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Let nobles also able to repair, find items, hunt monster bands, etc

Started by Frustent, September 16, 2015, 10:13:53 PM

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Just passing this on as a suggestion that another player wrote in-game recently.  If anyone wants to turn it into a feature request you'll have to try doing so yourself, as I'm not the original author and I'm not comfortable trying to interpret their words correctly into the format Feature Requests require.

QuoteOut-of-Character from NameRemoved   (52 minutes ago)
Message sent to everyone in "NameRemoved" (30 recipients)
I think the game mechanics as they are heavily disincentivize RPing Tom's strict noble attitude towards commoners.  I agree with NameRemoved's player that Nobles really do *need* adventurers, and more generally, realms need Players.  Making life miserable for players by making their character's life miserable will drive away  many players.  I think if we all treated Commoners as the dirt nobles are theoretically supposed to (generally) view them as, it'd be more miserable to play adventurers, and (despite that being the point) less people would do so, and there'd be a lot more problems with Monsters (and a lot less items around).  Ye Olde Double-Edged Sword.   I think there's a difference between RPing an internal disdain for the commoners and RPing active abuse of them.  That seems to me to be a matter of personal taste and choice, so not likely to succeed on a complaint?

That said... just ... well Saying ICly that your character agrees commoners are not equal to nobles doesn't really change the fact that you are treating them as equals (in the sense of preferring to protect them despite them insulting a peer; valuing their comfort, convenience, 'efficiency' over a peer's; declaring that the Guild makes everyone in it just what rank they are in the Guild - not noble/commoner; valuing the item repair/monster hunting service over a noble's birthright; etc.).

Solution time:  If nobles were ALSO able to repair, find items, hunt monster bands, whatever like commoners do (and risk death, etc.), then there'd be no dependency upon them, and there'd be no real incentive beyond personal preference and social judgments to pander somewhat unreasonably to the unwashed masses.  Commoners in that scenario would be grateful to get the work they would get, and would actually be beholden to the nobles who employ them.  Nobles would still have incentive to provide work to the commoners since they would likely rather be busy with more noble pursuits (or just don't want to get their hands dirty).  Rogue or landless nobles would have more things to do, and the "valuableness" of the service the Commoners provide would be put in its proper SMA context.  Nobles "could" just do the stuff themselves, but would rather not lower themselves, so they delegate a slave to do it and maybe reward if they feel like it.  Conducting the Service = Low, and to be done by the Low, but Nobles COULD just deal with it themselves, so no job security.  More importantly, there'd be more CHOICE for the gameplay to match RP (or vice versa).

Contrast that with the game mechanics as-is, where the services Cannot be conducted by anyone by the commoners, so the service is much more subject to supply & demand based on players choosing to play commoners.  Therefore almost everybody views that service as 'honourable' for the commoners to conduct, instead of "low", and their characters thusly foster an IC respect for the common folk, who literally do what they cannot.  RP informed heavily by the gameplay mechanics.

Mixed messages, I guess, from Tom then.  Be serious, but here's some game mechanics that mean your character's life will be harder for being serious.

Is it like this on all the islands that aren't SMA?


Osgar (Thalmarkin, BT), Jeames (Perleone, EC)
PAUSED: Nasgar (Avernus, DWI), Jari (Outer Tilog, COL)


I don't really see this as a running problem. RPing that commoners are beneath nobles doesn't mean you have to beat up every one you see. I've had advs arrested without cause and even executed. It's common for people to value the services of a particular group even if they look down on them as inferior. Just look at the untouchables of India. They're the lowest caste, but some actually make a good living because they're the only people who can handle dead cows which creates a source of leather and provides a service cleaning them from the streets.

I think it's more interesting for role play if nobles must begrudgingly accept the services of filthy adventurers.