Author Topic: The Wedding  (Read 22889 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #45: August 09, 2015, 04:31:23 AM »
Roleplay from Robert Stonefist  

Stonefist grinned again.

"My pleasure. If we end up in the stocks, do be sure to free us, Brock." He winked at the loyal man. "If you have need of my men, Captain Werner is at the ready. I trust him implicitly. He knows to follow you, sir."

To the Queen, the Baron said, "Farewell for now. We'll gather together soon, I trust. Look for us at the meeting point we set for your sister."

Turning to Kenwood, he whispered, "Put the steel away, we'll not need it, I hope. Just follow my lead."

A second later, he was on the first guard before the man blinked, toppling him with a right hook.

"I would be free!" the Baron roared. "I am no prisoner!"  The second guard moved in, but Stonefist already had a left uppercut waiting. The path was only going to be clear for a moment, because all the other guards, nobles and anyone in the room was turned towards the door.

Kenwood was right on Stonefist's heels. He shoved a third guard into his partner, then took a dinner plate and slammed it over the head of a fifth.

The Baron sent a quick wave in the direction of the Queen. The he was kicking a new guard in the chest, and basically laughing. Turning, he looked over at Kenwood. The younger lord was doing just fine, though he wasn't quite as at home brawling. He dodged a blow on one side, then parried a pike on the other.

"Now this is a wedding party, Kenwood!" said Stonefist, as he pushed his young companion towards the door.