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Barca, Luria, etc.

Started by Vita`, January 21, 2015, 02:52:57 AM

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Quote from: Vita on January 21, 2015, 02:52:57 AM
Barca was given multiple opportunities to avoid death politically by Luria, but stubbornly refused them at every turn. Luria specifically made Aveston the last priority of major townsland/city regions to recover and even as the armies were marching into Aveston, was offering it a way out. It refused.

No you didn't. I never received any actual offer from Luria aside from Ambassador whatshisface being butthurt about us living in his precious Sun Hall and telling us to give up iirc. My demands weren't really that reasonable, but at least I actually made some.

Quote from: Wolfang on January 23, 2015, 10:45:31 PM
Heh. I used to play in Barca and recruited just about 12 new players to that realm in the end (and those on their turn invited more players). The 'peace deals' we were receiving from Luria and through the Southern League were being stretched and stretched, so much that Barca was trying to fight off hordes of massive monster CS (I think we broke the record at one point). Even when Asylon was already in Corsanctum (and seemed to be making headway), Luria kept wanting to 'negotiate'. There was no option, the leaders of the realm decided we wouldn't die out fighting monster hordes, if we kept 'negotiating' about how Barca could 'just be helped by D'Hara (who was losing its core regions) and Fissoa' they could 'why don't your allies give u some regions', whilst 50% of the previous Luria Novan regions were rogue  :-\ . If we had kept 'negotiating' we would have lost all of our already depleted armies and would have had to assimilate into another realm, or into Luria Nova itself, which would have been the end of Barca.

So we obviously had to make a move. The rest of the story is that of Luria Nova beating on a dead horse (we couldn't reinforce, kept being teleported back to the west, no gold, just plain boring in general) for several IRL months which has resulted in 90% of the second most populous realm in Dwilight to stop playing. Sad story. We used to have so many RP's and letters written constantly in that realm, it's a shame that OOC'ly people here don't realise that this game would have been better allowing Barca into the western tip of Luria and Asylon into what was Corsanctum. These were the most vibrant realms, guys sometimes you have to look further than your IC to save the game you are all complaining is losing players every day. Think of how much funner the game would have been.
Pretty much, we kept getting screwed the whole way over by players and game mechanics. Gameplay mechanic changes to allow us to actually do the migration thing mostly came about after we set off and were having huge problems with morale and gold, but for some people it was too late and we had no way of getting more money along the way and couldn't return to our capital. There was no way we could have waited any longer and indeed we had already waited too long, there wasn't great communication for the assault on Shinnen and it failed. A few players deleted their accounts or characters right after that. Lots of others were wounded or imprisoned (and then teleported back to the west until the devs made Aveston our capital (thanks!)) and many lost most or all of their soldiers.

Julius was seriously wounded and unable to reply to messages for a while so Erasmus seized his chance and usurped power, which didn't help Barca since he was still super butthurt about whatever happened to Saffalore (I honestly don't even remember anymore). His successor Kori should never have been elected either, terrible character.

It's a pity how poor the entire thing went, I think it could have been a lot of fun if the mechanics had been in place before we started but more than enough has been said about that already anyway, I just hope things in the future can work more smoothly :) I've made more gold in one tax in Morek than I did in ~6 months or something like that last year in Barca. Aveston was pretty poor.
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


The whole migration plan was poorly prepared. I think by the time it became somewhat reasonable, it was way too late.


Quote from: Ossan on March 17, 2015, 07:17:06 PM
No you didn't. I never received any actual offer from Luria aside from Ambassador whatshisface being butthurt about us living in his precious Sun Hall and telling us to give up iirc.

Yes, I did so please don't lie OOCly months after the fact. Barcan suffetes were offered, multiple times, various deals including multiple forms of land arrangements between luria/d'hara/fissoa, convincing Fissoa/D'hara to help colonize Barca into Morek, and Barca turning against the League in exchange for not being destroyed and for help conquering new lands (this is what Seoras sent your character).

