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The Spirit of the Phoenix of Xavax

Started by Ehndras, December 20, 2015, 06:01:45 AM

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What should be the next goal of Xavax?

Found a state religion ( "Vox Renascentia Phoenicis" or "Children of the Phoenix" under consideration)
Go to war and absorb another nation
Make allies and cause a major multi-realm conflict
Turtle up and mind our own business
Join hands with the other starter realms and cleave the world asunder


A loving friend, an animal companion I call family, passed away as I wrote an otherwise meaningless address regarding the abandonment of ineffective recruitment centers in the interests of raising only the finest soldiers for Greater Xavax. I accidentally turned it into a sort of eulogy to the lost, and a call for brotherhood, for honoring the dead and forging ahead to a newborn future of resounding glory. I feel it would be a fitting introduction to the spirit of our newborn realm, of the sort of thing you would come to expect if you happen to join us in the future.

Cheers, folks. I've got a grave to dig.

This is for you, Champion.

QuoteSons and Daughters of Xavax,

Let us bridge an obstacle our military structure shall continue to face in its infancy. I could simply contact our Dukes and Lords, yes - but as a realm of survivors, of former Lords and Ladies, of Princes, of Empresses, of Dukes, of Generals, of Diplomats, of Priests, of Assassins, of Heroes, of Stewards... I believe the Xavax would benefit from open discourse.

As we begin the establishment of military might in the holdings of Xavax, we face a particular problem: recruitment centers. The fates tempt us with glorious hopes, yet so often we find our centers lacking in some vital facet. Be it expert training, superior weaponry, or stalwart defensive garb, there is usually a downside to the troops we recruit. In the long run, the unforeseen consequences of these integral weaknesses will compromise our ability to wage war. Will we face the armies of the world-at-large with an inferior breed of soldier? Will faulty weaponry weaken our charge? Will shoddy armor decimate our troops? Will inefficient training stir chaos among our ranks?

We face a choice in this day and age - before the mistakes of our administration manifest into a phantom that shall haunt us long into the coming years - to establish a proper foundation for the future conquerors of Xavax. To structure our military in the image of those great and glorious empires of old, or to forge a new path born of the just wisdom and hard-won conquests of those we call brother and sister - the echo of the divine righteousness of the Phoenix of Xavax - You.

I, Voice of Xavax, Xerarch of its people, chosen King of the Phoenix Kin, stand before you as an imperfect being: I am no wise scholar. I am no magnanimous conqueror. I am no economic genius. I am no paragon of justice. Most importantly, I am no God-King. The very same Spirit of the Phoenix that inflames me with passion, wisdom, patience, diligence, honor, duty, and confidence - that Spirit flows through each of you. The wisdom of the Xavax comes from your mind. Your experience. Your successes. Your failures. Your so very human imperfections - the very fabric of morality, of civility, of integrity we define as You - that is Xavax. THAT is what sustains us as a people.

It is not I who birthed the vision of the Spirit of the Phoenix, no - I am simply a vessel of its glorious charge. It is you, my brothers and sisters, honored children of the Phoenix, whose blood pounds and siphons from the heart of Xavax.

You are purpose. You are passion. You are duty. You are diligence. You are honor. You are righteousness.

Your vices and blunders, your hopes and desires, they are what fuel the Phoenix. You are the lifeblood, the sweat, the tears, the soul of Xavax.

I implore you, my brethren, to tear down your battered recruitment centers. Discharge your civilian mayors. Relinquish thy captains. Put aside every last remnant of the past and embrace our glorious future in the contrails of the Phoenix Ascendant. We are kin beyond blood -  survivors of the same cataclysmic womb that birthed our exodus.

Stand with me, Sons of Xavax. Daughters of the Phoenix. Expatriate Kin. Forsaken remnants of a dying age of reason.

Glance eastward, to the Rising Sun of Xavax - to the dawn of a new era - to the rebirth of our spirit - to the foundation of an empire.

We are Xavax! We are the successors to the bloated collapsing empires upon whose fetid corpse we shall tread evermore! From the bloodied carcass of chaos we shall cleave forth into the undying light! We will not sink quietly beneath the towering waves! We will not slumber when the call-to-arms and tolling bell resounds!

