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Famous Old Characters

Started by Vita`, October 17, 2015, 07:37:26 PM

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Kanuni Kalkandelen King of Old Taselak and founder of HSG should made the list...


Quote from: Kalkandelen on October 07, 2017, 07:05:25 PM
Kanuni Kalkandelen King of Old Taselak and founder of HSG should made the list...
Promoting your own character? Shameless!


I'd like to put Crixus Domitius here. One of the most influential and dominant character to ever have walked Dwilight.

Gabanus family

Quote from: Kalkandelen on October 07, 2017, 07:05:25 PM
Kanuni Kalkandelen King of Old Taselak and founder of HSG should made the list...

I'm pretty sure I already mentioned him here. One of the iconical and most influential chars, at least for me.

@Zakky, go wash your mouth with soap sir!
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Gabanus family on October 13, 2017, 08:38:48 AM
I'm pretty sure I already mentioned him here. One of the iconical and most influential chars, at least for me.

@Zakky, go wash your mouth with soap sir!

Hey! How about this! Atanamir of Umbar! Best Perdanese character to ever have lived!  ::)


Quote from: Zakky on October 13, 2017, 05:03:35 AM
I'd like to put Crixus Domitius here. One of the most influential and dominant character to ever have walked Dwilight.

I'm... not sure I agree. To me, he seems third-rate, at best. A few of characters have had a lasting impact on basically the whole continent, a handful have had an impact that was great more more limited in scope in terms of either time or how much of Dwilight, and, Crixus...? Has he ever been relevant outside of Swordfell? He may have all the titles Swordfell has to offer, but Swordfell has never had any continental or even regional relevance that I can think of. Next to Mathurin, Allison, Dragomir, Jonsu... he sounds like a nobody to me.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


Out of the four you mentioned I recognize two names - Mathurin and Jonsu.

You may dislike Crixus (most acrive players do) but his achievements are undeniable. The richest man on the continent (personal income, not realm coffers), the most powerful man on the continent (single-man power, not temporary power - sure Vasilif of Astrum, Aeon of Westgard, Emperor of Luria etc. have more infrastructure, realm income and mobile CS, but should any of the above ask their realm to do something 100% absurd they would likely be protested out of office. Since Mariah death Crixus has the most "unquestioned" power and riches out there.)

But then again his strongest side is his weakest side - the only thing limiting the man is realm's noble-count and the only thing limiting realm's noble-count is his authocratic rule over Swordfell.

Sure he's not as big a name as Mathurin but then again - who is?
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)

Gabanus family

First off, Zakky was being sarcastic (also seen by the fact that he followed it up with Atanamir, who was...well let's not get into that).

Secondly, Crixus has never had any impact on the continent outside of Swordfell and Swordfell never accomplished anything of significance on Dwilight, so you can't well call him impactful. I would also argue against him being powerful, there is little Swordfell can do at this point to really take someone down. They begged for peace when Westfold (less gold and fewer nobles then) declared war on them (which was the first war Swordfell was in, EVER).

Rich, yes he is rich. Wealth gained by having a super wealthy city and subsequently never doing anything. If that is the definition of becoming famous I know where I went wrong with Garas (was making 2200 a week, should've stayed in Sirion then?) and then I'll gladly never have a famous char  ???
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


I know Zakky was sarcastic. Chenier was not.

And I may well be biased having only a character in Swordfell, then again we're all biased that way. But I get the vibe that he is "known". That does get him a bit famous or "infamous" at least. Then again I have no idea of other Domitius characters. Then again I never had any idea about any other JeVondair characters other than Selenia until recently. But then again when I finally had it was OH MY F... GOD.

The question is - do you need to be impactfull to be famous? Or do you just need to be known/unique/liked etc. ?

One thing I'm certain - I'll be damned if Archibald and Purrcious are not on this list a year from now.   :D
Talk all you want, you don't get chars like that factory made.
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)


Quote from: MTYL on October 14, 2017, 12:02:24 AM
I know Zakky was sarcastic. Chenier was not.

