Author Topic: The Wedding  (Read 22381 times)


  • Noble Lord
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Re: The Wedding
« Reply #60: September 25, 2015, 04:02:55 AM »
Roleplay from Catherine Chamberlain

Each of the temples of Ora were served by the Maunts, the three senior members of each temple were the Mother, the Elder Mother and the Young Mother. . It was the Young Mother of Bruck who stood chagrined and breathless before the collected nobility of Nivemus. The Maunt had been one of the 5 to join Kristina on the trip to Oligarch.

Catherine looked up at the girl feeling the unshed tears trying to overwhelm her eyes. She was a Queen of Nivemus, she could not crumble before her men.

Catherine noted with dismay the streaks and stains of blood on the woman's white robes.She fell to her knees before the woman, an act of desperation and supplication.

"What news do you have Mother" She begged.

The girl who was no more than 12 took the Kronagos by the hands. "The Oracle bade me to take you to your son." She smiled taking the Queen's face in her hands. "It is the blessed new moon in the third arc tonight. A good time to be married."

Catherine came to her feet dumbly. Turning to Brock she asked him to take the host of Nivemus home. The grand affair had turned to sour disaster. A wedding required but 2 people. She allowed the girl to lead her by the hand.

They had walked scant minutes before meeting one of Garas patrols. The Young Mother of Bruck had drawn their attention first, one of the more zealous guards reaching her hood from behind and decrying the fact that she was 'too young'.

"You would be wise to step back from her soldier,"Catherine intoned. "Nivemus would not look well on a Young Mother being molested." She drew back her own hood revealing the yet braided hair adorned by the Oran Diadem

"Your majesty?" He dropped to one knee. "The Prime Minister bade us find you.."

"I can see that." She remarked looking meaningfully at the young Maunt. "I would see Garas if you would escort me."

His chest puffing with pride he ordered his group to form two columns around the Queen of Nivemus.

A sussurus of her name spread along the streets and soon they were lined with the citizens of the city watching the progress of the Queen in her green roughspun gown. As they proceeded more of Garas troops quietly joined the progress until she was flanked by over 100 men. The Young Mother of Bruck walked before them collecting the flowers being dropped by the common folk in the Queen's wake.

Eventually she was joined by Garas little scribe. He bowed briefly taking extra half steps as he spoke to her.

"It is good to see you well. You are well your majesty?"

"I am quite well. And Garas?" She asked.

"He is well, only anxious for your safety. He has Pri. .." gain began.

Her eyes began to betray her again. "Do not speak his name... Please I beg you... I. must remain a Queen until I can close a door to be a mother again." She clenched her jaw, forcing a brittle smile for the common folk.

Gawin had no clue what else to say so lapsed into silence. They reached Garas headquarters in the same formal silence. Gawin threw open the door announcing "Catherine of Nivemus! "