The Xavax will cleave this world asunder in righteous fury!

We are the damned! We are the fallen! We are final, true bastion of the old continental powers.

The Burning Legion of the Phoenix Kin of Xavax shall behold the glory of this world - tempered in our sacrifice.

Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Figured I'd share another one. :) Unfortuntely I can't be assed to re-add all the italics, underlinings, and boldness that made it stand out, so it is what it is. Enjoy! Edit: nevermind my OCD got to me. Apparently, I can be assed into action.

Quote"I, King - no, Xerarch Magnus - speak to my brothers and sisters in the grand halls of Xavax for the first time since the chaos of its birth - never before have all the nobles of Xavax come face to face, much less stood in the same graceful halls of the Phoenix' Roost- one of countless playful names for the Capitol of Greater Xavax - a converted fortress-turned-palace. It bears the rugged intimidating architecture of a military stronghold, yet its famed March of a Thousand Lights (Torches) leads the way into magnificent halls, betwixt whose elegant pillars lie the final glorious artifacts of the old world - a veritable collection of national, religious, and cultural relics. The infamous blade of a conqueror - the shield that saved an empire. A copy of the holy book of Ibladesh, and the newborn manifesto of the great Phoenix of Xavax. Tapestries from all the gathered realms who fell to make Xavax possible, and the crest of every dynasty who birthed a nation by the strength of their backs and the timbre of their spirit!"

"I wish to tell you a little story: why only some of you know why the first citizens of Xavax call me its "Xerarch."

"In the loss of our homes, we first lay shattered. Our very existence torn from the mantle of creation, yet we still lived. We few who hailed from opposite corners of the globe, discovered a purpose in these lands. A purpose in one another. We birthed the spirit of Xavax - we embodied the Phoenix in eternal rebearth from the ashes of what came before... Just as each of you now embody the spirit, the face, the voice, the essence of Xavax. The Phoenix of Xavax is the divine reflection of the chaos that brought us together, reforged by the ferocity, malleability, conviction, and righteousness of our greater purpose - a purpose each one had to find within himself. Birthed in the moment your spirit decided upon leaving the old world behind... Tempered by the uncertainty of thy voyages... Its flame kindled by the first pangs of hope felt upon smelling, hearing, and finally looking upon solid ground... It was born in the first child-like steps you took upon the shores of Xavax - whose innocence bore the seed of thy purpose. We are the product of the spirit that saw us torn from our homes, only to discover another lay waiting in the distance. A species of divine irony that somehow manages to infect us with hope. Desperate, glorious hope. In honor of the irony of our fates,  I believe we should keep with the poetic irony of Xerarch and consider other similarly fitting yet ironic drawbacks to the desperate situation that birthed the very spirit of the phoenix in all of us. Xerarch means "walker of earth ; land-treader ; Originating from or upon dry land." I've donned the title as an ironic stab at our previously-dry empires that are soon to lie submerged beneath the vast oceans. It points to our origin, our history of hailing from existing realms, from stability and education and civilization, followed by the loss of all that we are... Yet in honoring our spirits, we rediscoved the meaning of civilization, culture, faith, and purpose in a totally alien setting - with complete strangers to make matters even more complicated - for the mutual benefit or guaranteed destruction of all.

Thus, if we don't put our all into Xavax, putting aside our selfishness and idiosyncrasies, Xavax will fall to conquest or internal chaos... At which point all of us have forsaken every philosophy, every dream, every drop of purpose that courses through our veins - that echoes back to our dynasties, the oaths the swore, the love and beauty and identity we left upon those sinking shores that upon that long, fateful day. A Xerarch's purpose is to keep our people's feet firmly planted upon solid ground - yet never forgetting the waves of chaos that brought our past downfall. The Xerarch should be a constant and eternal reminder of our image and purpose - and the profound cost of forsaking the glory of Xavax. By respecting the individual opinions and desires of each citizen, rewarding those who boast the virtue of experience and wisdom of its well-versed, while granting opportunity and aid to the young and less experienced... Respecting the wisdom and vision of a supreme monarch - thy Xerarch spirit of Xavax: aye, our grand and noble culture built upon countless div
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


...Aaaand the OOC that spawned that last post, an RP. :)

QuoteOut-of-Character from Magnus Aurea   (2 days, 23 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients)

HAAAAA! I had Quaestor for treasurer originally, Justicar for judge, couldn't decide between Commander or Legatus for general... Then figured I shouldn't go stereotypical Greco-Roman like most people do and went more generic to give it less of a theme, since Xavax will be its own theme ... Ironic.

