Author Topic: Character limit changes  (Read 59253 times)


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Re: Character limit changes
« Reply #15: October 28, 2015, 06:13:21 PM »
First of all, apologies for the confusion. It wasn't intended for continent-restrictions to be live *yet*. There was a bug (or more accurately, I overlooked something), that resulted in the GM messages being distributed for anyone with 2 characters on an island (whether they were noble or advy). Tim has rolled back those changes for now.

When they *are* live, it will be one actively-played noble and one active-played advy per island. Emigration restrictions/penalties at that time may be temporarily softened.

I just logged in and still got the GM message - I'm assuming that's just how the GM system works and it's not possible to revoke the message despite rolling back the effective change?