunting that follow afterwards which is regrettable. Lord Zadek is an old friend of mine as well, the way he was hunted down does make me feel disgusted when I first heard the news. But then I believe that this could be an innocent mistake of his Captain. For his men are just returning from attacking Rhîntaurardh realm lands, and with their previous attack order still unchanged they marched to Oligarch. The Duchies of Southern Sirion hunting of Lord Zadek on the other hand, as much as it can be avoided, is likely due to mistrust and misunderstanding that follow afterwards."

Brock drinks a little from the goblet of wine poured, as he continues.

"Sometimes I do wish some quietness though I prefer activity and some company. Wine is not best to be enjoy alone without some company. When we at crossroad of two paths, there is one path less travel and another one path often travel by many people. The path ahead may look less travel and chosen by few, if we take the path everyone travel often, we may regret never take the less travel path ahead. It is a new beginning of life chapter for you, my old friend. If it is the less travel path, so be it. Do not forget you have many friends standing beside you, supporting you. Let drink to that."

(OOC: Some excepts are credit from "The Road Not Taken" poem by Robert Frost ;) )


Roleplay from Illyses Corvian 

'Get dressed in official attire for the line of guard honor.'

Well, Illyses was not prepared for this. She had brought her set of light armour, a spare, and a simple, but pleasant, midnight blue dress for the wedding feast, but official attire? Maybe if she attached a couple of badges and brooches, and cut her cloak shorter so it passes off as a cape, she might look kind of formal-ish. Maybe she could ask Sir Brock directly, and he can give her a few pointers. She's only met him on a few occasions, mostly on the battlefield, and rarely sharing a conversation other than the occasional war cry while chopping down monsters.

Illyses made her way to Sir Brock's chamber, hoping she won't catch him on a bad time. When she arrived, the door was slightly ajar, and she could hear people talking. She pushed the door slightly open, and looked inside, and to her surprise, Sir Brock and Kronagos Catherine were inside, talking over wine.

Closing the door, Illyses immediately apologised, "Forgive me, my lady, I did not know you and Sir Brock were conversing. I should not have barged in here. I will take my leave."

But before she could leave, Kronagos Catherine let out a chuckle, and waved her in.


Roleplay from Garas Gabanus

Garas sat in his study, time had now truly almost come. There has been a very tense atmosphere within the city these past few days with so many rulers present in Oligarch, but also the attack on Oligarch city and the hunting incident afterwards greatly troubled Garas. While he would never show this to the outside world, Garas had grown rather nervous himself as well. He was unsure whether this was due to his upcoming union with Catherine, or the upcoming war with Echtelion. Two individuals which ravaged his thoughts and left him occupied, even during his sleep. Love and war, war and peace, or was it? He didn't have much time to think about it as his men came in for directions also: "Milord, Stratarchos Brock's men ask permission to enter the cellar for the wine." Garas looked at the servant: "Yes, yes, let them have access everywhere, inform the Stratarchos also," he simply replied.

Then his captain entered the room, "My lord, the defenses are still good, we can start the celebrations milord," he said. His captain knew well not to start about the defenses of the city at this point as it would bring the wrath of his master. "Good, let it start. A great feast tonight for all nobles tonight and parties all around the palace area starting from now," Garas replied to his captain who at that point knew enough. He has been with Garas ever since somewhere during the last great war. He knew very well what he could say to his master without angering him. He was perhaps one of the few men who knew the actual state of Garas, more than merely his bravado. He would never betray this image of his Lord however, he knew far better.

"I want to speak to Lady Catherine, if we open the events  I want to do so together. Go to her personally Gawin, let the men make the final preparations for the events, you do this for me!" Garas ended.


Roleplay from Kristina Chamberlain

Dekmar entered Catherines suite quietly:

"Lady Kristina, It is Garas man, he has need of her majesty."  Kristina had been awaiting her sister's return since lunchtime.  Wulfric sat at her feet pushing the wooden Orc Garas had gifted him around on the floor.  She scooped the boy into her arms and settled onto the litter throne that Catherine used when on diplomatic errands.

"You may send him hence." Dekmar looked like he was about to object, but few of the host of Nivemus had the strength of resolve to deny the Kronagos' sister.  Kristina was never changing.  Ora had taken her as her own on the road to Dale and from that day it seemed time had stood still.  Years and scars did not touch or ravage her. She remained herself, beautiful, young and slightly frightening for both factors.

The man presented to her quailed under her gaze. "You have need of my sister?"

Unbidden the man felt himself beginning to kneel before the priestess, he looked down at his hands and found himself wondering about the track his life had taken for him.  Rationally he knew that he enjoyed his life, but under the bright gaze of the woman he wondered if there were not perhaps more that he had not considered before.

"Lord Garas... he wishes the company of the Kronagos for he opening of the festivities this evening." The man pronounced to his knees.

She smiled "That is not our way, sir..." she paused listening to the air. "Sir Gawin," she finished with resolution.  "Normally a bride is seen by no-one but her family members for the day before she is wed. That said I am not sure whom she is seeing currently. You might try the lodgings of Lord Stonefist or Stratarchos Ketchum.  Or indeed Lady Jimenez or Kessler, I know she often spends time with them in the capital."


Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain   

Illyses reminded her of what she had been, the awkwardness she exuded in the face of those in 'authority' despite fighting along side the said same people against the enemies of Nivemus.  She along with her compatriots of the younger nobles of Nivemus were the future of the realm.  Did she have any right to throw that future into question when all she had worked for was the growth and security of the tribes.  Perhaps her time was over, it was not unthinkable that in the coming days she might be unseated for the selfishness of following her heart.  Perhaps she would be coming to Illyses or Marcos in coming days as the true authority of Nivemus. She chuckled to herself as the younger woman grasped the handle of the door in an attempt to leave.

"Lady Corvian, please join us for a drink." She poured a third goblet and the younger woman sat uncomfortably between herself and Brock: "How is Poitiers? you seem to have turned the region to profit once again in a fairly short time."

Illyses seemed to relax visibly as she discussed the infrastructure changes she had made in the past months.  Catherine and Brock both nodded their assent and encouragement as she discussed the province she had made into her home.  Brock was a genial host ensuring their goblets remained filled.  As they lulled into a more companionable silence Catherine looked through the window.  It was past mid-day and Garas would be convening the festivities at sunset.  Their marriage would be the following dawn.  The sky remained cloudless and even within this greatest of cities she caught the sounds of birdsong on the wind.  The city smelled differently from any of the municipalities of Nivemus though, Kazakh and Oroya always smelled of the salt waters of the Peninsula seas and sang with the songs of the harbours  and the many tongued traders that populated the markets and taverns. Her own Ashforth, a small town compared to Oligarch had the familiar smells of the Mead breweries and the close vales of agriculture that pressed right up to her walls, there was tremendous comfort in the familiarity of the city, she knew each coble on the wlks from her estates to the academy or the offices of government.

"The Stratarchos has been counseling me Lady Corvian.  My marriage on the morrow will commit Nivemus in ways she has not been committed before and there will be many hard choices ahead for us.  I have always worked to ensure Nivemus survival and prosperity by maintaining a safe governance of the realm.  Even then I have brought us to war on the basis of principle but always with the feeling that I had the probability of maintaining Nivemus safety no matter the odds. I wonder at your thoughts Illyses, Is the heart principle enough for me to bring all of Nivemus on a journey into the unknown?"


Roleplay from Illyses Corvian   

Illyses shifted uncomfortably in her seat at the prospect of having to answer such a profound question. In all honesty, she has been bored close to death at the lack of any action in Nivemus, resorted to having read about Perdan and Vix Tiramora clash continuously against each other for sport. She was raring to go, and the prospect of facing up against another in battle was more exciting than scary.

"Kronagos Catherine, you treat Nivemus like your child. A baby should be coddled, and while growing up, you will feel compelled to keep her safe from any harm. But there will come a time when you need to let her go into the unknown to experience life for herself. You can only try to guide her, but you cannot always keep her on a leash. Wounds heal, and whatever doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Nivemus will fight if needed, we might emerge victorious, raising our blades high and crying out to the skies as if challenging them to bring us down. Or we may lose, left to lick our wounds, but we will grow from the loss. Regardless the outcome, I'm sure we will emerge stronger."


Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain

Illyses words struck a chord with her and for now at least Catherine felt a little lighter.

She looked at the younger woman with a glint in her eye and the betrayal of a wry smile.

"But I have never lost"


Roleplay from Garas Gabanus   

Gawin was allowed to enter and saw lady Kristina. He quickly recognized her to be a lady of importance and kneeled before her. He knew well enough to listen carefully to what the lady had to say, but her words surprised him as they seemed a contradiction. "I will seek for them then and inform my lord," he said as he paused for a moment and made another bow, "Milady, excuse my forwardness, but the father.." he said as he turned his head towards the boy, "the Stratarchos?" he then continued, "My master never speaks of it," he ended.

Meanwhile, Garas sat in his study as servants ran across the palace preparing for the festivities. He wanted to wait for his bride as he had believed her to join him in the opening. Little did he know what was happening elsewhere in the palace. Normally his spies tell him everything and there are few secrets which he does not know of inside the palace walls and even beyond it. Now Garas was so occupied with the wedding and everything else, that no servant dared come close to him and tell him what was going on. It was unwise to spread rumors, especially about Garas as he was known not only as a strong and proud man, but also one whose wrath was horrific. A kind man to his friends, but unreasonable at times also, especially towards his enemies and he grew more so throughout the years. Perhaps this wedding would change him, or stop this road that he had taken.

Garas was unsure about the future, he knew not what it would bring or how it would look like. However it was the path he had chosen and he would keep himself to his word. Tonight would be a strange night also he thought. Ecthelion was known to have a great dislike for him and with the letters going back and forth one could only wonder what the feast tonight would bring. The seating, what about the seating. Does one put the highest ranking members on one side of the table, then he would have to sit with Ecthelion and Serria he thought. He had been so busy that he hadn't even noticed the Commander had left the city already, most likely in disgust based on her last letter. Do we seat them per nation, but then there will be no mix where this is a festivity of union between nations and nobles. Ultimately he made a decision as his servant had stood waiting for 10 minutes at least. "Seat everyone per nation, but mix those of Nivemus and our own as it is our union." Sirion was placed on the far end side of the table close to the Kronagos whereas Eponllyn would sit on the other side with Garas.


Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain 

Tradition would have dictated her staying  in the company of family for the coming hours, but tradition would see her married barefoot and adorned with the blossoms of the white tree.  Her talk with Brock and Illyses had confirmed for her, she was not altogether a traditional girl. She was not a girl at all, but a woman, a queen and a mother. The white garbed barefoot virgin had been beaten in a duel some time ago now. She returned to her rooms with Ewald.

Kristina, as always had looked as though she knew what was coming as Catherine had breezed back into her apartments, she produced a deep red gown from behind a screen and smiled knowingly at her sister.  Catherine kissed her cheeks briefly and went to cozen Wulfric in his furs.  The boy slept fitfully, the howl of this wolf quieted by the sleep of the innocent.  Her sister helped her pull the gown into place, its cut restoring a figure she had not truly possessed or inhabited since Wulfrics birth.  She removed the garland and settled the diadem back on her head.

She had looked to the glass as her sister re braided the strands of her hair that had escaped during the day.  Her sister worked in silence, the smile resting warmly on her lips telling Catherine that there was no offence in her actions.

"Garas has requested my presence."

Her sister laughed indicating with a hand sweep all she had done to prepare for this prior to her sisters return: "Ora knows your spirit Kate, and I know you. Garas needs you more than even he can know."  She kissed her sister briefly and Catherine left.

Accompanied by Ewald and the scribe Garas had sent her to negotiate the other wings of the palace.  The boy was desperate to send word ahead,  she was quite certain such formality was unwarranted with the number of Garas' men in the corridors.  The Queen of Nivemus in a blood red gown striding through their midst was not a sight easily overlooked.  As she proceeded they would stop and bow at her passing, she almost felt the need to laugh at such formality, but it was a foolish woman who made fun of respect.

Catherine stood before his doors, she had bade the guards and heralds silence and hoped that they would not betray this simple request.

Opening the doors she walked into the room, Garas looked up barely registering her at first:

" I asked not to be..." his words stuttered to a halt. "Catherine, I was not sure whether to expect you..."

She smiled, smoothing the front of her bodice before clasping her hands before her: "I heard that you had need of me. I believe we have festivities afoot?" He still seemed a little dumbstruck by her arrival.  She looked to him, a playful smile in her eyes: "Will I do?"

He took her hand, relief evident on his face: "Always" he seemed to mutter.

"Now that little scribe you sent me has told me of your seating plans.  I hate to be difficult, but I must disagree with your logic. All are here as friends now or potential friends.  do not alienate anyone by slight or acknowledgement of malice... you will sit next to Ecthelion, he is arguably the most powerful man on the Island he should be seated to your right.  Princess Siana of Eponllyn to his right.  I will be to your left, with Garin to my left and the Duchess of Negev to his left.  The others I agree with your thoughts, but do not make enemies when we could all yet be friends..."


Roleplay from Garas Gabanus  

Garas had not expected Catherine to appear after he had received word back from Gawin, but he had no time to deal with his captain right now. The surprise and the appearence of his bride to be had struck him so hard, that he could not find the words to reply to her, but fortunately for him she continued. His seating plan was redone by the Kronagos and the idea of sitting next to Ecthelion brought some fear into his heart, although he did not show it. Garas was not well trained in diplomacy, polite small talk and the likes. He was born and raised a noble, but spent the majority of his life on or around a battlefield, a landscape not requiring tact, but a different skill in stead. But he knew very well that tonight he had to be different and that Catherine was right. "He speaks war talk already, but you are right. If something can be done, we must do it. You are always right love," Garas said, "I shall sit next to him and behave myself," he continued with a short grin following those words.

"Captain, I will deal with you later, ensure that we are announced," he said to Gawin, whom Catherine had referred to as his scribe. And so his captain went off as Garas and Catherine made the final preparations. Garas took hold of Catherine's hands, but all he said was "Wow". 


Roleplay from Brock Ketchum

As both Kronagos Catherine and Brock are conversing, there is a sudden opening of the door and closing as Countess Illyses come by.

"Countess Illyses, do come in. No worry, I think this is a matter of interest to all Nivemus we are talking about here. Do offer your opinion as you see fit" Brock nods and smiles as he welcomes another noble to his temporary room.

After Countess Illyses settles down inside, Brock pours another goblet of wine. He smiles at Countess as he plays a host.

"Care for a drink? How do you like about the official attire and the best clothes part? I think you will look beautiful during the feast" Brock winks at Countess Illyses.

A scribe knocks on the door before Brock waves him in. He hurriedly gives Brock a message before the scribe takes his leave.

Brock nods approvingly as he reads the message from Garas.

Asking for his Captain to come in, Brock lets his Captain know "Look like our men have been approved to move all the wine barrels we have carried to Garas cellar. Captain, get going then."