I think we should keep with the poetic irony of Xerarch and think of other similarly fitting yet ironic drawbacks to our !@#$ed-up situation that birthed the very spirit of the phoenix in all of us. Xerarch means "walker of earth, land-treader. Originating upon or from the dry land." I use it as an ironic stab at our previously-dry empires that are soon to lie submerged beneath the vast oceans. It points to our origin, our history of hailing from existing realms, from stability and education and civilization, then our loss of all that, then rediscovering the meaning of civilization, culture, faith, and purpose in a totally alien setting with complete strangers for the mutual benefit or destruction of all. Its Mutually Assured Destruction, effectively. If we don't put our all into Xavax, putting aside our selfishness and idiosyncrasies, Xavax will fall to conquest or internal chaos... At which point all of us "lose." A Xerarch's purpose is to keep our keep firmly planted upon solid ground - yet never forgetting the waves of chaos that brought our past downfall. The Xerarch should be a constant and eternal reminder of our image and purpose - and the profound cost of forsaking the glory of Xavax. It ends up being its own little self-sustaining weirdly-democratic in its respect of everyone's individual opinions and desires, meritocratic by the virtue of the experience and wisdom of its well-versed nobles, yet monarchic with its King whose word reigns effectively absolute, pseudo-nationalist cult, heh, feeding on all sorts of facets of failed governments - uniting the best of each into a self-sustaining zealot realm.

!@#$ it, why not? I didn't plan this... I originally voted for an Administrative Republic, but Xavax just kind of... Took a life of its own.

"...Fitting, isn't it?"

Gregory John Struck
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Random little poem-song-theme thing I was inspired to write. Oh, sleep deprivation, how I enjoy your ruthless grasp!

QuoteReport from Magnus Aurea   (3 days, 3 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients)
High Justice Ruslan Orlov,

Your official introductory address was grand indeed! I am proud and excited to see what you will bring to the table, friend.

It inspired me to write a small poetic piece for the glory of our people. I hope it is not too poor in quality... T'was a work of passion, and swiftly-done.

May Phoenix arise,
Greater Xavax in tow,
A cascade of sparks,
That all men shall know!

From the mists of ice,
And the southern waste,
Foreign blood shall flood,
With all due haste!

Thy twin duchies reborn,
Both Xa'vax and Is'adril,
Where Rising Sun shall reign,
By whet blade and ink'ed quill!

From western lake,
To eastern shore,
No Child of Xa'vax,
Shall re'cant our lore!

By southern plain,
And northern hill,
We shall be forged,
Yet greater still!

Ascend, gentle beast,
Betwixt firmament and sea,
For the glory on high,
And the force we shall be!

Hail, Greater Xavax,
Whose King cries evermore,
"From the ashes of the Phoenix,
Shall our burning spirit soar!"

Magnus Aurea
King of Greater Xavax
Royal of Greater Xavax
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Next, my oath of service from when I was elected King. :)

QuoteLetter from Magnus Aurea   (4 days, 22 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients)
Sons and Daughters of Xavax,

With every fiber of my being, I thank you for the trust you have placed in me. I vow, upon body and soul, to serve the Xavax so long as I yet breathe - and perhaps beyond death, as well! I wish for Xavax to be a realm of free-men - built upon community and sincerity - a place where we may voice opposing views without fear. A place of out-spoken nobles who speak their mind for the good of the realm, where other nations would punish them for voicing their opinions. Never fear speaking up or speaking out - in fact, I challenge each of you to voice you plans and desires, your options and ideals. Let Xavax be a realm of many wonders, most of all the intellectual discussion and diversity of its people! We, of course, desperately require a Treasurer, General, and Judge... If you feel you may quality, please speak up.

The Lordships of our regions are up for grabs. Please speak up if you desire a region. If you have a particular preference, state it. If you support a particular individual's claim upon a region, or have good reason to believe someone will do well with one of the three grand titles, speak up.