And I may well be biased having only a character in Swordfell, then again we're all biased that way. But I get the vibe that he is "known". That does get him a bit famous or "infamous" at least. Then again I have no idea of other Domitius characters. Then again I never had any idea about any other JeVondair characters other than Selenia until recently. But then again when I finally had it was OH MY F... GOD.

The question is - do you need to be impactfull to be famous? Or do you just need to be known/unique/liked etc. ?

One thing I'm certain - I'll be damned if Archibald and Purrcious are not on this list a year from now.   :D
Talk all you want, you don't get chars like that factory made.

The sarcasm was not detected.

But yea, I think you are biased because you are in Swordfell, because as Gabanus said, Swordfell has no continental relevance, nor even any regional influence. They have never even had a visible impact upon a mere neighbor.

I don't dislike Crixus, I literally never hear of him. And I've been on Dwilight since the start, skipping roughly 2015. At most, you could say I dislike the idea of leaders of such passive realms (which would also include Fissoa and Madina, don't worry you aren't alone in the club). That said, I also don't ever hear anything about those rulers either. Which, frankly, is kinda at the heart of why I dislike them. But that's the complete opposite of being famous. Or infamous.  So yea, if one can be either impactful or famous is beside the point, because I deem him to be neither.

I could list a bunch of characters I played with that I would consider noteworthy or memorable, but I limit myself mostly to people I know had a more meaningful impact. Having joined the realm in 2016 makes one poorly placed to judge "famous old characters", because that implies that much of this fame was achieved before you joined.

Allison Kabrinski rocked the boat. A lot. She was pivotal in the spread of SA, the destruction of realms, and, perhaps debatably, setting the pieces that also readied the ground for Jonsu breaking SA to pieces. She even named her realm after herself... Kabrinskia...

Dragomir? He's Astrum's ruler since 2015? Honestly I'm a little confused I thought he's been there longer. Not as outspoken as Allison or Jonsu, perhaps, but as the head of the continent's most powerful realm, he has certainly been impactful. Though for some reason I misremembered his age, and the point about the tie of impactfulness and notoriety is valid, so maybe with hindsight I'd remove him from the list.

But Allison? Way more (in)famous than Crixus will ever be.
Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron


One can argue that if a year old interested player doesn't know anything about something happening before his time then perhaps that something wasn't that impactful after all. I never heard of this Alison. I've heard plenty about Jonsu and Mathurin.
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)


Many names have been added to unique item name generations years ago. And restricted to the continents they were most noteworthy upon. I encourage newer players to ask about the histories of character names in unique items you come across. Or explore the wiki, though not all have their histories there. I do believe Allison does. I would daresay Allison, Brance, and Deverka were more influential than Mathurin. Mathurin had influence, but he also had a light, gentle touch in where he tipped his influence.

EDIT: There's quite a bit of lost history that is lost in-game between 'generations' of players, unfortunately. There's a few folks on each island with long memories. ka Habb family is one such on Dwilight, off the top of my head, if you run into him and get him to share his stories. I think he likes to tell tales too.

Character names from sunk islands or war islands are available on all continents, in addition to the continent's own names.

Gabanus family

That is actually great stuff Vita! Thanks

And well Mathurin is known because we keep throwing his name around, but Allison was definately a huge impact. Honestly I didn't remember Mathurin, but Seoras kept using it thus so did I. I was anti SA back in the days in the west, but I damn well remember Allison.

Also what is a famous old char? I mean by now Garas is known by all on EC, but does that qualify? I don't really think so, not yet at least, but I suppose that's different for everyone?

New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Garas is not old enough. And famous/impactful as he may be he's not Selenia famous/impactful. If he was in the past then nothing of that fame prevailed to these days... :(  USE WIKI PEOPLE!

I just noticed that I'm the one to talk. If you look for Bennets in wiki it's still taking you to some weird non-existant family. No idea how to fix it.
New family - Arnickles Renodin: Maura(OS), Myr(LN)
Old family - The (dead) Bennets: Max(SF), Joran(VT), Jarra(OS)