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The Great Northern Civil War

Started by GundamMerc, December 19, 2015, 10:36:19 PM

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Glaumring the Fox

The old federations in the north still stand. HD ( god I hate our realm name ) is the only one trying to maintain small goal oriented alliances and fighting conflicts for RP reasons and not because we want to rule the north.
We live lives in beautiful lies...


You should have declared war on Morek and not Morek and Arnor.    If you would have declared war on Morek you would have forced Arnor to drop alliance with Swordfell in order to fight HD. 

Morek vs HD is actually a fairly even fight.  Would have been fun. 
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: Glaumring the Fox on December 31, 2015, 12:32:23 AM
The old federations in the north still stand. HD ( god I hate our realm name ) is the only one trying to maintain small goal oriented alliances and fighting conflicts for RP reasons and not because we want to rule the north.

No you're no, though AQ certainly seems to not be trying either given they don't even want to keep living.
Taselak is Best-elak.

Xavax, to be taken all day erry' day.


Quote from: Ossan on December 31, 2015, 12:52:01 AM
No you're no, though AQ certainly seems to not be trying either given they don't even want to keep living.

They seemed eager enough to join the attack on Cold Spring, and only diplomacy hijinks prevented that from being interesting.

Quote from: dustole on December 31, 2015, 12:43:01 AM
You should have declared war on Morek and not Morek and Arnor.    If you would have declared war on Morek you would have forced Arnor to drop alliance with Swordfell in order to fight HD. 

Morek vs HD is actually a fairly even fight.  Would have been fun. 

Why? I have no reason to war Morek alone. And I honestly doubt Arnor would have even bothered, they could have just gone neutral and attacked our forces in an offensive, letting Morek do the takeovers. So your reasoning is false.


Quote from: GundamMerc on December 31, 2015, 01:17:31 AM
They seemed eager enough to join the attack on Cold Spring, and only diplomacy hijinks prevented that from being interesting.

Why? I have no reason to war Morek alone. And I honestly doubt Arnor would have even bothered, they could have just gone neutral and attacked our forces in an offensive, letting Morek do the takeovers. So your reasoning is false.

Your arguments make no sense.  I'm sorry, but its virtually impossible to discuss these things with you.  Glaumring too...
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on December 31, 2015, 05:25:40 AM
Your arguments make no sense.  I'm sorry, but its virtually impossible to discuss these things with you.  Glaumring too...

I'm saying Arnor can still fight our forces while only being at neutral relations with us if we were allied to Swordfell. They just can't defend a takeover. Or are you purposefully being obtuse?

Gabanus family

Dustole, I'll grant you that it's difficult to siege a one city realm, but certainly not impossible. After your initial hit, you can wait for the peasant militia to disappear a bit and then strike again. Also, the militia is all melee, so if you use your archers wisely in the next siege you can still win.

The defense of Oligarch costs about 6k gold on top of the huge income of the city. There aren't that many realms, especially one city realms, who could afford such a war. If you keep pounding Springdale, smartly, they won't stand a chance. Sirion made quite some mistakes in the sieges themselves as well and Oligarch gained a lot of nobles as well, which AQ doesn't have. Then again, Arnor doesn't have that many knights either.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Springdale is a very rich city.  Not as much as oligarch but still...

In Dwilight we have the benefit of the donut townslands.  Unlike other continents we can actually siege the city.  There is lots of militia in the townslands around the city so its really simple to just let them rot.  Repeated assaults against a heavily fortified city to wear them down over time is no fun.  Especially when you need 2-3 realms armies just to have equal CS not counting the walls.

Antiqualia got themselves into this position.  They declared war foolishly.  They turned down at least 2 overly generous peace deals and several other less generous ones. 

Now HD declares war on essentially all 3 of their neighbors with no militia defenses and their army had sailed north to enter a besieged city leaving 3 armies to march through their lands unnopposed.  Further, they left 2500 bushels of food for us in Nihm when we took it.

HD should realize their mistake and sue for peace while they've only lost one region.  Talk some sense into Antiqualia and help spin off a new realm in Springdale with nobles from all 4 northern realms.

Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)

Gabanus family

Quote from: dustole on December 31, 2015, 04:57:22 PM
Springdale is a very rich city.  Not as much as oligarch but still...