I want sincerity from each of you. No more whispers in the shadows. If you dislike something I do or say; if you have a suggestion to make; if you feel something would be more effective handled differently; if you want to suggest military tactics; if you wish to engage in a bit of diplomacy; or if you just have an opinion scratching at your tongue: tell me. Tell me in private, or tell me openly, but for Gods' sakes speak your mind! I value each and every one of your opinions, my friends, and I wish to hear them often - whether they are flattering or hostile.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Last, a stupid-long 11-part post bringing up some of the lore I and numerous others accidentally created early on in the realm's infancy.

QuoteReport from Magnus Aurea   (5 days ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients)

My apologies to those who were here since the beginning and heard this all before. I only wish to repeat the concepts I believe should be heard by our newest arrivals. There are somethings even the first to Xavax have not heard... Please be aware that many of my views have already evolved beyond certain ideals - gathering strength and velocity as the image of the Spirit of Xavax takes hold.

QuotePt. I
Oh, shrouded Xavax: Tis an interesting land, to be sure - shrouded in the dusky mists of lands unknown, as if the very Gods had ferried us from our dying homes. Finding ourselves here, on the extremity - the very Rim of the World, with absolute strangers who only want the same as I - opportunity, and a new life.
Let us guard each other as we press forward into this strange, new continent. It almost feels as if we have been torn out of time itself... The world seems to be righting ancient wrongs, as if some vital mistake or oversight had been committed in its blazing history that must be rectified with great acts of terrifying power. The sinking of an island, a supervolcano, the explosion of monstrous hordes... They very world seems to be destroying itself - or is it more like a plant whose decaying limbs must be severed for the organism itself to survive? Rebirth through sacrifice? Is this the true way of the world?

QuotePt. II

But we here were born of the chaos of this world, upon the anvil of which our realm shall be forged! A Republic would allow us to cycle between positions, aiding the realm to the best of our abilities. It would allow us to work together as a single unit while maintaining our unique personalities and cultures, enriching Xavax as a whole.

I believe this is the best path for us. Any less would just lead to bickering rivalries and imperialist claims of every random royal or former lord who strolls through our gates.

Let us serve as a shining beacon to the world, rather than echo the mistakes and tyrannies of our forefathers.

QuotePt. III

To see the Phoenix of Xavax rise to the heavens, before crashing down upon our enemies. To use my knowledge and spirit to guide Xavax upon the battlefield, and in the courts. And to see the people of Xavax elevated, given the breadth of opportunity deserving of their efforts, despite their wealth, politics, faith, or family history. I wish our people to be equals, unlike the many realms of the world, so that all our foreign sons may embrace destiny as one.

QuotePt. IV

I would be honored to rule Xavax, though it is not imperative that I do so. I simply have a vision of what Xavax may come to be, and would like to see it come to fruition. I would not be disinclined from following a worthy ruler to oblivion and back, though if I can be that worthy ruler who inspires the people of Xavax to untold heights, then so be it.

As for my other two desires, well... I'll split it into two separate categories.

For the realm, I would like to found our first standing army - the (Rising?) Phoenix of Xavax. I have come to repeat the sentence a number of times, and it feels good when it rolls from my tongue - as dewdrops roll from virgin leaf, as morning light bursts forth from the east.

The establishment of a proper military hierarchy, perhaps in the form of two armies - one headed by myself for now, and the other by you as has been done thus far. While one defends the realm, the other serves as expeditionary force. When war inevitably comes to our borders, we may work together to accomplish diverse goals - better off than a one-army realm, to be sure.

I would see our realm expanded as far as it can go, through military and peaceful means, before we reach the borders of other realms. I have already contacted the rulers of the many realms, and received a few answers. One such ruler has even seen fit to educate me on the complex history and politics of the continent, for which I am incredibly thankful. I will share his words after I dispatch this missive.

And for myself...

