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Dig in - another shamefur display!

Started by Nellamkuyzhil, November 12, 2015, 07:53:43 PM

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Sorry for:-
1.) Being a constant whiner.
2.) The repeated shogun 2 total war reference.
It's just that I lost six hours on TWO OF MY CHARACTERS!! cause I clicked on the dig in option by mistake. Can't we please please not have an option of confirming that action????
My motor coordination skills are not at fault here. I'm accessing this game through my mobile (I'm a poor third world fellow) and sometimes I miss my aim with my finger. Now I can't travel this turn due to shortage of hours and I'll probably reach where the army is after THE BLOODY WAR IS OVER!
are such irritations really mandatory??
Surely a page saying "are you sure you want your men to cower in foxholes for the remainder of the war?" Message isn't all that unreasonable a demand.
Also, pertinent to mention here is that sometimes your comrades !@#$ in those very fox holes and you have to live near that. (I think. So says Orwell (homage to Catalonia) and band of brothers (forget the episode).



You will have to get used to not pressing buttons by accident.

Tom hates confirmation messages. He only has it for deletion.


I agree that the mobile site needs to have the links more spaced out. They are to close together.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I mean, I learned the hard way that torture doesn't have a confirmation, either... and that it happens to be *just* below "Set free"


Don't you hate it when one's underling confuses 'release the prisoner' with 'release the torturer'?


You folks crazy.
If I get intercepted enroute to the rally point because of yesterday's delay, you can bet I'll be back here complaining.


Didn't someone execute a prisoner by accident when trying to release them? For some reason I associate Lorgan with that...
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


No, Lorgan just didn't want to face the rap for executing someone. :P


Quote from: Vita on November 13, 2015, 08:14:46 AM
Don't you hate it when one's underling confuses 'release the prisoner' with 'release the torturer'?

I mean, they just sound so similar!  ::)

Gabanus family

Quote from: Eirikr on November 14, 2015, 09:08:03 AM
I mean, they just sound so similar!  ::)

Yeah I hate it as well if they release prisoners by accident...
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


"Oops I accidentally shortened your noble a little bit. ::)"

"... How much of him is left?"

qui audet vincit



This is more a matter of the game needing better mobile functionality in general.


Who is in charge of the mobile version anyway?
Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


No one. I think it is just a different CSS for the main site.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.