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Shouldn't those immersion breaking "undead" and "monsters" be replaced

Started by Nellamkuyzhil, December 10, 2015, 04:43:16 PM

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Shouldn't those immersion breaking "undead" and "monsters" be replaced by something like raiders and bandits. Doesn't that better help  you feel like a feudal lord defending his fief during times of trouble.

Yes. Who even came up with the idea of mixing the best game online with Twilight style rubbish.
No. (And I might or might not be a Twilight fan)
Yes. But I don't believe they should be replaced with 'raiders' or 'bandits.' I have a better idea.


Imagine a future for BM where you are fighting bandits, raiders and rebels during peacetime (and even more during war time. Especially long wars as discontent rises and the enemy works to encourage domestic discord) rather than those silly fantasy creatures who apart from being irritating, also remind you that you're playing a fantasy game and not a medieval army commander simulator.

I think replacing the creatures would provide the following benefits at least :-
1) As stated more immersion. You feel like a feudal lord who can't afford to fight long wars as domestic trouble makers grow stronger and stronger if they aren't put down.
2) more opportunity for fun as you can sponsor raider bands, and give support to existing bandits in your enemy's realm so that they grow in strength, men and equipment.
3) adventurers can now fight these raiders and bandits and thus earn gold and loot in a much more believable, sensible and immersive manner.
At least one island can be set aside for those who do not have a soft corner for fantasy but do want domestic ai targets to fight from time to time.


Nope. BattleMaster is, in fact, a fantasy game, and it will stay that way.
Timothy Collett

"The only thing you can't trade for your heart's your heart." "You are what you do.  Choose again, and change." "One of these days, someone's gonna plug you, and you're going to die saying, 'What did I say? What did I say?'"  ~ Miles Naismith Vorkosigan


That said, the stable islands of EC and Colonies have much less undead/monsters. And the war island.


Quote from: Anaris on December 10, 2015, 05:01:35 PM
Nope. BattleMaster is, in fact, a fantasy game, and it will stay that way.

I find this reply irritating more than anything else. Its sounds like something religious people would say.
This is the feature request forum.
And Its in our best interest to change the game for the best.
If islands can be drowned, maybe a few things can be renamed? I'm not even asking for new mechanics. Just change undead to bandits and monsters to raiders/reavers. Maybe then multiply their numbers by ten. So 'ten monsters' become a 'hundred raiders' , same cs too.
Too much to ask? I don't think


To put it in another way. BM is a low-fantasy game. It says it right on the front page. You knew that signing up. Thus, why should, after 14 years of the game's existence, to decide that we're stripping out fantasy because you don't prefer it? Low-fantasy is an element of the game. What is actually improved for the game besides switching back and forth roleplay text?

It's not too much to ask. No, its not difficult. But those are not the sole metrics to consider a feature by. I've come up with many ideas over the years that weren't difficult, but were decided unworthy.

We're open to suggestions and there's a huge list we sift through as-is. But *this* specific thing is not going to change. Not to mention, we're not going to cease having daimons and other such magical events.

Gabanus family

I do vaguely recall an option where you could sponsor anarchists or something in the lands of other people with your family wealth (or something like that) right?
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Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Gabanus family on December 10, 2015, 05:31:09 PM
I do vaguely recall an option where you could sponsor anarchists or something in the lands of other people with your family wealth (or something like that) right?
Yes. Rebels in the one region where your family has their ancestral home.

Quote from: Vita on December 10, 2015, 05:27:46 PM
But *this* specific thing is not going to change. Not to mention, we're not going to cease having daimons and other such magical events.


Because that was what was decided by the game's creator and there's no real *gain* for the change. There are plenty of things that I or Anaris would love to change ourselves, but do not, because it is Tom's game and there are certain things he has decided. This immediate change of monsters/undead bandit/highwaymen flavour text is simple. But scrolls are low fantasy, so you'll want them gone too? And...where do we stop? See, its not so simple if we keep applying the idea.

BattleMaster derives from an older email-based game, SpellMaster, that involved wizards, magic, and spell councils. It's just a part of what BM's history and what BM is. But, for what its worth, BM was founded as *low* fantasy with SpellMaster providing the *high* fantasy side.

EDIT: Also, this is not what BM as a game is aiming towards - "medieval army commander simulator"


I wouldn't really care either way. I wouldn't have a problem changing it on one island. But it "feels" right on BT and Dwilight to have monsters and undead. That leaves EC, where we've had them for almost 15 years. Seems a bit silly to change them now.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Vita on December 10, 2015, 05:41:40 PM.

EDIT: Also, this is not what BM as a game is aiming towards - "medieval army commander simulator"
But why not?!? Seems to be the games defining feature if you ask me. I certainly play bm only cause it allows me to be a medieval troop commander.
Maybe we should try and improve on that aspect and not place so much weight on it's history.


The emphasis was put on simulator for a reason. Yes, medieval commander of troops is a core part of BM. But we're not a combat simulator for the medieval period that happened on Earth. We're more interested in providing good game mechanics than in simulating medieval conditions.


I think that bandits would be a great addition, but the monsters and undead have been a staple of the game for ages and seem to be fairly well handled. Calling the monsters and undead "twilight style" is kind of embarrassing too, since they have absolutely nothing to do with Twilight. Not even remotely.

They also predate Twilight by several years.

Quote from: Nellamkuyzhil on December 10, 2015, 06:02:37 PM
But why not?!? Seems to be the games defining feature if you ask me. I certainly play bm only cause it allows me to be a medieval troop commander.
Maybe we should try and improve on that aspect and not place so much weight on it's history.
You should check out Mount&Blade: Warband then, it has a number of fantasy mods too but the main game and many mods are varying degrees of historical realism. Especially the 1257 AD mod.
Taselak is Best-elak.

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If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


I don't see why this should be changed. Why should this be changed anyway? It doesn't bother anyone and this game doesn't even perfectly replicate the medieval period anyway. If you really want a more medieval feeling game, you can give Crusader Kings 2 a shot ;)


Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.