I would like to become a hero, one day. Yes, it may be a difficult and dangerous path, but it is one of glory. I believe we will need strong-will and dedication to breach this continent effectively. I am willing to lay down my life and spirit in the interests of preserving, stabilizing, and expanding the Will of Xavax as far as it may go. I will bleed for Xavax - and if need be, die for it. I hail from a line of ambassadors and generals, rulers and priests - yet I have accomplished little of note during my time in the Cagilan Empire.  I was a Lord, yes, and played a vital part in multiple battles against the Empire's many enemies, but I did not unleash my full potential. Here in Xavax, all of us must be afforded the chance to do so - to be reborn upon foreign soil, to ascend beyond our former titles and lives, and become more than we ever could before.

And last, but certainly not least... Xavax will reforge us into newborn images of our old selves as we relinquish the trappings of our histories. Lowborn or royal, this is now our home. We are stuck here, for better or worse, so I can't help but feel we should make the best of it. Perhaps, once our takeovers are complete, your army might join us in Isadril for a humble feast? It would be a grand and noble gesture of thanksgiving and unity - a bunch of mismatched strangers drinking and feasting in the halls of a dead city reclaimed from the chaos of this world!

QuotePt. V

Each of those would be incredibly unfair. It is blood, sweat, and tears that will prove our strengths and weaknesses. I believe we should be an administrative Republic - ruled by vote, though with a Meritocratic touch. Those who prove themselves shall rule what they earn. If you prove yourself an able commander, you will likely become a general, marshal, or vice-marshal. If you show your negotiating prowess, you will become a Treasurer or Ambassador. So on and so forth. A certain list of criteria, set forth by the realm proper, should be established to test each prospect. Mock battles, example diplomatic situations, an imaginary trade situation, and so forth. A combination of wisdom, experience, and sheer strength of will should be what drives our people to gain their titles, not simply lobbying, wealth, or politicking. Let those who are most fit to rule, thus rule. Not by blood, wealth, or prestige, but by deserving the titles they are granted. That is the fairest method, in my honest opinion.

Pt. VI

With so many influential and strong-willed personalities, a Republic would best allow us to expand and remain strong. Let us set aside aged imperialism and royal families - after all, we hold no common history and I'm sure many of us can trace our lines back to emperors and kings. My mother's rulership in the Terran Republic was such an example. When the former ruled became a crochety old man grown tired of his many responsibilities, my young mother took on the mantle and forged a new path for the nation. She dreamed of an empire, but she and Rynn knew it would come at great cost. It was not to remain an empire, only in its infancy, for the strong-will of singular ruler draws comfort from those fearful of chaos.

QuotePt. VII

I will not see Xavax ruled by any measure of fool - nor would I expect any other to do so. We have not sailed halfway across the known world upon creaking ships to bow before one who would do our newborn real a grave injustice. If we are to claim our destiny, we must become ONE. A singular vessel within which shall coalesce the combined might of countless dynasties; from the lowest knight to the highest empress; of trying faiths myriad; a din of voices which shall echo evermore unto the annals of history. Xavax shall be LEGION!

Fractured, we fall - together, the Phoenix of Xavax shall rise!

Sons and Daughters of Xavax:

I am proud to announce that I am running for the position of Ruler of Xaxax - which I would happily and somewhat comedically see titled "Xerarch" in honor of the once-dry lands whom which we've hailed. I dream of grand strongholds and wealthy cities, of expert armies and the coexistence of faiths, of cultural unity and intellectual exchange in a realm born of foreign blood, prodigious sweat, and stalwart struggle. I dream of the ascendancy of the Phoenix of Xavax: of a united front against all enemies of our union. A realm that welcomes men of countless origins and statures, from the lowliest knight to the highest sovereign monarch. I wish for it to be a realm of opportunity for tor those who have been so callously swept from their ancestral homes and the dynasties of their forefathers.

Can we achieve all this? Aye! That and more. It will be a difficult journey, to be sure - so let us put aside our differences, place upon our backs the Sun-mantle of Xavax, and embrace the rebirth of our people!

Walk with me, brothers and sisters. Be the steel to be struck and forged upon the Anvil of Xavax. Let our exodus be the hammer, our spirits the forging flame, our imperative will manifest once more.

We are far from our homes... Everything we have known is sinking beneath the sea... But it need not be the end, no - here, in the hallowed halls of Xavax, it shall be just the beginning!

