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Wii U

Started by Revan, June 10, 2011, 02:55:39 PM

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Nintendo have blinked first and made the first next-gen console announcement. What does everyone think? As inspired as the original Wii or is the next console destined for failure in contrast to it's predecessor?

For me, I'm heartily intrigued by that control pad with the screen and of course, with news of a new Super Smash Bros. game on the way, I'm going to have no choice but to pick-up this console on release >.< Seems a shame that they're not going to sell additional controllers with screens though. That can only mean they'd be an eye watering price at retail.


My Wii is now mostly used for the Virtual Console (And as a place for my cat to throw up on apparently :S), so I doubt I'll be buying any new consoles. I'll stick to my pc. I'm going to pick up the new Zelda game for sure. The Wii U looks interesting from a 'not-going-to-buy-it' point-of-view and it seems like they went a step further again. It's not entirely new of course, as they had the GBA connectors in the past (like with Four Links Adventure game, which was fun, albeit one of the longest games ever if you have my friends), but getting that private screen does open up some interesting new options. Most of the other options seemed less promising.

The crucial point in my opinion is if games will actually start to properly take advantage of and implement those new controls, and that's where I'm sceptic. Many games on the Wii are simply easier played with the gamecube controller (Mario Kart Wii, Super Smash Bros etc.) and don't really make great use of the motion control. It's more a fun gadget, not the main way to play. Games need to approach things very differently and get the new controls properly integrated and do that good as well (Touchscreen on the DS being the only way to move your character, for example, is generally a big pain)

My own inexperienced conclusion: Looks awesome, but I doubt the games will take full advantage of it.


I must say I'm not really into consoles, and least of all into the Wii. So I'll spare you my opinion :D


Consoles are really overrated in my opinion. PCs (including laptops) are so much better. They tend to last a little longer, PCs are upgradeable and you can play virtually any kind of game on it (including strategy games - try playing that on a console). Why people buy consoles, I still don't really understand. But whatever makes you enjoy your spare time, I guess.  ;)
Ardet nec consumitur.


They last longer? My old PlayStation worked for 12 years and broke down because I left it in a damp, moldy cellar. In that time I've gone through 2 desktops and 6 laptops. I have a friend with a 15-year old N64 that still works perfectly. I know of people who have working Super Nintendos, with the original lightguns.


Yeah, I don't know about the lasting longer comment. Especially when it comes to simply becoming outdated within the market.

Buy a laptop and its outdated within 2 years unless you upgrade it (read $$$) yourself. The Xbox 360 and the PS3 are 6 and 5 years old respectively and are still the current, most up to date hardware.

Also, what Sacha said is so true. My N64 is still sitting out on my entertainment center and I could fire it up right now if I wanted; same goes for my original Xbox or my PS2.

I'm a big fan of consoles. Computers are only great for gaming if you have the $$$ to spend on freakin' awesome computers and the upgrades they require year to year to play the latest stuff.
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


Well, consoles are "good" because they're easy. You buy one in the store (games often come with it, even), you plug it in and you start playing. No installations, no complications, less or no weird errors (stupid windows), ...

Computers, on the other hand, are more cumbersome. They need maintenance, upgrades and -dates, repairs... But in return, I feel computers offer a better gaming experience. RTS or FPS games simply aren't that good on consoles. And PC's offer better graphics.

Another thing: pc's allow more variation. Many games offer mods, additional storylines, new textures and whatnot. And warez, of course :)


Quote from: Sacha on June 10, 2011, 05:51:58 PM
They last longer? My old PlayStation worked for 12 years and broke down because I left it in a damp, moldy cellar. In that time I've gone through 2 desktops and 6 laptops. I have a friend with a 15-year old N64 that still works perfectly. I know of people who have working Super Nintendos, with the original lightguns.

What the hell do you do to computer hardware. There is almost no real difference in the mean life time of the components of a console vs the components of PC's or Macs. This is even more true these days since consoles use more and more PC or customized PC hardware.
Previously of the De-Legro Family
Now of representation unknown.


Quote from: De-Legro on June 11, 2011, 07:50:58 AM
What the hell do you do to computer hardware. There is almost no real difference in the mean life time of the components of a console vs the components of PC's or Macs. This is even more true these days since consoles use more and more PC or customized PC hardware.

I suppose it's because people don't perform maintenance on PC's. Over time they slow down, and instead of fixing it, people just buy a new one "because it got too damn slow".

Consoles don't really need that, do they?


Quote from: Shizzle on June 11, 2011, 11:32:58 AM
I suppose it's because people don't perform maintenance on PC's. Over time they slow down, and instead of fixing it, people just buy a new one "because it got too damn slow".

Consoles don't really need that, do they?

+ computers are used way more intensively than consoles. I mean, you can only play games on a console, while there is so much more to do on a computer...
Ardet nec consumitur.


Back to Wii U, considering how the console is going to have good graphics again is an improvement(Granted Sony's and Microsoft's next gen will probable have better graphics, but Wii was barely an improvement from Game Cube). Also I think it is going to be way easier for them to implement cool stuff with the touch pad display because it is simpler, and they have all the experience from the DS. If you think about it the new console is essential a huge DS. The bottom screen is your controller, and the top screen is your TV.


Quote from: MaleMaldives on June 11, 2011, 07:11:52 PM
Back to Wii U

Sorry for that.

The best thing about it is how lightweight the Wii was to play. I mean, how instinctive could a controller be? Judging on how the new machine works, they seem to be stepping away from that, though, more aiming for real gamers?


Quote from: MaleMaldives on June 11, 2011, 07:11:52 PM
Back to Wii U

Basically, until Nintendo really starts capturing "real" games and not just fun party games, etc. It will always remain more a novelty/party game in my book. Wii is fun when you have a bunch of friends over. But when I want to sit down and have a true gaming experience it's always still going to be Xbox 360 or PS3 (or their next gen consoles, of course). 
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)


When Wii first came out I think they were hoping to have "real" games. In my opinion the first games that got released for Wii were the best such as Zelda. Then Wii's limitation showed as xbox 360 and ps3 games kept getting way better, and left Wii with only doing dumb party games.


Quote from: MaleMaldives on June 12, 2011, 06:26:14 AM
When Wii first came out I think they were hoping to have "real" games. In my opinion the first games that got released for Wii were the best such as Zelda. Then Wii's limitation showed as xbox 360 and ps3 games kept getting way better, and left Wii with only doing dumb party games.

This is true, I think. Zelda, Super Mario Galaxy, Super Smash Bros. are all great franchises. But after those iterations comes out for each generation of Nintendo consoles, it seems all they've got it "cooking mama."  :P
"A tale is but half told when only one person tells it." - The Saga of Grettir the Strong
- Current: Kemen (D'hara) - Past: Kerwin (Eston), Kale (Phantaria, Terran, Melodia)