I play Ambassador whatshisface and yes he was 'butthurt' about his homeland being invaded after it had just barely recovered from LV/D'haran occupation. Throw in some rape scandal, violating treaties that said violators begged for from him during the Tomb Island War, yadda yadda and he's sour and sore. It's called having in-character history and perspective. I'm certain there'd be barcan dukes just as upset had the situation been reversed.

I think most players can agree that the freezing/invasion/migration process could've been better implemented. In hindsight, I even think Dwilight should've been left alone.


I meant specifically the last part of your post where you said:
Quoteeven as the armies were marching into Aveston, was offering it a way out. It refused.

I never received any real offers, just vague rebuffs against my somewhat haughty demands for the entire duchy :p There wasn't really anything offered to reject.

I didn't mean the butthurt comment as an insult, I just thought it was kind of funny as Seoras (iirc, sorry I really don't remember how to spell the name) did come off as a bit butthurt at times and I don't blame him. Oswaldo was pretty butthurt by that point too.
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


Dit donc camarade soleil / Ne trouves-tu ça pas plutôt con / De donner une journée pareil / À un patron

Glaumring the Fox

We live lives in beautiful lies...


For publicity, a bit late I spose:
The Treaty of Palm Sea (Luria, Fissoa, Madina)
QuoteThe Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa and the Hegemony of Luria Nova do declare and swear to abide by the following:

Fissoa publicly acknowledges its error in forcefully resettling barcans upon lurian lands against a diplomatic solution. Fissoa publicly acknowledges that the Southern League was wrong to pursue this goal, and that as a founding member of the League in promoting that policy, Fissoa shall withdraw from the League. King Aran shall step down from the throne.

Fissoa shall cede Madina Island and all further western lands for the formation of Madina. The Maritime Kingdom of Fissoa shall then declare itself the Grand Principality of Fissoa.

Luria Nova shall sign peace with both realms upon completion of these aforementioned items.

Luria Nova shall cede the duchy of Grimrog, consisting of all current lurian possessions south of the Palm Sea-Maf southern border, to the Grand Principality of Fissoa while Fissoa shall make publicly known its acceptance of diverse cultures, especially of western origin. After the transition of the duchy, the ruler and judge of the Grand Principality shall step down to allow for elections by all nobility of the realm. All other titles will be held by current occupants. No new alliances shall be created or standing alliances ended between the secession of Madina and the election of the new ruler, so that the realm may choose its own direction.

Luria Nova will receive 500 bushels every autumn from the Grand Principality at a cost of 20 gold per 100 bushels. These terms shall hold for a minimum of six seasonal years from the founding date of the Seafaring Republic of Madina. A shipment may be delayed until next year's autumn in the event either Madina or Fissoa capitals are under siege or starvation. A total of six shipments, one per autumn, must occur.

Prince Alastor and Prince Tupac shall marry noble lurian brides at two tournaments, one hosted within Fissoa City, the other within a lurian city. These marriages shall occur within one seasonal year (ooc: ~84 days) of this treaty's signature.

The Verminators within Fissoa shall merge with the Royal Rangers. Nobles of the Grand Principality will be given equivalent rank to lurian nobility. Verminator guildhouses will be replaced by Ranger guildhouses.

Halls of Luria shall be constructed in Fissoa City to allow nobility to join as they may or may not wish. Ambassadors and other nobility will be invited to join the Halls of Luria upon the Ruler's Bulletin in Fissoa.

The Judge's Bulletin and New Member Bulletin of the Grand Principality shall contain an exhortation for nobility to investigate the available faiths and swear membership in a church within a timely manner.

Fissoa, Madina, Sun Hall, and Sky Hall militaries will conduct joint elephant training exercises. Each shall make arrangements for the protection of indigenous elephants from overhunting and each shall set aside a pristine natural preserve within their lands for that purpose.