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Anyone here a modder? A Battlemaster Crusader Kings II mod discussion

Started by GundamMerc, October 19, 2015, 07:49:09 AM

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I've been thinking, with all the similarities this game has atmospherically with CK 2, perhaps it would be possible for someone to create a Mod featuring each of the current islands. Of course, they would probably be scaled up to the size of the CK II world, since playing them at Battlemaster scale would be a bit boring and unbalanced in CK 2.

Plus a mod would be a very good way to tap into a popular game that has many players that are of the perfect temperament for our game.


Is it possible? Yes. Do I have experience of modding Paradox games? Yes. Do I, or anyone else, have the hours and hours of time it would take to convert a BM map to CK2 and scale them? Probably not.

However, this is a good idea and something that I will have a wee look into to see how modding would work for CK2 for reference purposes. Not least because when BM eventually dies it would be good to have an equivalent which people could play. I can imagine, for instance, that a multiplayer game on an EC sized map where every region lord is a player would be particularly interesting and fun. Though as a singleplayer game it probably wouldn't be anything special.

Dante Silverfire

I would play it, but the problem is you are talking about a total conversion mod. Those are much more difficult to create than a normal mod.
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Quote from: Dante Silverfire on October 30, 2015, 02:44:24 AM
I would play it, but the problem is you are talking about a total conversion mod. Those are much more difficult to create than a normal mod.

That is true. But I still feel it would be worth it. I will also probably try working the other way around, and talk to people in the community about Battlemaster, especially people with modding experience.


The most difficult bit is creating an entirely new map. It's doable but it really requires someone with a lot of practice using photoshop or GIMP. It's not the kind of thing that you can just do in a few hours - it takes skill and lots and lots of time.


Unfortunately the designs of the continents don't lend themselves that well to BM's own mechanics and gameplay, they wouldn't be that great in CK2 either.
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