Author Topic: lightning bolts plox  (Read 46545 times)


  • Mighty Duke
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Re: lightning bolts plox
« Reply #15: August 23, 2015, 04:05:46 AM »
Too many !@#$ers trying to play logical characters. What kind of fun is that? Oh, the best thing is characters saying "don't be hasty" and "random comment about how the past was this, so any change is wrong". I'm getting !@#$ing fed up with people who are perfectly happy to watch the entire continent just die off from inactivity. Honestly, if you can't think up a reason for your character to do something to rock the !@#$ing boat, then you are thinking too narrowly with your character.

I mean, we've had our own nobles attacked by infiltrators and there's no outcry. I'm sorry, but CE has some of the most boring characters I've ever had the misfortune to roleplay with. I wouldn't wish it on even the worst powergamer to plague a Pathfinder group. Half of the realm are a bunch of white knights in shining armor whinging on about their "honor" and "history", a quarter is too scared of what might happen to them, and the remaining quarter is getting fed up IC and OOC that every single !@#$ing chance there is of us getting involved in something, ANYTHING, it gets shot down as too "risky".

I mean seriously, are we trying to bore players into quitting? Is that what we're trying to do? Because it certainly seems to be working, as I see a constant stream of characters fleeing to other continents or players just plain deleting their character. We have at least one region that's gone without a lord for at least three election cycles, not because there aren't any nobles to take the spot, but because all the knights are so apathetic towards the situation that they've probably lost all motivation to even do anything.

Rant over, please comment in whatever way you see fit.