In Dwilight we have the benefit of the donut townslands.  Unlike other continents we can actually siege the city.  There is lots of militia in the townslands around the city so its really simple to just let them rot.  Repeated assaults against a heavily fortified city to wear them down over time is no fun.  Especially when you need 2-3 realms armies just to have equal CS not counting the walls.

Antiqualia got themselves into this position.  They declared war foolishly.  They turned down at least 2 overly generous peace deals and several other less generous ones. 

Now HD declares war on essentially all 3 of their neighbors with no militia defenses and their army had sailed north to enter a besieged city leaving 3 armies to march through their lands unnopposed.  Further, they left 2500 bushels of food for us in Nihm when we took it.

HD should realize their mistake and sue for peace while they've only lost one region.  Talk some sense into Antiqualia and help spin off a new realm in Springdale with nobles from all 4 northern realms.

Which would bring back the collective Morek Empire, sounds like a good plan :)

Trust me, you can defeat Springdale but it may take some time and some smarts. With the townsland surrounding them, there is little they can do in the first place. If you don't have the patience to siege a city, then that is your issue at this point. You succeeded last time and fighting peasant militia on the walls is much easier due to it's melee origin.

In this pace though you'll find the south much more interesting than the north again in a month from now, curious how all will develop.
New account active chars:
Garas: First Oligarch - Goriad: Astrum - Goriad II: Obia'Syela


Quote from: Gabanus family on December 31, 2015, 05:19:36 PM
Which would bring back the collective Morek Empire, sounds like a good plan :)

Trust me, you can defeat Springdale but it may take some time and some smarts. With the townsland surrounding them, there is little they can do in the first place. If you don't have the patience to siege a city, then that is your issue at this point. You succeeded last time and fighting peasant militia on the walls is much easier due to it's melee origin.

In this pace though you'll find the south much more interesting than the north again in a month from now, curious how all will develop.

That would require Arnor to revamp their whole army and somehow convince the bulk of their nobles to recruit archers.  Too easy to tread in the inalienable rights.  War with HD will be more fun.  Antiqualia has chosen to die by boredom.  Why give them the pleasure of assaulting their walls?
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Why does a new realm need formed? Can't you just...change the government without going through the hassle of destroying and recreating a realm?


Because the realm is tainted.  They need to capitulate.  Otherwise it makes no sense to just hand over regions.   The capitulation should be more than symbolic. 

A new realm would start fresh and wouldn't have the taint from Fulco?  Was that his name?  Old ruler in Darfix who has made poor choices and committed betrayal more times than I can remember.

Also I hate the realm name.  A fresh start let's them forge their own identity and not have their history around their neck like a heavy yoke.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)


Quote from: dustole on December 31, 2015, 10:24:56 PM
Because the realm is tainted.  They need to capitulate.  Otherwise it makes no sense to just hand over regions.   The capitulation should be more than symbolic. 

A new realm would start fresh and wouldn't have the taint from Fulco?  Was that his name?  Old ruler in Darfix who has made poor choices and committed betrayal more times than I can remember.

Also I hate the realm name.  A fresh start let's them forge their own identity and not have their history around their neck like a heavy yoke.

Dude, you're the only one who even thinks of it that way. You may have been able to make things interesting in the past, but I think you're becoming much more conservative and have lost your touch.


QuoteBecause the realm is tainted.
What is tainted that can't be removed by dealing with the nobles? A realm is only the sum of its nobles. The fact that recently their history is unacceptable? Such will fade in time, especially if you deal with the nobles within the realm.

QuoteThey need to capitulate.  Otherwise it makes no sense to just hand over regions.   The capitulation should be more than symbolic.
Publicly surrendering, with all the acknowledgements of 'we done wrong', and having the government members step down to put a new government into power (whether of their own choice, your choice, or something in-between), isn't non-symbolic capitulation?

QuoteA new realm would start fresh and wouldn't have the taint from Fulco?  Was that his name?  Old ruler in Darfix who has made poor choices and committed betrayal more times than I can remember.
And what will the history of an old ruler matter with new government and direction?


You might be right.  It's not my decision though.  I had a great deal lined up for them.  They are not interested in capitulation.  Their ruler seems to think there is some glory in fighting to the last.  Which is very dumb.  They've already lost over half their nobles trying that.  That's why I say let them rot and starve.  There is no glory in fighting to the last.  If they really think that then deny them that priveledge.  Let them rot and starve.
Kabrinski Family:  Nathaniel (EC), Franklin (BT), Aletha(DWI)