QuotePt. IX
As Lady Selenia so astutely recognized, <ommitted> would be a target most wise. Their <ommited> noble-count ensures they will be an easy conquest. Judging by their diplomatic relations, in so far as I may ascertain, this will require some measure of planning - seeing as how they are allied with <ommitted>. <ommited> may be all but dead for all we know, the rest I do not know. We will need to send out diplomatic feelers once our realm is truly established, if only to gauge the response times of our future enemies.

Any noble who does not support the expansion of Xavax is unfit to rule. We are a fledgling nation of expatriate warriors, diplomats, monarchs, and cutthroats, are we not? Then let us bring our strengths to bear and unleash the might of Xavax upon those who stands between us and the manifestation of our ultimate destiny. Later on, when Xavax stands strong, perhaps then we may consider a content ruler who seeks no expansion.

For the foreseeable future, however, we must be as young children - forever crawling, daring to stand after each faltering step, until our legs grow strong and we may run freely to explore the great world beyond our humble perception.

Pt. X
There's a whole wide world out there, ripe for the taking. Are you bold enough to reach out and grasp the fruit that sways in gentle breeze? How about the root that must be painstakingly pulled from soil? Though fresh, low-hanging fruit is wonderful, every man, bird, and insect will pick at its bounty until naught remains. Now, the roots and fungi, the harsh-growing survivors, that is what we must harvest - that is what we shall be.

Moss upon a wayward tree. A mushroom in the shadow of a copse.

Perhaps we are all just dung beetles rolling in their filth - but Xavax is OUR filth. This meager, insignificant patch of abandoned terrain, revealed by the receding mists of unerring fate, is OUR legacy in the making. A pitiful nest that shall birth the next generation of warriors and intellectuals alike.

I want every damn ruler on the content whispering "Xavax" in their hidden courts. I want their generals studying our tactics. I want their diplomats observing our culture. I want the envy of their scholars. I want the ire of their assassins.

What is the measure of a realm? Wealth? Power? Stability?

No. The measure of a realm, much like the measure of a man, is the legacy it leaves behind.

Together, we shall make Xavax a name worth remembering.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Our stance toward religion:

QuoteLetter from Magnus Aurea   (3 days, 2 hours ago)
Message sent to everyone in your realm (22 recipients)
Lady Odwella,

I shall see that Xavax is a land welcoming of all faiths, though they may not revere the spirit of the Phoenix we so gloriously uphold. Be they Trinitarian, Ibladeshi, or Phoenexian, (Foh-knee-she-in???) I wish all faiths to be allowed, celebrated, and joined as one. Let it be known that the people of Xavax are gentle and fair to all men and women of the cloth.

Please remit the words of this priest to the realm proper, and our council. Once we have established the Trinitarian faith is peaceful and poses no threat to the people of Xavax, I shall see fit to declare it legal. Until then, inform the priest he may enter our lands and preach - but if he is found to attempt subversive action through unlawful conversion without the authority of the Burning Crown of Xavax, or to coerce our people into building temples without first consulting with our council, I will unfortunately have to deem the Trinitarian faith unlawful until any discrepancies are rectified through honest communication of will and intent. If they can abide by that request, then they may walk among the Xavax as brothers.

(Burning Crown? how does that sound? The Phoenix King's crown should be fire-related, somehow, I think. Maybe there's a more eloquent way to put it. Any suggestions would be great! Lets keep "rolling with the punches" and take the theme as far as we can. Establish a whole sub-culture around Xavax. ;) Hehe!)

Magnus Aurea
King of Greater Xavax
Royal of Greater Xavax
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


A little more lore. :)

Roleplay from Magnus Aurea   (2 days, 21 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)

My Duke and Duchess,

Share thy scribes' records and work together to see a market built swiftly. Isadril bears the stronger economy, yet perhaps Xavax holds the infrastructure. Perhaps the Duke of Isadril could reinforce Xavax in the mutual purpose of building the Grand Market of Xavax... Or of Isadril? Discover which city would better house a market and work as a single unit to succeed. The location matters not - both cities will soon bear their own market. The only true meaning behind this race is to see Xavax fed as soon as possible. Thus, the question of where becomes meaningless - it will bring no extra prestige or benefit to disagree over location - yet the stabilization of the realm proper shall be owed to both - the left- and right- hands of the Phoenix. It is through you that our vision shall be filtered and given voice. It is you, my greater council, who shall enact the will of Xavax - guided by thy Xerarch - for the glory of all. In forsaking our individual desires, sheathing our blades and clasping hands instead, we achieve more than we ever could in singularity. Take on the virtues of the spirit of the Phoenix of Xavax, wherein you shall embody the hope of our people. From you, the open palm and clenched fist of Xavax; through Justicar's judgement, the righteousness of Xavax; by the Quaestor's thrift and diligence, our stomachs fed and purses fattened; in Strategos' grand strategy, our excellence manifest. The hands, the heart, the stomach, the mind of Xavax.

