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The Great Northern Civil War

Started by GundamMerc, December 19, 2015, 10:36:19 PM

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Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.

Glaumring the Fox

I was one of the major instigators in my realm in supporting a free Antiqualia. I am not a Lurian, I was part of Luria because of the refugee movement but many of us have scattered or joined HD. I don't have anything against Luria and perhaps one day i'll go there to fight and break it up too but until then I am determined to keep the northlands a diverse collection of warring mini-kingdoms.  Mainly because its fun and mainly because I know if we let it return to a single realm region it will become very boring again. I go where the fighting is.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


I want to keep the north with lots of realms so we have lots of choices for war too, but I don't see a future for AQ anymore either :(
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


There is a rumbling in the west...
Faldron Nethercoate, Lord Archon of the Kingdom of Westgard, Dwilight


Quote from: GundamMerc on December 29, 2015, 11:56:25 PM
You realize part of the reason people protested in Morek was because some of the Morekians didn't give two !@#$s about giving land we couldn't use anyways to the refugees in Luria, right? Our characters felt that Morek Empire was a bloated realm greedily holding onto lands it didn't have lords for, and nobles such as Helm were too unwilling to give up the lands in order to gain a more secure control over a smaller number of regions.

You do realize that my character was one of the ones advocating abandoning the northern regions, settling the non-existent "western refugees" there, and making friends with them, right?
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.


Quote from: Indirik on December 30, 2015, 04:39:06 PM
You do realize that my character was one of the ones advocating abandoning the northern regions, settling the non-existent "western refugees" there, and making friends with them, right?

That was my point.

And the refugees are not non-existant, who do you think the nobles of Antiqualia and HD are?


Many of us are in Luria still as well... Still waiting on Astrum to make good.
Geg Family: Elshon (Bel)


Quote from: Graeth on December 30, 2015, 07:12:44 PM
Many of us are in Luria still as well... Still waiting on Astrum to make good.

Unterstrom just switched to Luria. You could always wait in HD for the new realm to be formed. It's much closer. *blatant recruitment attempt is blatant*


Would also like to point out that Arnor+Morek+Swordfell vs Antiqualia is very much an Atamaran pattern of conflict.


Didn't Swordfell join because of what HD did though, or am I remembering wrong? Could likely be I am.


Quote from: EstionTarcyn on December 30, 2015, 09:04:49 PM
Didn't Swordfell join because of what HD did though, or am I remembering wrong? Could likely be I am.

Swordfell joined before we did, actually, and still haven't declared war on HD. In fact I had to drop our relationship to neutral because it was messing up the diplomacy system for Antiqualia and us.


Quote from: GundamMerc on December 30, 2015, 09:09:34 PM
Swordfell joined before we did, actually, and still haven't declared war on HD. In fact I had to drop our relationship to neutral because it was messing up the diplomacy system for Antiqualia and us.

The more you know. A bit on the other side of the world for me after all haha.


Quote from: GundamMerc on December 30, 2015, 08:48:17 PM
Would also like to point out that Arnor+Morek+Swordfell vs Antiqualia is very much an Atamaran pattern of conflict.

well,  when they refused very generous surrender terms we had no choice.  One realm can't attack a single fortified city especially when they can draft peasants as militia.   Look at Sirion and Oligarch on EC.  Very similar situation here.   In fact now that the assault on Springdale failed and HD made some political blunders with their war declarations it is unlikely that Springdale will ever be assaulted again.  We'll take the food producing regions from HD so they can't feed Springdale and then the city will slowly starve.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on December 30, 2015, 10:28:30 PM
well,  when they refused very generous surrender terms we had no choice.  One realm can't attack a single fortified city especially when they can draft peasants as militia.   Look at Sirion and Oligarch on EC.  Very similar situation here.   In fact now that the assault on Springdale failed and HD made some political blunders with their war declarations it is unlikely that Springdale will ever be assaulted again.  We'll take the food producing regions from HD so they can't feed Springdale and then the city will slowly starve.

Oh, you had a choice. Not every war needs to devolve into a siege of a city, in fact a fluid war between just Arnor and Antiqualia would have been much more fun. But no, the rulers of Swordfell, Arnor, and Morek seem to spit in the face of anything remotely resembling fun, forming a coalition to demolish anything that should stand against them in the North. It's like the Theocracies all over again, and mark my words that what Arnor, Morek, and Swordfell are doing will lead to a very boring north.

My war declarations weren't "political blunders", it was meant to establish a meaningful conflict. But god forbid Morek follow through with its conflict with Astrum, or Arnor deal with its own issues in Antiqualia by themselves. God forbid anybody in the North not ally with everyone in sight. So go ahead, take our rurals, starve Springdale into submission, knowing you guys probably even destroy HD. Don't come crying to me when Morek Empire v2.0 leads to a mass of bloated realms with nobles leaving left and right out of shear boredom for greener pastures.


Quote from: GundamMerc on December 30, 2015, 11:26:08 PM
Oh, you had a choice. Not every war needs to devolve into a siege of a city, in fact a fluid war between just Arnor and Antiqualia would have been much more fun. But no, the rulers of Swordfell, Arnor, and Morek seem to spit in the face of anything remotely resembling fun, forming a coalition to demolish anything that should stand against them in the North. It's like the Theocracies all over again, and mark my words that what Arnor, Morek, and Swordfell are doing will lead to a very boring north.

So go ahead, take our rurals, starve Springdale into submission, knowing you guys probably even destroy HD.

Do you even have any idea of what's been going on? There was literally nothing left to do BUT assault Springdale, AQ was dying, half its nobles were gone, and the other half barely active and refusing to surrender. What the hell do you suggest we should have done, given them back some regions and then crush them again?

We're not going to destroy HD unless you refuse to surrender. Even if we DID destroy it we would refound it because Arnor can't hold on to those lands with the new changes and we don't want them anyway.

QuoteDon't come crying to me when Morek Empire v2.0 leads to a mass of bloated realms with nobles leaving left and right out of shear boredom for greener pastures.

I am sure we won't need to.
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.