And last but not least, in Xerarch, the expression of our vision. Our voice. Our sovereignty. Our home.

Xevax is yours.
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


My first and only display of anger, so far. Hehe. Cheers.

QuoteRoleplay from Magnus Aurea   (2 days, 21 hours ago)

Message sent to everyone in your realm (23 recipients)

"<omitted> has denied the right of Xavax to claim a territory by virtue of its dynasties. We are one with Xavax - our blood and spirit commingled! In brotherhood, our ancestors - too - became Xavax. And thus, by the blood that binds our oath to one another, and the virtues of dynastic inheritance in recognition of our sovereign descent, they have insulted the very spirit of our people! What greater right have they upon Ibladesh that bears the very name of the faith of Priestes Viridiana? What greater right have they upon <omitted>, whose blood did not rule rightfully and by official decree? They have spat in the face of the spirit of Xavax! Their putrid spittle singed by the flames of the Phoenix embodied in our very spirit! They dare make jokes at our expense - deducing that our fair noble is a fool for his rightful claim, insinuating that he commit treason and abandon the Xavax - abandon his people!"

"Indeed they shall know the glory and fury of Xavax in one form or other... I refuse to see the birthright of Xavax so easily squandered. <omitted> was a haven of stagnation until reports of our people sprung them into short-lived action. The northern realms claimed <omittted> to curb our expansion - to deny us the rightful roost of the Southern Phoenix. <omitted> have fast proven friends, gifting us with wisdom, charity, and strategic knowledge. <omitted>? No such thing. <omitted> were the first, and only one of two parties to respond to my initial communique to the standing rulers of the continent. More so, as you have seen, there have been various new rulers named. First, <omitted> denied Xavax the right to speak and be heard. Then, they denied us <omitted> - <omitted> region they obviously held little interest in, until the ice retreated and greed flooded in with tales of virgin lands. And now, a newborn realm rises in the west - eager to befriend us. <omitted>. They have offered us food to feed Xavax... They have called for a "symbiotic relationship." Therefore, we have a choice - join hands with the western state and wage war upon the northerners - sans <omitted> of course, as an ally is required for safety, stability, and trade - or we consume <omitted> and absorb their strength into ours."

"Each path has its unique risks and merits..."

"If we assimilate the <omitted>, we risk watering down the spirit of the Phoenix. Newcomers may not understand our vision, or respect it, and seek to subvert the culture and essence of Xavax from within. Yet perhaps they will imbue it with a spirit renewed, reborn once more as we were. Perhaps that is our destiny, to be reshaped again and again by the touch of foreign blood... A realm of expatriates who sought a greater vision of purpose. Or perhaps they'd best fit as allies - whose loyalty shall be proven, in fear, adoration, or respect - in brotherhood against the north. Against <omitted>, and whoever else dares blockade the din of progress.We are such a tribe - for what are we but nomads so recently-settled in stalwart unison- fighting to surpass barbarism in a fell new world?"

"Eager for civilization and glory, it is The Xavax who shall cleave this continent asunder!"
Old (Deleted) Aurea family= Alura (Ruler/Marshal-Terran); Alekhthaeos (Arcaea); Ehndras (Riombara); Vvaros (Arcaea); Magnus (Xerarch-Xavax); Alekhsandr (Marshal/Hero-Fissoa); Decimus (Warrior-Sandalak); Khets'aeïn(Assassin-Riombara)

This account is no longer in use. New account vaguely under wraps.


Per forum rules, IG messages may not be posted on the forums, with the exception that roleplays may be posted on the roleplaying board. I will try to move this thread later when I get a chance.
If at first you don't succeed, don't take up skydiving.